Perth DPS Logo
Dead Persons' Society

Perth, Western Australia

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Dead lucky for research
The Sunday Times, Perth, April 18, 1999

Dead Persons' Society Aims

The Perth Dead Persons' Society was originally formed by a group of Western Australian family researchers who communicated on the FidoNet Bulletin Board service known as the Dark Closet. It was operated by Sue and Tony Down and unfortunately, had to close down in late January 1998.

Murdoch University's Teaching and Learning Centre came to the rescue and offered to host this Web Site and a Mailing List called [dps-chat].

The [dps-chat] Mailing List is moderated by Rob Nelson and the Mailing List Web Pages will give you subscription details and other information.

The Bigger Picture

The DPS movement began in Melbourne, Australia in August 1992 when twelve interested people met in the home of Leone Fabre. The Melbourne DPS has grown since those early days, and since April 1994 has met in a local community hall capable of accomodating the fifty or more people who attend each month.

After the Melbourne experience, groups soon sprang up in other major capital cities and in each case the DPS members gravitated around a Fidonet BBS which specialised in genealogical conferences and files.

Real Meetings 'in-the-flesh'

Meetings provide a forum for the exchange of ideas and skills, and apart from regular hands-on workshop sessions, guest speakers are also invited to speak on special topics of interest.

Today DPS SOCIETIES are located throughout Australia and New Zealand, and if you are travelling around Australasia, why not try and attend a DPS meeting along the way.

Oct 5, 2002