Close the Window Physical Descriptions of Convicts on the
Scindian, 1850

* Although this information has been compiled in good faith,
please refer to primary sources for confirmation and further research.

Surname      Christian Name(s)  Reg No      Occupation       M/S Child   Height         Hair                           Eyes         Face                     Complexion                  Build                     Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Bailey        William             75  labourer                S  none   5' 5-1/2"  light                              blue         full                      fair                   middling stout                   75  Cut on back of left hand
Baker         James               48  blacksmith              M  six    5' 7-1/2"  dark grey                          hazel        full                      dark                   stout                            48  Mole on left shoulder
Barker        George              39  labourer                S  none   5' 9"      brown                              grey         oval                      dark                   smart built                      39  Marked with smallpox
Baxter        James               32  labourer                S  none   5' 5-1/4"  dark brown                         brown        round                     dark                   middle size                      32  None
Best          Francis             73  carpenter               M  three  5' 5"      brown                              light blue   long, thin                fresh                  slight                           73  Chisel cut on left hand, near thumb; light whiskers
Bradbury      John                66  carter                  S  none   5' 4-1/2"  brown                              dark hazel   oval                      dark, fresh            stout                            66  Four scars on forehead over right and left eyes
Brakes        Samuel              26  labourer                M  none   5' 8"      dark brown                         hazel        full                      dark                   stout                            26  Left eyebrow broken; MB on left arm
Branson       William              3  baker                   W  none   5' 7-1/2"  brown                              hazel        oval                      dark                   stout                             3  Small scar inner corner of left eyebrow
Bristow       Arthur              51  carpenter               S  none   5' 3"      black                              dark hazel   oval                      dark                   stout                            51  Small scar on knuckle of first finger right hand
Bristow       Reginald            50  mason                   S  none   5' 3"      brown                              grey         oval                      fair                   slight                           50  None
Brown         Joseph              45  labourer                M  two    5' 8"      dark brown                         dark blue    oval                      dark                   stout                            45  None - heavy whiskers
Burgess       Charles             38  labourer                S  none   5' 3"      brown                              hazel        oval                      dark                   healthy                          38  Mermaid, crown and anchor on right arm; rose and thistle on left arm; full rigged ship on the left breast; a ring mark on each third finger    
Burkett       Solomon             19  shepherd                M  four   5' 4"      brown                              light hazel  oval                      fresh, fair            stout                            19  Marked with smallpox
Carter        William              8  butcher                 S  none   5' 6"      Sandy inclined                     hazel        prominent                 fair, freckled         stout                             8  Scar on top of forehead over right eye
Cox           James               53  mason                   S  none   5' 4"      dark brown                         blue         oval                      dark                   stout                            53  Scar over right eye, one at corner of left eye
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Surname      Christian Name(s)  Reg No      Occupation       M/S Child   Height         Hair                           Eyes         Face                     Complexion                  Build                     Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Davis         John                52  mason                   S  none   5' 7"      light brown                        blue         oval                      fresh, fair            middling stout                   52  None
Dawes         Robert              35  labourer                S  none   5' 3"      light                              light grey   full                      fresh                  stout                            35  RD and crown on left arm
Diggle        Samuel              58  mason                   M  four   5' 4-1/2"  brown                              grey         oval                      fresh, fair            stout                            58  Fractured knuckle of 2nd finger left hand
Dobson        John                36  labourer                S  none   5' 8"      dark  brown                        blue         oval                      dark                   stout                            36  Scar over right eye
Drake         William             42  baker                   S  none   5' 8"      brown                              blue         oval                      fresh, fair            stout                            42  None
Eley          Robert              14  sailor                  S  none   5' 3-1/2"  dark brown                         grey         oval                      dark                   stout                            14  None
Faulds        Thomas              22  labourer                S  none   5' 4-1/2"  brown                              grey         round, rather flat        dark                   stout                            22  Scar under left eye
Fletcher      Thomas              18  collier                 S  none   5' 8-1/2"  fair                               grey         oval                      fair                   stout                            18  Marked with smallpox
Hargreaves    Thomas              31  Mason                   S  none   5' 2"      light brown                        grey         long                      fresh                   ....    ....    ....    ....    31  A flower pot on left hand, a woman and duck on right
Hart          Thomas              55  mason                   S  none   5' 4-3/4"  brown                              blue         oval                      fresh, fair            stout                            55  Small scar near nail of fore-finger left hand
Hatton        James               69  carpenter               M  two    5' 5"      brown                              blue         oval                      fair, little browned   stout                            69  Scar under right eye
Hirst         Thomas              10  brass moulder           S  none   5' 3"      dark brown                         brown        oval                      rather sallow          stout                            10  T.H. on left arm
Holder        Robert              40  painter                 S  none   5' 6-1/4"  dark brown                         blue         long, protruding chin     sallow                 thin                             40  None
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Surname      Christian Name(s)  Reg No      Occupation       M/S Child   Height         Hair                           Eyes         Face                     Complexion                  Build                     Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Jackson       Samuel              16  sawyer                  S  none   5' 3"      brown                              grey         oval                      fresh                  stout                            16  5 small dots, 10 small dots on right and left hand, close to thumb
Jeffry        Luke                56  labourer                S  none   5' 8"      dark brown                         hazel        oval                      dark                   stout                            56  S.L.B.L.J. three dots left arm
Jermyn        John                 6  shoemaker               S  none   5' 9"      brown                              blue         long                      fair                   stout                             6  2 moles on neck
Johnson       William             70  carpenter               M  none   5' 8"      dark brown                         dark hazel   sharp                     dark                   stout                            70  Small rise in the cartilage of the top the of nose, left side
Jones         Richard             41  smith                   M  two    5' 7-1/4"  dark, a little grey & bald on top  grey         full, a little care-worn  florid                 proportinate                     41  Scar on back of left hand
Lancaster     Allan               57  servant                 S  none   5' 10-1/2" brown                              dark brown   long                      dark                   slight                           57  Marked with smallpox
Larcombe      John                 4  miner and sawyer        S  none   5' 4"      light brown                        hazel        oval                      fair                   stout                             4  LARK and an anchor on right arm - EM
Loveridge     William             34  tinker                  S  none   5' 7-1/2"  brown                              blue         prominent                 dark                   stout                            34  Sophia and woman on left arm; shamrock, thistle, and figure in centre
Mathieson     Alexander           44  nail maker              S  ....   5' 10-1/2" dark brown                         grey         prominent                 dark                   slender                          44  Small scar on right thumb
Morris        James               49  labourer                M  five   5' 4"      brown                              hazel        long                      dark                   upright, proportionate           49  Scar on right cheek
Morris        John                67  carpenter               S  none   5' 6-3/4"  dark brown, appearing black        dark hazel   oval                      dark                   stout                            67  Two warts on back of each hand, and small scar in centre of left cheek; cut on palm of left hand    
Oliver        George              65  labourer                S  none   5' 4-3/4"  dark brown                         grey         thin                      fresh                  slight                           65  One blue mark above right eyebrow
Osborne       James               62  carpenter               S  none   5' 8"      light brown                        blue         long, sharp               fresh                  stout, middling                  62  None
Osborne       John                72  sawyer                  S  none   5' 9"      light                              blue         oval                      fair                   stout                            72  Slightly pitted with smallpox
Patience      John                 2  labourer                M  two    5' 7"      brown                              grey         oval                      fair                   stout, middling                   2  C.P.E.P. on right arm, J.P. on right hand
Phillips      George              30  labourer                S  none   5' 7-1/2"  dark, a little grey                blue         long, sunken              slightly florid        square built, slouching walk     30  Scar of wound on right thigh, deserter D on left side
Porteous      Mathew              20  saddler, harness maker  M  two    5' 7-1/4"  dark brown                         grey         long, sharp               dark                   stout                            20  2 small scars over left eyebrow
Postius       George              17  labourer                S  none   5' 3"      light brown                        blue         oval                      fair                   stout                            17  One tooth minus, next eyetooth, in the upper jaw
Pye           Charles             59  mason                   S  none   5' 5"      brown                              light hazel  sharp                     dark                   stout                            59  None
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Surname      Christian Name(s)  Reg No      Occupation       M/S Child   Height         Hair                           Eyes         Face                     Complexion                  Build                     Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Rackham       James               43  carter                  M  seven  5' 6-1/2"  dark brown                         dark hazel   long, heavy               dark                   middling stout                   43  Several moles on neck
Raine         Thomas R            63  carpenter               S  none   5' 8"      light brown                        grey         oval                      fresh, fair            stout                            63  JR. TR. CR. AR. Thistle on left arm
Raison        John                64  carpenter               S  none   5' 9-1/2"  dark brown                         hazel        round                     fresh                  stout                            64  Man, RS and 2 sprigs on left arm
Rampling      John                46  groom                   M  one    5' 11"     dark brown                         grey         long                      fresh                  slender                          46  A sailor on right arm; ER on back of right hand; half a man on left arm
Richardson    George              71  saddler                 M  none   5' 7-1/4"  light brown                        grey         long                      fresh                  healthy                          71  None
Robinson      Thomas              68  carpenter               S  none   5' 4"      dark brown                         dark         round                     dark                   stout                            68  R.B. on left shoulder; ----------- inside left elbow
Rodrigues     Thomas              24  mason                   M  two    5' 11-1/2" light brown                        hazel        oval                      fair, tanned           moderately stout                 24  Leech marked on temples; downcast eyes
Scattergood   Samuel               1  gardener                S  none   5' 9"      light brown                        blue         thin                      fair, tanned           stout, middling                   1  Man and woman, 2 stars, 1 dog, ST. 1838, on right arm; half moon and 7 stars, an anchor, heart, spade, club and diamond, IMB on left arm
Smith         James                9  baker                   S  none   5' 7"      dark brown                         grey         oval                      fair                   stout                             9  Small scar on left cheek bone
Smith         John                33  labourer                S  none   5' 5-1/2"  light brown                        blue         oval                      fresh                   ....    ....    ....    ....    33  None
Smith         Samuel              37  sawyer                  S  none   6' 0-1/4"  light brown sandy inclined         hazel        oval                      fair                   stout                            37  Small scar on right wrist
Smith         William             13  tailor                  S  none   5' 3-1/4"  dark brown                         brown        oval                      fresh                  stout                            13  None
Spillet       Edward              12  stone mason             M  two    5' 6"      light brown                        grey         oval                      fair, fresh            stout                            12  Scar on left side of chin; mole on left breast and on back of neck
Stone         Martin              25  carter                  S  none   5' 7"      light brown                        grey         long                      fair                   middling stout                   25  Cut across middle fingers, left hand
Stubbs        Thomas              21  sawyer                  S  none   5' 5-1/2"  fair                               hazel        fair, long                dark                   slight                           21  11A: two dots; ring on left hand
Sweeny        James               15  mariner                 W  two    5' 8-1/4"  grey                               blue         round                     sallow                 stout                            15  Crucifix on right shoulder; man and woman on right arm; ensign on right arm; mermaid on left arm
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Surname      Christian Name(s)  Reg No      Occupation       M/S Child   Height         Hair                           Eyes         Face                     Complexion                  Build                     Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Taylor        Seymour             28  labourer                S  none   5' 8-1/2"  black                              dark grey    long, sunken              very dark              gipsy                            28  Sun, moon and stars, on left arm
Tetlow        James               23  labourer                M  six    5' 5"      light brown                        blue         thin, sharp               fair, a little tanned  stout                            23  Small scar on right arm below elbow
Thomas        Alexander           61  turner                  S  none   5' 9-1/4"  light brown                        hazel        sharp                     fair, tanned           stout, middling                  61  Alex, Thomas, a woman with rose in hand, T.T. 17. HEHC. M.D.E.J., tree, anchor. A 25, 1847, anchor, two rings on fingers - all on right arm and hand; a cross and fish, and STMJ, an anchor and sun, on back of left hand; two small scars in outer corner of both eyes    
Thompson      George               7  miner and sawyer        S  none   5' 8"      brown                              blue         prominent                 fair, a little tanned  stout                             7  Scar corner of right eye, small scar. on chin, small blue scar inside right ear
Trott         Thomas              11  mason                   S  none   5' 5"      brown                              blue         oval                      brown                  stout                            11  Marked with smallpox
Ward          Frederick           29  labourer                S  none   5' 2-1/4"  dark brown                         blue         oval                      dark                   stout                            29  1 mole on right thigh
Watkins       George              27  labourer                S  none   5' 7"      light brown                        blue         oval                      fair, fresh            stout                            27  None
Welsby        Thomas               5  Muslin manufacturer     S  none   5' 5-1/2"  dark brown                         dark hazel   prominent                 dark                   stout                             5  3 small cuts on knuckles of left hand
Westmoreland  Francis             47  farm labourer           M  five   5' 4"      brown                              grey         care-worn                 ruddy                  stoops                           47  None
Wetherall     Esau                54  labourer                S  none   5' 3-1/2"  light brown                        grey         oval                      fair                   stout                            54  Top of finger left hand minus to the 2nd joint; hands freckled
Wilson        George              74  clerk                   S  none   5' 5-3/4"  sandy                              grey         long                      fresh                  slight                           74  Mark behind right ear
Wilson        John                60  sawyer                  M  four   5' 11"     fair                               blue         oval                      fair                   stout                            60  None
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