This list of censuses and musters was prepared by Graham Lewis
and may not be reproduced without his permission.
We are grateful to Graham for allowing us to include it on this web site.
The following list is as complete as I can make it, but no doubt others will be able to add to it. Please let me know of any suggested changes by emailing me at Please note that I am not a professional researcher and cannot undertake research in any of the items listed.
As you will see, the Australian Biographical & Genealogical Record (ABGR) has published a number of the lists itemised below. The ABGR is now wound up, but the Society of Australian Genealogists retains the ABGR's papers and also provides some research facilities. Click here to reach SAG's home page.
Please note that, as far as I am aware, none of the items in the list is available on-line - I am happy to insert links if any are drawn to my attention.
New South Wales was the initial Australian colony, formed in 1788 as a place to send convicts, after the scope to send them to North America had ceased! Transportation to "the east coast of New South Wales or some one or other of the adjacent islands" was a fairly common sentence, for what we would today regard as fairly trivial offences. (More serious crimes resulted in the death penalty, but a proportion of these were also converted to transportation, for 7 years, 14 years or Life).
Other Australian convict settlements followed, initially on Norfolk Island and at Derwent River (the site of Hobart Town, now simply Hobart, Van Diemen's Land [VDL], now Tasmania). In later years VDL became a separate colony, but, in formal terms, NSW had the jurisdiction for many years, including New Zealand initially. Unless otherwise specified below, the musters etc are for NSW alone.
Because of the need to keep track of the convicts, who were usually assigned to work gangs or as servants to farmers and other settlers, from 1795 the convict population was regularly "mustered" annually, physically counted and various other details updated. The accuracy of these various musters was acknowledged as variable, at the time.
The soldiers, officials, free settlers and their families were generally recorded at the same time.
Since 1841, no census survives. A number from the last century were lost in a major fire, and none from this century has been retained, apparently for reasons of protection of privacy, and a fear that failure to do so would put the accuracy of the census in doubt.
Apart from what is below, from 1810 to 1821 there are nominal lists of people who remained convicts and resident in the colony when Governor Macquarie took charge on 1 January 1810, updated for those who arrived up to September 1820, and for deaths, leaving the colony, etc. These alphabetic lists are apparently working lists updated from the annual musters and other records, few of which have survived in this period. They are therefore sometimes useful, but are not prepared as at a particular time, as for other items below.
I have quoted the (UK) Public Record Office (PRO) reference, where I have it. Also references at the Archives Office of New South Wales (AO), the Mitchell Library (Sydney) (ML), and the name of any recent publication that has reproduced the muster or census.
In addition to the official records quoted below, a couple of publications provide biographies of those who arrived on the First and Second Fleets to Australia (arrived 1788 and 1790 respectively). These are: "The Founders of Australia: A Biographical Dictionary of the First Fleet", Molly Gillen, Library of Australian History, Sydney, 1989, ISBN 0 908120 69 9, and "The Second Fleet: Britain's Grim Convict Armada of 1790", Michael Flynn, Library of Australian History, Sydney, 1993, ISBN 0 908120 83 4.
Enough background - now to the detail!
Sydney and Norfolk Island Victualling List - 1788
A list survives of persons victualled from HM's Stores between 26 February 1788 (establishment of the colony) and 17 November 1788, including births, deaths and discharges.
PRO ref: T1/688
New South Wales and Norfolk Island - 1791-1794
In November 1791 a return was sent to England giving the numbers of militia, civil establishment, settlers, convicts and other people either fully or partly on rations from the Government's stores. No personal detail. Similar returns were made from 1792-1794. All survive, but I haven't the reference.
Norfolk Island Victualling Lists 1792-1796, 1803-1812.
Similar records to those for 1802 below are extant.
ML ref: A1958 AO ref: 4/1168A, 4/1168B, 4/1169
New South Wales General Muster - 1795
Musters of all inhabitants, other than the military, were held 26 September in Sydney; 1 October at Parramatta and Toongabbie; and 3 October at the Hawkesbury. They have not survived.
New South Wales General Muster - 1798
A general muster took place on 14 February 1798 in all districts. It has not survived.
New South Wales - 1799
In May 1799, District Constables were directed to collect lists of all those who lived within their respective districts, and forward them through their local magistrate. This appears to be the only example of this type of collection. There was also a muster in June, attended by Governor Hunter.
None of these has survived.
Settlers' Muster Book - 1800
The title of this is somewhat misleading, as it is in fact two volumes, containing not a complete muster, but nine lists prepared by/for Governor King covering the period 1800-1802.
A General Muster was performed in July/August 1800 and repeated in 1801 and 1802. These musters have not survived, but information extracted from them gives us seven of the nine lists referred to above. The other two lists are a preparatory muster of all the convicts assigned (as servants) to the officers.
List 1 - Land and Stock held by Free Settlers, and Emancipated or Expired Convicts in July/August 1800 - shows Date of Land Grant/Lease, Name, Livestock, Crops Sown, Crops to be Planted, On/Off Stores (separately for settler, other men, women, children), Where, Grant/Lease/Purchase, Claims on Gov't, Wheat to be Returned to Gov't (to pay off debts etc).
List 2 - Land and Stock held by Officers in July/August 1800 - shows Date of Land Grant/Lease, Name, Occupation, Livestock, Grant/Lease/Purchase, Total Acres, Cultivated Acres, Where, Crops Sown, Crops to be Planted, Claims on Gov't, Remarks.
List 3 - Persons Off Stores - Appears to have been prepared in 1801 but used as a working document until at least March 1803. Probably prepared from records of Tickets of Leave, or victualling records, or both. Details shown - Ship of Arrival, Name, TOL Number, Where Resident, With Whom/Why Off Stores.
List 4 - Persons Off Stores in 1801 - Appears to be part of sequence with List 3, but slightly different. Details shown - Ship of Arrival, Name, Trade, Where Resident, Ration Status(?), TOL Number, With Whom/Why Off Stores.
List 5 - Expired or Emancipated Convicts and Free People Off Stores in 1801 - Does not appear to be complete, and probably not extracted from the General Muster, but from victualling records combined with information from the General Muster. Details shown - Ship of Arrival, Name, Trade, Where Resident, Ticket of Freedom Number(?), Ration Status(?), With Whom/Why Off Stores.
List 6 - List of Persons c1801 - Purpose and basis of selection unclear, but appears to be early arrivals. Details shown - Name, New or Old (not clear what significance), Ship of Arrival (few entries).
List 7 - Land and Stock held by Free Settlers, Officers or Expired or Emancipated Convicts in 1802 - Appears to have been prepared about mid-1802 - possibly a copy of the landholders' section of the 1802 General Muster. Details shown - Ship of Arrival, Name, Grant/Lease/Purchase/Rent, Where, Cleared Acres, Acres Cropped, Total Acres, How Free, Livestock (horses, cattle, sheep, goats, hogs), Grain in Hand, On/Off Store (separately for settler, other men, women, children, servants).
List 8 - Convicts allowed to Officers &c for their Domestic Purposes, who are Supported by the Public - Officer's Name & Occupation, Servant's Name & Status, Remarks (servant's occupation, etc).
List 9 - Servants Employed by Officers in 1800 - Contemporary with the General Muster of July/August 1800. Details shown - Officer's Name & Occupation, Servant's Name & Status, Remarks etc (servant's occupation or updating his residence, if no longer employed).
ML ref: A4413 (transcript - original held by NSW Parliamentary Library)
Published in "Musters and Lists, New South Wales and Norfolk Island, 1800-1802", Australian Biographical and Genealogical Record, Sydney, 1988, ISBN 0 949032 06 9.
King's Lists 1801
These ten lists were recorded between September 1800, when King became Governor of NSW, and December 1801. A General Muster was held in July 1801. The first five of King's Lists record land, crops and stock, apparently copied or extracted from this muster. Two lists record convicts with Absolute or Conditional Pardons. Three others list births, deaths and colonial trials between September 1800 and December 1801, while the tenth is an 1802 victualling list for Norfolk Island.
List 1 - Free Settlers from England in 1801, by Order of Government, including those received on the "Canada", "Minorca" and "Nile". Details shown - Ship of Arrival, Name, Date Land Acquired, Acres Held, Acres Cleared, Acres Sown, Governor who Granted Land, Stock (horses, cattle, sheep, goats, hogs), Number in Family On/Off Stores.
List 2 - Free Settlers from England in 1801, without Order from the Secretary of State. Details shown - same as List 1.
List 3 - Settlers from Discharged Marines, Soldiers of the NSW Corps and HM's Vessels in 1801. Details shown - same as List 1.
List 4 - Settlers from Convicts whose Terms have Expired or Emancipated in 1801. Details shown - same as List 1.
List 5 - Civil & Military Officers (including Storekeepers and Superintendents) in 1801. Details shown - Name & Occupation/Rank, Number of Grants (including who by), Date of First Grant, Acres Granted, Acres Purchased, Total Acres, Cleared Acres, Acres Sown, Livestock (horses, cattle, sheep, goats, hogs), Number of Assigned Convicts.
List 6 - List of Absolute Emancipations. Details shown - Name, By Whom Pardoned, Residence of those alive and remaining in Colony, Dead or Left the Colony.
List 7 - List of Conditional Emancipations. Details shown - same as List 6.
List 8 - List of Births in New South Wales from 01Sep1800 to 31Dec1801. Details shown - Name (many with no forename), When Born.
List 9 - List of Deaths in New South Wales from 01Sep1800 to 31Dec1801. Details shown - Name, When Died, Age (often just "adult", "child" or blank).
List 10 - List of Persons Tried in New South Wales from 01Sep1800 to 31Dec1801. Details shown - Name, When Tried, Crime, Sentence, Outcome (executed, pardoned etc), Remarks.
PRO ref: CO201/21
Published in "Musters and Lists, New South Wales and Norfolk Island, 1800-1802", Australian Biographical and Genealogical Record, Sydney, 1988, ISBN 0 949032 06 9.
Norfolk Island Victualling Book 1802
Records of food and clothing rations issued on Norfolk Island during 1802. Details shown - Name, Category (convict, settler etc), Occupation or Rank, Date On/Off Victualling. All children included.
PRO ref: CO201/29
Published in "Musters and Lists, New South Wales and Norfolk Island, 1800-1802", Australian Biographical and Genealogical Record, Sydney, 1988, ISBN 0 949032 06 9.
General Musters - 1800, 1801 and 1802
These musters were taken at the same time as the respective Land and Stock Musters recorded in the "Settlers' Muster Book 1800" and "Governor King's Lists 1801" (qv), but have not survived.
River Derwent, VDL - Victualling List 17 October 1803 - 31 December 1804
This list covers the period of transfer from Port Phillip (now Melbourne) to River Derwent (now Hobart). Detail shown - Name and Quality (convict etc)
PRO ref: CO201/43
Published in "Land Musters, Stock Returns and Lists: Van Diemen's Land 1803-1822", Irene Schaffer (ed), St David's Park Publishing, Hobart, 1991, ISBN 0 7246 2177 6.

Norfolk Island Muster - February 1805
Probably derived in much the same way as the NSW 1806 Muster, but couldhave been derived from Victualling Books. Covers all inhabitants. Detail shown - Name, Occupation and Category (soldier, settler, free, convict, etc), and whether On/Off Stores (i.e. victualled by Government or not).
AO ref: 4/1167A
Published in "Musters of New South Wales and Norfolk Island, 1805-1806", Australian Biographical and Genealogical Record, Sydney, 1989, ISBN 0 949032 09 3.
Also in "The Forgotten Generation of Norfolk Island & Van Diemen's Land", Reg Wright, Library of Australian History, Sydney, 1986, ISBN 0 908120 62 1
General Muster of NSW, Norfolk Island and VDL - August 1805
This has not survived.

General Muster, Land & Stock Muster - August 1806
12Aug1806 Male prisoners and free men other than those holding land.
13Aug1806 Female prisoners and free women.
14Aug1806 All those holding land in Sydney etc district.
16Aug1806 All those holding land in Parramatta etc district.
18Aug1806 All those holding land in Hawkesbury district, below Green Hills.
19Aug1806 All those holding land in Hawkesbury district, above Green Hills.
20Aug1806 All those holding land in Nepean/Richmond district.
Detail shown - Name, Ship arrived on, Condition (Free, Prisoner etc), How employed (or with whom, for females), and Remarks (not many of these, plus much detail of land and crops under cultivation, bushels of grain of various sorts on hand, animals, free men employed, whether or not victualled by Government, and remarks (generally whether renting, granted or purchased land).
PRO ref: HO10/37
Published in "Musters of New South Wales and Norfolk Island, 1805-1806", Australian Biographical and Genealogical Record, Sydney, 1989, ISBN 0 949032 09 3.

Marsden's Female Muster - 1806
Similar to that recorded in the extant female section of the 1806 General Muster, but with some discrepancies, and details of children added. The latter were probably from the original muster records but not transcribed to the alphabetised copy that survives.
ML ref: MSS 18
Published in "Musters of New South Wales and Norfolk Island, 1805-1806", Australian Biographical and Genealogical Record, Sydney, 1989, ISBN 0 949032 09 3.
Land & Stock Muster - Hobart Town, VDL - 17 October 1806
Detail shown - Name, Acreage (various crops) and Livestock (horses, cattle, oxen, sheep, goats, hogs).
ML ref: BT2
Published in "Land Musters, Stock Returns and Lists: Van Diemen's Land 1803-1822", Irene Schaffer (ed), St David's Park Publishing, Hobart, 1991, ISBN 0 7246 2177 6.
Land & Stock Muster - Port Dalrymple, VDL - 24 April 1807
Detail shown - Name, Acreage (various crops), Livestock (horses, cattle, sheep, swine, goats)
ML ref: BT2
Published in "Land Musters, Stock Returns and Lists: Van Diemen's Land 1803-1822", Irene Schaffer (ed), St David's Park Publishing, Hobart, 1991, ISBN 0 7246 2177 6.
Land & Stock Muster - Hobart Town, VDL - 14 July 1807
Detail shown - as for 1806, & On/Off Stores (self, wife, children, servants).
PRO ref: CO201/44
Published in "Land Musters, Stock Returns and Lists: Van Diemen's Land 1803-1822", Irene Schaffer (ed), St David's Park Publishing, Hobart, 1991, ISBN 0 7246 2177 6.
General Muster - Derwent River, VDL - 10 May 1809
Detail shown - Name, Quality (convict, etc), Acreage (various crops), On/Off Stores (self, wife, children), Situation (place, etc).
PRO ref: CO201/52
Published in "Land Musters, Stock Returns and Lists: Van Diemen's Land 1803-1822", Irene Schaffer (ed), St David's Park Publishing, Hobart, 1991, ISBN 0 7246 2177 6.
General Muster, Land & Stock Muster - March 1810
This has not survived, except for Norfolk Island.
AO ref: 4/1169
Land and Stock Musters - 1811 and 1814
These musters were taken at the same time as the respective General Musters below, but have not survived.

General Muster of Convicts and ex-Convicts in NSW - 1811;
Return of ex-Convict Settlers at Hobart Town, Derwent River, VDL - 1811;
General Musters at Port Dalrymple, VDL, and Norfolk Island - 1811.
Taken in NSW at Windsor 05-11 February 1811; at Parramatta 13-20 February; at Liverpool 21 February; at Sydney 25 February to 05 March; in Hobart Town, VDL, on 21 March 1811; on Norfolk Island on 6 August 1811; and at Port Dalrymple, VDL, on 30 June 1811.
The surviving volumes give no details of the subject's life or family in 1811, apart from whether mustered in NSW, HT, NI or PD. The remaining data is all arrival or pre-arrival data - Name, Sex, Ship of Arrival, Trial Date and Place, Sentence, and Arrival Status (convict etc)
The original musters, however, appear to have collected information on residence, present status, age group of children and ration status, as well as details of land and livestock, as collations of these statistics survive.
PRO ref: HO10/5 and 10/42 AO ref: 4/1224 and 4/1233
Published as "General Musters of NSW, Norfolk Island and Van Diemen's Land, 1811", Australian Biographical and Genealogical Record, Sydney, 1987, ISBN 0 949032 05 0.

Population Book and Stock Book - Norfolk Island - 6 August 1812
Annual return of all inhabitants, land, stock etc.
AO ref: 4/1170
General Muster of Inhabitants of NSW - 1814
Taken at Windsor 17-24 October; at Parramatta 27 October - 02 November; at Liverpool 04-05 November; at Sydney 09-16 November 1814.
Details shown - Name, Where Mustered, Ship of Arrival, Current Status (convict etc), On/Off Stores (self and children), Remarks (one or more of occupation, employer, spouse, marital status or nationality etc). Children under 15 were not listed in their own right. The original muster also collected details of land and livestock, but these have not survived, except in collated form.
AO ref: 4/1225
Published as "General Muster of New South Wales, 1814", Australian Biographical and Genealogical Record, Sydney, 1987, ISBN 0 949032 03 4.
General Musters, Land & Stock Musters - 1815-1817
The Governor personally supervised annual musters and returns, which were written up in his office. None survives.
General Muster, Land & Stock Muster - September to November 1818
The Governor also personally supervised this. Only the Land & Stock section survives. Detail shown - Name, Acreage for various crops etc, Cleared Acreage, Total Acreage, Livestock (horses, cattle, sheep, hogs), Bushels of Grain on Hand.
AO ref: 4/1226
Muster of Free Persons - Hobart Town, VDL - September to October 1818
Detail shown - Name, SHip of Arrival, Name of Ship's Master, Where & When Convicted, Sentence, On/Off Stores (self, children).
AO ref: 4/1235.2
Published in "The Forgotten Generation of Norfolk Island & Van Diemen's Land", Reg Wright, Library of Australian History, Sydney, 1986, ISBN 0 908120 62 1
General Muster, Land & Stock Muster - September to November 1819
Detail shown - Name, Ship of Arrival, Name of Ship's Master, Sentence, Free/Convict, On/Off Stores (self and children), Remarks (employment etc), plus land/stock details as for 1818.
AO ref: 4/1227, 4/1228
General Muster, Land & Stock Muster - Hobart Town etc, VDL - October 1819
Muster of Free Persons, Land & Stock Muster - Port Dalrymple - October 1819
Detail shown - Name, Ship of Arrival, Description (convict, etc), Where/When Tried, Sentence, Grant/Lease, By Whom Granted/Leased/Located, Acreage (various crops plus total), Livestock (horses, cattle, sheep), Grain On Hand, On/Off Stores (self, wife, children, government servants), Free Men Employed, Number in Family, Remarks.
AO ref: 4/1235.2, 4/1235.3, 4/1235.4, 4/1235.6, X740
Published in "Land Musters, Stock Returns and Lists: Van Diemen's Land 1803-1822", Irene Schaffer (ed), St David's Park Publishing, Hobart, 1991, ISBN 0 7246 2177 6.

General Muster - September 1820
In the hope of improving accuracy, the magistrates were asked to supervise and receive the returns for their respective districts. The hope was in vain and the muster found to be so inaccurate that it could not be forwarded to England. The magistrates were asked to hold fresh musters and revise their returns. The muster has not survived other than in abstracted form, but a number of the magistrates' population books and land/stock books have. Detail shown in the books - Name, Year of Birth, Class (free, convict etc), Ship & Year of Arrival, Name of Ship's Master, Sentence, Children, Remarks (occupation, employer, spouse etc).
AO ref: 4/1221.1, 4/1221.2, 4/1232.1, 4/1249.1
Muster of Convicts - Hobart Town, VDL - October 1820
Detail shown - not known.
AO ref: 4/1235.7
General Muster, Land & Stock Muster - Port Dalrymple, VDL - November, 1820
Detail shown - not known for General Muster, but excludes military; Land & Stock, as for Hobart, 1819.
AO ref: 4/1235.8, 4/1235.9
General Muster, Land & Stock Muster - September to October 1821
The Governor took charge of the muster again. The general muster has not survived, but a rough draft copy of land/stock section has, showing details as for 1818, with addition of whether land held by grant/lease/purchase, and whether the proprietor or tenant is resident on the land.
AO ref: 4/1230, 4/1231
Convict Muster - Hobart Town, VDL - October to November 1821
General Muster - Port Dalrymple, VDL - October 1821
Detail shown - not known.
AO ref: 4/1235.10
General Muster, Land & Stock Muster - Port Dalrymple, VDL - November, 1820

General Muster, plus Land and Stock Muster, September 1822
The muster took place on different days, according to sex and whether free, convict or ex-convict, under the supervision of magistrates. District Constables were asked to visit every house and farm as a check on accuracy.
02-03 Sep 1822 Castlereagh district.
02-04 Sep 1822 Liverpool and Windsor districts.
02-07 Sep 1822 Parramatta district.
02-13 Sep 1822 Sydney and district.
05-07 Sep 1822 Richmond district.
09-11 Sep 1822 Wilberforce district.
Details shown - Name, Age (children only), Arrival Status (convict, etc), Current Status, Ship of Arrival, Sentence, Colonial Sentence (i.e. if subject to further sentence in NSW), Occupation, Employer etc, Where.
Plus, if a landholder, Where, How Land Held (lease etc), Resident or not (on his land), Acreage for various crops etc, Cleared Acres, Total Acres, Livestock (horses, cattle, sheep, hogs), Bushels of Grain on Hand.
In addition, a number of magistrates' population books have survived, giving detail similar to set out in respect of 1820. Some land/stock books have also survived, giving Name of Original Land Grantee/Purchaser, Whether held by Grant/Lease/Purchase, Whether Proprietor/Tenant Resident on Land, Acres of various Crops etc, Bushels of Grain on Hand, Livestock (horses, cattle, sheep, hogs), Brand used on Livestock.
District Constables were asked to check the accuracy of the magistrates' work, and some of their notebooks have also survived.
PRO ref: HO10/36 AO ref: Muster - 4/1231, 4/1232.3
AO ref: Books - 4/1221.3-1221.6 AO ref: Notebooks - 4/1220.1, 4/1218, 4/1219
Published as "General Muster and Land and Stock Muster of New South Wales, 1822", Australian Biographical and Genealogical Record, Sydney, 1988, ISBN 0 949032 08 5.

Muster of Free Persons - Hobart Town, VDL - 1822
Detail shown - Name, Ship of Arrival or Colony Whence Came, Arrival Year, Sentence, Where/When Tried, Children.
PRO ref: HO10/18
Land & Stock Muster - Port Dalrymple, VDL - October to November, 1822
Detail shown - as for Hobart, 1819.
AO ref: 4/1235.12
General Muster, plus Land and Stock Muster - 1823
Mustering was organised by initial letter of name. It has not survived, but some of the magistrate's books and constables' notebooks have, providing detail as for 1820/2.
AO ref: Books - 4/1221.7, 4/1223.3, 4/1223.4 Notebooks - 4/1218, 4/1220.2
Convict Muster - Van Diemen's Land - October to November 1823
Detail shown - not known.
PRO ref: HO10/45
General Muster, plus Land and Stock Muster - 1824
Mustering was organised by initial letter of name. It has not survived, but some of the magistrate's books have, providing detail as for 1820/2.
AO ref: 4/1222.1, 4/1222.2, 4/1222.5, 4/1222.6, 4.1222.7, 4/1223
General Muster, plus Land and Stock Muster - 1825
The general muster survives, and list all inhabitants (excluding the military) for the years 1823-1825. Some magistrates' population books have also survived, providing detail as for 1820/2.
Detail shown - Name, Age, Class (convict, etc), Ship/Year of Arrival, Sentence, Employment (landholder, occupation etc and place).
Some magistrates' population books have also survived, providing detail as for 1820/2.
PRO ref: HO10/19-20 AO ref: 4/1222.8 - 4/1222.10, 4/1249.2
Published as "General Muster List of NSW 1823, 1824, 1825", Society of Australian Genealogists, Sydney, 1999, ISBN 0 949032 10 7. Click here to buy from SAG.

Census of New South Wales & Norfolk Island - 1828
Forms were issued on 18 September 1828 to each Magistrate Bench. District Constables, accompanied by a clerk, then visited each house and farm to complete the forms. First completed forms were submitted 8 November 1828, with some straggling in in the early months of 1829.
Some household and institutional returns survive. Alphabetic compilations from the returns have however survived. Details shown - Name, Age, Free/Bond, Ship of Arrival, Year of Arrival, Sentence, Religion, Occupation, Employer or Remarks, Residence, Acres Cleared/Cultivated/Total, Cattle, Sheep, Other Livestock.
PRO ref: HO10/21-28 AO ref: 4/1238.1, 1238.2, 1239.1, 1239.2, 1240 and 1241
Published as "Census of New South Wales, November 1828", Library of Australian History, Sydney, 1980, ISBN 0 908120 31 1.

Censuses of New South Wales - 1833, 1836
The censuses taken on 2 September 1833 and on 2 September 1836 have not survived, except in abstracted or tabulated form.
AO ref: 4/1242.3 to 4/1242.8

General Muster of Convicts in New South Wales and Norfolk Island - 1837
The original title indicates a date of 31 December 1837. However, unlike earlier musters, it is not the product of mustering people at various places over a month or so. It is a wholly clerical reconstruction, based on the 1836 census (which does not survive), updated for new arrivals through 1837. Ages appear to be those of 1836. Some other updating has taken place, however, most thoroughly for initial letters A-G, and particularly to update the names of assigned masters through 1837, with some updating for 1838 or even 1839. Entries with initial letters K, X and Z have not survived. The volumes were forwarded to London in December 1839.
Details shown - Name, Age, Ship of Arrival, Year Arrived, Where Tried, Master's Name (to whom convict assigned), District, Remarks (generally current convict status - ticket of leave, etc)
PRO ref: HO10/32-35
Published as "General Return of Convicts in New South Wales, 1837", Australian Biographical and Genealogical Record, Sydney, 1987, ISBN 0 949032 04 2.

Census of New South Wales - 1841 Now Online at State Records NSW
A household census was taken on 2 March 1841, from which a small proportion of household returns survive. Apart from the names of both the head of the household and the proprietor, only statistical (i.e. aggregated) information about the household. Nonetheless, if you know the likely family structure, it is possible to relate some information to known individuals.
Details shown - Householder Name, Place, Proprietor Name, Dwelling Construction, Number of Persons (total and free), together with statistical breakdown by Age, Civil Condition (convict, free etc), Religion and Occupation, all subdivided by Sex and Marital Status.
AO ref: X946 - X951, 4/1243, 4/1244
Muster of Norfolk Island - August 1844
Return of convicts only.
Original in Tasmanian Archives.
Censuses of New South Wales - 1846 onwards
Censuses were held on 2 March 1846, 1 March 1851, 1 March 1856, 7 April 1861, 2 April 1871 and 3 April 1881 but have not survived, except in abstracted form. A census taken on 5 April 1891, and the collectors' books survive, but they provide the name of the head of household, but no other detail at individual level.
Censuses since 1900
Australia federated in 1901. Censuses have been held in 1901, 1911, 1921, 1933, 1947, 1954, 1966, 1971, 1976, 1981, 1986 and 1991. Each has been destroyed after statistical extractions have been made, and the same is planned for 1996.