
Historic Cemeteries

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East Perth
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Time Line: East Perth cemeteries
Site Map: East Perth cemeteries
Virtual Heritage Trail: East Perth cemeteries
Virtual Heritage Trail: East Perth cemeteries

Management . . .

St Bartholomews: East Perth cemeteries
National Trust: East Perth cemeteries
Friends of the East Perth cemeteries
Conservation: East Perth cemeteries

Cemeteries . . .

Graveside Symbolism and Customs
Australian cemeteries and Related URLs
Bibliography for Further Research
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Nov 1, 2001
Grave Surround

East Perth Cemetery Tombstone Inscriptions, Western Australian Genealogical Society, Perth, 1960.

Bodycoat, R., East Perth Cemeteries Conservation Plan: Prepared for National Trust of Australia (WA), Perth, February 1992.

Easton, L. & Shardlow, R.H., East Perth Cemetery and Saint Bartholomew's Church, National Trust of Australia (WA), Perth, 1980.

King, S., Tour Through Time: Investigating East Perth Cemeteries, National Trust of Australia (WA), Perth, 1999.

Richards, O., East Perth Cemetery Landscape Conservation Study: Prepared for the East Perth Project, Perth, June 1991.

Richardson, J.A & Davies, D., East Perth Cemetery: Resting Place of Western Australian Pioneers, Vols 1-3, Royal Western Australian Historical Society, Perth, 1986.

Grave Surround

A Guide to the Conservation of Cemeteries, National Trust of Australia (NSW), Sydney, 1988.

Cemeteries: Guidelines For Their Care and Conservation, Department of Planning & Heritage Council of New South Wales, Sydney, 1992.

National Guidelines for the Conservation of Cemeteries, Australian Council of National Trusts, Canberra, 1996.

Coate, K.H. & Y.E., Lonely Graves of Western Australia, Perth, 1986.

Coate, K.H. & Y.E., Western Australian Burial Location Index, Western Australian Genealogical Society, Perth, 1996.

Curl, J.S., A Celebration of Death, Constable, London, 1980.

Gilbert, L., A Grave Look at History: Glimpses of a Vanishing Form of Folk Art, John Ferguson Pty Ltd, Sydney, 1980.

Sagazio, C., Cemeteries: Our Heritage, National Trust of Australia (Victoria), Melbourne, 1995.

Grave Surround

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