Nov 1, 2001
Many family historians in Australia have a Boer War soldier in their ancestry, although little
is usually said about the sacrifices they made.
1999 marks 100 years since the hostilities began in South Africa and hopefully a greater
awareness will be kindled throughout Australia.
This site is intended to guide, inform and entertain those beginning their research just as
it should help the more experienced ones.
A brief overview of Australian military history, although our energy has been concentrated on
the Boer War to date. |
A history of events leading up to the War in South Africa between 1899 and 1902 ... it'll be
ready soon !!!
Boer War Soldiers
Alphabetical Lists of soldiers who served with Australian contingents in South Africa
between 1899 and 1902 ... Victoria & NSW are still coming !!! |
Military Links
A comprehensive list of Australian Military URLs ... if it's on the net and free,
we're doing our best to get it here! |
Books to help with your Boer War research ... if you can drag yourself away from the computer!. |
Common South African terms used in reports coming back from the front during the Boer War. |
Navigation of the site is facilitated by the menu on the left and the links at the top and bottom of each page. We hope the search for your military ancestors is made easier by our efforts and above all we hope it is FUN.
We welcome your feedback or suggestions, but regret that we are unable to respond to individual questions or requests for help with research.
Please report any problems to the Webmaster
(Most of the graphics used on these pages are copyright
and should not be used without permission.)
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