Our Australian Families' Earliest Arrivals and Births |
Christine Uphill and Dot Wells began this project and thought it might be interesting to establish who were Perth DPS members' earliest Western Australian and Australian ancestors. The idea started to form when John & Liz McLennan commented that Liz's huge PAF database consisted of mainly Western Australians and that they all seemed to be connected in some way. Perhaps some members are related to each other several generations back and don't know it ! Send the following information (including names and ship details where possible) to
It helps if information is submitted in the same format as the following examples: * SMITH, John, arr. 1 Jan 1799 per 'Sinking Ship' to Widgiemooltha NSW * SMITH, James, b. 1 Jan 1800 Widgiemooltha NSW, son of John & Mary (nee BROWN) We look forward to hearing from you and hope you enjoy the results as they stand at the moment. |