Close the Window Physical Descriptions of Convicts on the
Norwood, 1867

* Although this information has been compiled in good faith,
please refer to primary sources for confirmation and further research.

Surname     Christian Name(s)  Reg No          Occupation         M/S  Child    Height        Hair          Eyes        Face       Complexion        Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Abbott       Edwin              9377  painter                      S   none   5' 3 1/2"   brown         grey         long         freckled       middling stout  9377  Scar above left elbow, cast left eye
Aitken       James              9378  plasterer                    M   three  5' 6 1/4"   grey & brown  light grey   long         fresh          middling stout  9378  Scar left leg
Allen        William            9379  tailor                       S   none   5' 0"       red           grey         oval         fresh          middling stout  9379  Six blue marks left arm, cut right forefinger, lost two upper front teeth, nose crooked
Atkins       John               9380  miner                        M   four   5' 7 1/4"   brown         grey         long         fair           middling stout  9380  Woman on each arm, coat of arms upper part right arm, ring 2nd finger left hand, lost two upper front teeth   
Backman      John               9381  fiddle string maker          M   two    5' 7 1/4"   brown         dark grey    long         dark           middling stout  9381  None
Ball         Thomas             9382  bricklayer                   S   none   5' 4"       brown         grey         oval         dark           middling stout  9382  Blue marks, bracelet & coat of arms left arm, man in fighting attitude right arm
Bamber       John               9383  shoemaker                    W   none   5' 6 1/2"   brown         grey         oval         fresh          middling stout  9383  Widower; Blue cut marks left cheek, large blue cut under chin
Barker       John               9384  waterman                     S   none   5' 4"       brown         dark grey    long & full  fresh          middling stout  9384  Injured third finger right hand, pockmarked
Barker       Thomas             9385  shoemaker                    M   one    5' 5 1/2"   brown         grey         oval         dark           middling stout  9385  Coat of arms, star, heart, T B R star, B left arm
Bate         James              9386  groom & gardener             S   none   5' 2"       brown         hazel        oval         dark           middling stout  9386  Man in fighting attitude & two anchors right arm, palm tree & snake left arm, ring third finger left hand, slightly pockmarked   
Bell         Thomas             9387  collier                      S   none   5' 5 3/4"   brown         grey         long         dark           middling stout  9387  Sailor, woman & ship right arm
Bentcliffe   John               9388  miner                        M   four   5' 6 1/4"   brown         hazel        long         dark           middling stout  9388  Coal cuts on forehead and face, and scar on right wrist
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Surname     Christian Name(s)  Reg No          Occupation         M/S  Child    Height        Hair          Eyes        Face       Complexion        Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Blakely      William            9389  turner                       S   none   5' 5"       red           dark hazel   long & full  fair           middling stout  9389  Scar left of neck
Bone         Henry              9390  miner                        M   four   5' 4 1/4"   brown         grey         full         sallow         middling stout  9390  Coal cuts on forehead and face, one large cut left side of nose, 2nd finger right hand broken
Booth        John Foster        9391  miner                        M   six    5' 6"       dark brown    dark brown   long & full  swarthy        stout           9391  None
Brookes      William            9392  miner                        M   none   5' 5 1/4"   brown         grey         oval         fresh          middling stout  9392  Sailor, woman and wreath right arm; woman and full rigged ship left arm; highlander, sailor and 2 flags on breast   
Brooks       Thomas             9393  fitter                       M   two    5' 5"       grey          light hazel  full         sallow         middling stout  9393  Dog right arm, mermaid left arm
Brown        John               9394  labourer                     S   none   5' 7"       dark brown    dark brown   full         dark           middling stout  9394  Lost right great toe
Brown        Thomas             9395  seaman                       S   none   5' 7 3/4"   brown         grey         thin         sallow         slight          9395  Pockmarked; crown and flags on right arm
Buckley      Samuel             9396  tailor                       S   none   5' 3"       light brown   dark hazel   long         fresh          middling stout  9396  Mole each side belly and each side bottom of back
Bullock      James              9397  carpenter                    S   none   5' 2"       brown         grey         full         healthy        middling stout  9397  Scar left knee
Burns        Robert             9398  labourer                     S   none   5' 1 1/2"   dark brown    hazel        long         fresh          middling stout  9398  Lost several upper front teeth, marks of corporal punishment on back
Butler       George             9399  bricklayer                   M   four   5' 9"       brown         hazel        long         pale           middling stout  9399  Lost 2 upper front teeth, cut on right wrist
Carey        Joseph             9400  shepherd                     M   four   5' 7"       brown         grey         full         healthy        stout           9400  Small scar behind left ear, cut left forefinger, cut left thumb
Carlton      Edward             9401  architect                    W   one    5' 6 1/2"   black         dark hazel   long         sallow         slight          9401  Widower; Lost four upper front teeth, small cut right forefinger
Cartwright   Thomas Robert      9402  fitter                       M   one    5' 6 3/4"   sandy         grey         full         fair           middling stout  9402  Heart & E R, bracelet left arm
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Surname     Christian Name(s)  Reg No          Occupation         M/S  Child    Height        Hair          Eyes        Face       Complexion        Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Castleton    Charles            9403  labourer                     W   two    5' 9 1/2"   grey          blue         long         sallow         middling stout  9403  Widower; Scar across stomach from a stab, birth mark back of neck, large lump behind head
Chapman      James              9404  labourer                     M   four   5' 5 3/4"   red           light grey   full         fresh          middling stout  9404  Burn on each foot, scar left hand
Chopin       Alfred             9405  commercial traveller         S   none   5' 9"       dark brown    dark hazel   full         dark           middling stout  9405  Small scar under chin
Chopin       William            9406  clerk                        W   one    5' 9"       grey          grey         long         sallow         middling stout  9406  Widower; 2nd toe each foot contracted
Churchill    John               9407  sailor                       M   four   5' 3 1/2"   black         dark brown   round        swarthy        middling stout  9407  Sailor and flag right arm, J C. J D left arm
Clarke       George             9408  miner                        S   none   5' 6 1/4"   dark brown    hazel        oval         dark           middling stout  9408  Cut right across back left hand, birth mark over right eye
Clarke       John               9409  groom                        S   none   5' 6 1/2"   dark brown    dark brown   long         sallow         middling stout  9409  Ship left arm, wreath M J D right arm, D left side
Cockroft     Thomas             9410  labourer                     S   none   5' 8 1/4"   dark brown    grey         oval         fresh          middling stout  9410  Several moles back and breast
Connolly     James              9411  labourer                     S   none   5' 9"       black         hazel        oval         swarthy        middling stout  9411  Foul anchor right arm, several small blue dots left arm, cut back of right wrist, scar right eyebrow
Connolly     Patrick            9412  cooper                       S   none   5' 8"       brown         hazel        oval         sallow         middling stout  9412  Cast right eye (blind), scar below right knee, lost one upper front tooth
Connor       Patrick            9413  labourer                     S   none   5' 4"       dark brown    dark grey    round        fresh          stout           9413  Crucifix left arm
Copeman      George             9414  carpenter                    M   three  5' 11"      dark brown    dark brown   long         dark           middling stout  9414  Broken 3rd finger right hand, large cut 2nd finger left hand
Copestake    Thomas             9415  labourer                     W   none   5' 7 3/4"   brown         hazel        round        sallow         middling stout  9415  Widower; Lost two upper front teeth
Coulson      Thomas Robson      9416  miner                        M   four   5' 8 3/4"   sandy         grey         long         fair           stout           9416  Scar right leg, cut above left wrist
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Surname     Christian Name(s)  Reg No          Occupation         M/S  Child    Height        Hair          Eyes        Face       Complexion        Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Croker       Samuel             9417  druggist                     S   none   5' 0 1/2"   brown         dark hazel   long         dark           middling stout  9417  None
Croker       Thomas             9418  silversmith                  S   none   5' 0 1/2"   brown         dark hazel   long         dark           middling stout  9418  Small balck scar left wrist
Crossley     John               9419  labourer                     S   none   5' 5"       brown         dark grey    oval         healthy        middling stout  9419  None
Cunningham   Richard            9420  labourer                     S   none   5' 2 3/4"   light brown   dark grey    long         fair           middling stout  9420  None
Curo         Patrick            9421  miner                        S   none   5' 6 3/4"   brown         grey         full         fresh          stout           9421  A few coal cuts on face, small black mark left arm
Cuthbert     James              9422  baker                        M   five   5' 9"       grey          hazel        long         sallow         middling stout  9422  Mark on right arm
Davies       Thomas             9423  gunmaker                     S   none   5' 5 1/2"   sandy         dark grey    long         fair           middling stout  9423  2 crossed swords, "E Baker" left arm; anchor and ring right hand; heart, anchor, flag and star left hand
Davis        Charles            9424  waggoner                     W   five   5' 2"       brown         dark grey    oval         sallow         middling stout  9424  Widower; Contracted top joint little finger right hand
Davis        George             9425  greengrocer                  M   one    5' 6 1/4"   brown         grey         long         fresh          middling stout  9425  Bald, cut across nose
Davis        William            9426  labourer                     S   none   5' 6 1/2"   grey          dark brown   long         dark           middling stout  9426  Lost three upper front teeth, mole on right breast, coat of arms left arm
Devany       John               9427  labourer                     S   none   5' 3 3/4"   dark brown    dark grey    round        fresh          stout           9427  Scar over left eyebrow
Dingley      David              9428  waggoner                     M   two    5' 1 3/4"   brown         grey         round        sallow         stout           9428  Pockmarked, broken nail third finger right hand, slightly deaf
Dixey        Thomas             9429  butcher                      S   none   5' 3 1/2"   black         dark brown   oval         dark           middling stout  9429  None
Dobb         John W.            9430  carpenter                    S   none   6' 0 1/2"   brown         hazel        oval         fresh          middling stout  9430  J W Dobb in a wreath left arm
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Surname     Christian Name(s)  Reg No          Occupation         M/S  Child    Height        Hair          Eyes        Face       Complexion        Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Dodd         John               9431  smith                        M   none   5' 2 1/2"   dark brown    dark brown   long         sallow         middling stout  9431  Weak eyes, cut on left thumb
Dodd         Thomas             9432  labourer                     W   two    5' 2 1/2"   black         dark brown   oval         dark           middling stout  9432  Widower; 9 dots right arm, left arm covered with blue marks & letters, cut over left eyebrow, two rings left hand
Dolan        Richard            9433  none                         S   none   5' 6"       dark brown    grey         round        fresh          stout           9433  Middle finger left hand broken
Donovan      John               9434  none                         M   none   5' 0"       dark brown    hazel        long         fresh          middling stout  9434  None
Drummond     John M.            9435  shoemaker                    S   none   5' 3"       light brown   blue         long         fresh          middling stout  9435  None
Dunnerty     John               9436  none                         M   two    5' 7"       brown         grey         oval         fresh          stout           9436  Angel & crucifix left arm, bracelet left wrist, sailor & bracelet right arm, slightly pockmarked   
Dynan        Patrick            9437  none                         S   none   5' 5 1/2"   black         grey         oval         sallow         stout           9437  Crucifix right arm, gunshot wound right shin
Edmondstone  Charles            9438  barman                       S   none   5' 2 3/4"   dark brown    hazel        oval         fresh          stout           9438  None
Edmundson    John L.            9439  none                         S   none   5' 6 1/2"   light brown   dark hazel   round        fresh          stout           9439  None
Edwards      Mark               9440  butcher                      S   none   6' 0 1/2"   dark brown    hazel        oval         fresh          stout           9440  M W. M E. J E. D M. 22 1855, spade, anchor, heart and bracelet on left arm
Elcomb       Thomas             9441  none                         S   none   5' 2 1/2"   dark brown    grey         oval         sallow         stout           9441  None
Elliott      Michael            9442  miner                        S   none   5' 3 1/2"   dark brown    grey         round        dark           thin            9442  Scar left shin
Elvridge     Thomas             9443  miner                        M   four   5' 7 3/4"   light brown   grey         oval         fresh          stout           9443  Scar on bend of right elbow
Erenshuison  Henrichus          9444  sailor                       S   none   5' 2"       light brown   grey         oval         fair           stout           9444  Warts left middle finger knuckle
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Surname     Christian Name(s)  Reg No          Occupation         M/S  Child    Height        Hair          Eyes        Face       Complexion        Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Faulkner     William            9445  boot closer                  S   none   5' 5"       light brown   light grey   long         fresh          middling stout  9445  3 teeth deficient upper front jaw, little finger left hand crooked
Feeney       William            9446  book binder                  S   none   5' 3 1/2"   dark brown    grey         long         fresh          middling stout  9446  None
Flicker      William            9447  tailor                       S   none   5' 3 1/2"   dark brown    grey         oval         fresh          middling stout  9447  Crucifix and star right arm,coat of arms right hand, cross on middle finger right hand
Foy          Michael            9448  none                         S   none   5' 7"       dark brown    dark grey    long         sallow         middling stout  9448  Pockmarked
Gibbons      William            9449  puddler                      S   none   5' 6"       dark brown    brown        oval         sallow         stout           9449  None
Gibbs        Henry              9450  labourer                     M   two    5' 7"       brown         blue         oval         sallow         stout           9450  Man, woman and banners of war right arm, crucifix and woman left arm, D left side
Glassup      Henry              9451  sawyer                       S   none   5' 3 1/4"   dark brown    hazel        oval         sallow         stout           9451  Burn marks inside of right forearm and chest, lighthouse right arm, anchor left arm
Godden       Thomas             9452  labourer                     M   three  5' 6 3/4"   brown         grey         oval         swarthy        stout           9452  Very large mole right thigh
Green        William            9453  labourer                     S   none   5' 7 3/4"   brown         hazel        long         swarthy        middling stout  9453  Tree and two dots left wrist, bracelet right wrist
Greenwood    Thomas             9454  labourer                     S   none   5' 5"       brown         grey         oval         fresh          stout           9454  None
Griffiths    John               9455  carpenter                    M   two    5' 8 1/2"   black         brown        round        dark           healthy         9455  None
Hall         Richard            9456  striker                      S   none   5' 6 1/4"   light brown   grey         full         light          strong          9456  Lost all upper front teeth
Hallis       Thomas             9457  none                         S   none   5' 5 3/4"   dark brown    brown        oval         dark           stout           9457  T H with 12 dots and heart on left arm
Harding      James H.           9458  none                         S   none   5' 5 1/2"   light brown   light brown  oval         light          stout           9458  Sailor and female right arm
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Surname     Christian Name(s)  Reg No          Occupation         M/S  Child    Height        Hair          Eyes        Face       Complexion        Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Harrington   George             9459  labourer                     S   none   5' 4 1/2"   brown         grey         round        dark           broard set      9459  H on left arm
Harris       John               9460  painter                      S   none   5' 2 1/4"   brown         brown        round        sallow         healthy         9460  None
Harrison     William            9461  packing case maker           S   none   5' 1 1/4"   dark brown    grey         oval         dark           healthy         9461  Sailor on right arm, A L, J B, S L, B, flag stars etc left arm and hand
Hasleby      James              9462  clerk                        W   none   6' 0"       light         grey         long         light          healthy         9462  Widower; None
Henry        John               9463  none                         S   none   5' 2 3/4"   dark brown    dark brown   oval         dark           strong          9463  E M & 3 dots left arm, J on right arm
Houghton     Samuel             9464  mason                        W   none   5' 3 1/4"   light brown   grey         long         light          strong          9464  Widower; Pockmarked
Howarth      John               9465  stonemason                   S   none   5' 7 1/4"   dark brown    brown        long         slightly dark  strong          9465  None
Howe         Phillip Henry      9466  none                         M   none   5' 1 1/4"   dark brown    brown        oval         fresh          healthy         9466  Ring on second finger left hand
Howell       George             9467  horse breaker                S   none   5' 8"       dark brown    grey         square       fresh          strong          9467  Marks under right eye
Hughes       Henry              9468  musical instrument repairer  S   none   5' 6 1/2"   light brown   brown        oval         light          slight          9468  None
Hughes       John               9469  hawker                       S   none   5' 5 3/4"   brown         grey         oval         fresh          healthy         9469  None
Hunt         George             9470  puddler                      M   none   5' 6"       brown         brown        full         fresh          healthy         9470  Lost first finger of right hand, E back of left hand, imperfect letters left forearm
Hutton       Frederick          9471  baker                        S   none   5' 2"       brown         grey or blue oval         fresh          strong          9471  Right knee has a stiff joint
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Surname     Christian Name(s)  Reg No          Occupation         M/S  Child    Height        Hair          Eyes        Face       Complexion        Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Jackson      John               9472  none                         S   none   5' 6 1/4"   brown         grey         long         fresh          healthy         9472  Two lumps on left and right arms
Jackson      William            9473  tailor                       S   none   5' 9 1/4"   brown         grey         square       fresh          healthy         9473  T on left hand, slight cast in right eye
James        William            9474  none                         S   none   5' 3 1/2"   brown         brown        oval         dark           strong          9474  Marks of disease on body, mark from sore on right knee
Jamieson     James              9475  mason                        S   none   5' 7"       brown         grey         long         light          healthy         9475  Pearl on sight of right eye, very much marked from smallpox
Jamieson     John               9476  butcher                      M   one    5' 5 1/2"   brown         grey         square       fresh          stout           9476  Heart, anchor, star and J J on right arm
Jennings     John               9477  labourer                     S   none   5' 2 1/2"   brown         blue         round        clear          healthy         9477  None
Johnson      Arthur             9478  bricklayer                   S   none   5' 4"       sandy         brown        oval         fresh          strong          9478  None
Johnson      James              9479  collier                      S   one    5' 5 1/4"   brown         grey         oval         fresh          healthy         9479  None
Johnson      Thomas             9480  none                         S   none   5' 5 1/4"   light         blue         oval         light          healthy         9480  M S etc left arm, little finger right hand injured
Johnson      William            9481  rope maker                   S   none   5' 2 1/2"   light brown   blue         oval         fresh          healthy         9481  None
Jones        James              9482  boot closer                  S   none   5' 3"       light brown   brown        square       fresh          healthy         9482  Anchor on left arm
Jones        John               9483  fitter                       M   four   5' 9"       light brown   light brown  oval         fresh          healthy         9483  None
Jones        Thomas             9484  labourer                     W   two    5' 6"       dark brown    dark         oval         dark           strong          9484  Widower; D on left side
Jordan       George             9485  labourer                     S   none   5' 1"       brown         grey         oval         fresh          stout           9485  Scar right shin
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Surname     Christian Name(s)  Reg No          Occupation         M/S  Child    Height        Hair          Eyes        Face       Complexion        Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Karrick      John               9486  painter                      S   none   5' 4"       dark brown    grey         oval         dark           stout           9486  None
Kenworthy    James              9487  overlooker                   M   seven  5' 11 1/2"  light brown   blue         round        fair           stout           9487  Pockmarked
Ketcher      Robert             9488  groom                        S   none   5' 6 1/4"   light brown   grey         long         fair           middling stout  9488  D left side
King         Thomas             9489  shoemaker                    S   none   5' 2"       dark brown    grey         round        fresh          stout           9489  Coat of arms, sailor, 2 anchors and fighting man right arm, crucifix, body of man with pipe, T J, 1862, T F, sailor with flag, dots and stars left arm   
Kirby        Thomas             9490  labourer                     S   none   5' 7"       black         grey         oval         dark           middling stout  9490  None
Kirkwood     John               9491  butcher                      M   one    5' 7 1/2"   light brown   grey         full         fresh          stout           9491  None
Langford     Samuel             9492  none                         M   none   5' 6 1/2"   dark brown    grey         round        swarthy        stout           9492  Scar mark on each wrist
Leach        Henry              9493  upholsterer                  W   none   5' 6 1/2"   grey          blue         round        fair           stout           9493  Widower; Deficent middle finger left hand, inclined to baldness
Lee          Joseph             9494  coal miner                   M   none   5' 6"       brown         grey         round        fresh          stout           9494  Coal mark right forearm
Lemercie     James              9495  general smith                W   none   5' 3 1/4"   dark brown    grey         round        fresh          stout           9495  Widower; None
Lemore       John               9496  bootmaker                    S   none   5' 6"       dark brown    grey         oval         fresh          stout           9496  None
Letts        Stephen            9497  shoemaker                    S   none   5' 4 1/2"   dark brown    blue         long         swarthy        middling stout  9497  Pockmarked, sailor and woman right arm, ship in full sail left arm
London       George             9498  sawyer                       S   none   5' 7"       dark brown    grey         long         swarthy        stout           9498  None
London       Joseph             9499  none                         S   none   5' 5 1/2"   light brown   grey         round        fair           stout           9499  Dove, laurel, sailor and woman right arm, flower pot and woman left arm   
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Surname     Christian Name(s)  Reg No          Occupation         M/S  Child    Height        Hair          Eyes        Face       Complexion        Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Loxton       Stephen Chislett   9500  mason                        M   two    5' 7 1/4"   dark brown    grey         oval         dark           stout           9500  Left arm crooked
Lynch        Thomas             9501  practical chemist            S   none   5' 5 3/4"   dark brown    grey         oval         dark           stout           9501  None
Maiden       William            9512  boiler maker                 S   none   5' 4"       brown         grey         round        fresh          stout           9512  Sailor, woman in laurel right arm, sailor and woman, pile of shot, star, anchor and bracelet left arm, rings on fingers left hand
Manning      Dennis             9513  labourer                     S   none   5' 2"       black         black        round        swarthy        stout           9513  None
Maroney      John               9514  shoemaker                    S   none   5' 2 1/4"   dark brown    hazel        round        fresh          stout           9514  None
Martin       Joseph             9515  sailor                       S   none   5' 3"       light brown   grey         round        fair           stout           9515  J M, J M, heart, anchor and star right arm, crucifix and stars left arm, much marked with smallpox   
Mascord      James              9516  gardener                     M   four   5' 9"       dark brown    hazel        oval         fresh          stout           9516  Bald
Maselli      Guiseppe           9517  sailor                       S   none   5' 4"       black         dark hazel   round        dark           stout           9517  Square and compasses right arm
Maynard      William            9518  baker                        S   none   5' 5 3/4"   dark brown    dark hazel   oval         fresh          stout           9518  None
McAllen      John               9503  none                         S   none   5' 8 1/2"   black         grey         round        fresh          stout           9503  Crucifix, stars and cross pipes right arm, E C, L C, J C, J C, heart, man's head, soldier, anchor left arm, bracelet left wrist, cross flags left arm   
McCarthy     John               9504  labourer                     S   none   5' 7 1/2"   brown         blue         round        fresh          stout           9504  Scar from cut right wrist, varicose veins left arm
McCormack    James              9505  green grocer                 S   none   5' 6"       dark brown    hazel        thin         sallow         middling stout  9505  None
McDonald     James              9511  none                         S   none   5' 7 1/4"   light brown   grey         round        fair           stout           9511  1st joint forefinger left hand deformed
McDonald     William            9506  none                         S   none   5' 4"       dark brown    hazel        oval         fresh          stout           9506  None
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Surname     Christian Name(s)  Reg No          Occupation         M/S  Child    Height        Hair          Eyes        Face       Complexion        Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

McKay        James              9507  none                         S   none   5' 3 3/4"   brown         blue         round        fresh          stout           9507  None
McKay        William            9508  none                         S   none   5' 5"       light brown   grey         round        fair           stout           9508  Thistle left arm
McLaughlin   Patrick            9502  brass finisher               S   none   5' 3 3/4"   dark brown    dark hazel   round        fair           stout           9502  Scar left temple
McManus      James              9509  comb maker                   S   none   5' 6"       light brown   hazel        round        fair           stout           9509  None
McQuade      Peter              9510  labourer                     S   none   5' 9 1/2"   dark brown    blue         round        fresh          stout           9510  Bald, pockmarked, teeth irregular and defective
Medland      John               9519  mason                        S   none   5' 8 1/4"   brown         grey         round        fresh          stout           9519  None
Metcalf      Alexander          9520  none                         S   none   5' 2 1/4"   brown         hazel        round        fair           stout           9520  Cut on forehead
Mills        William            9522  brass founder                M   one    5' 4 1/4"   dark brown    grey         round        fresh          stout           9522  None
Mitchell     John               9521  labourer                     S   none   5' 8 1/4"   dark brown    grey         round        fresh          stout           9521  None
Moore        Arthur             9523  painter & glazier            M   two    5' 5 1/2"   dark brown    grey         oval         fresh          middling stout  9523  None
Morfitt      Darby              9524  labourer                     M   two    5' 4 1/4"   brown         hazel        long         sallow         stout           9524  Moles on left shoulder
Morgan       John               9525  labourer                     S   none   5' 7 1/4"   dark brown    hazel        full         dark           stout           9525  M M, J M, left arm, D left side
Morgan       Thomas             9526  civil engineer               S   none   5' 6 1/4"   dark brown    hazel        full         dark           stout           9526  Marks on both arm almost invisible
Morris       John               9527  glazier                      S   none   5' 8"       dark brown    hazel        oval         fresh          stout           9527  Crown, anchor (in laurel) on right arm
Morris       John               9528  clerk                        M   none   5' 6 1/2"   dark brown    dark brown   long         fair           middling stout  9528  None
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Surname     Christian Name(s)  Reg No          Occupation         M/S  Child    Height        Hair          Eyes        Face       Complexion        Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Morrison     George             9529  fireman                      S   none   5' 5 1/2"   black         dark brown   long         sallow         middling stout  9529  None
Mullaney     Michael            9530  labourer                     W   one    5' 3"       brown         grey         oval         swarthy        middling stout  9530  Widower; D left side
Murphy       Edward             9531  whip maker                   M   one    5' 4 3/4"   black         dark brown   oval         swarthy        stout           9531  None
Murphy       James              9532  none                         S   none   5' 3 3/4"   dark brown    hazel        oval         fair           stout           9532  None
Murphy       William            9533  tailor                       S   none   5' 5 1/4"   dark brown    grey         thin         dark           middling stout  9533  2 Ds left side
Nairey       John               9534  none                         S   none   5' 2"       black         hazel        round        fair           stout           9534  Small mark under right eye
Newby        Richard            9535  farmer                       S   none   5' 9 1/2"   light         dark blue    oval         fair           middling stout  9535  Large scar right shin
Newcombe     William            9536  painter                      W   nine   5' 4"       brown         hazel        long         dark           stout           9536  Widower; Slightly pockmarked
Newman       Joseph             9537  labourer                     S   none   5' 7"       brown         hazel        round        swarthy        stout           9537  None
Noble        Charles            9538  pen knife grinder            S   none   5' 6 1/2"   brown         grey         oval         dark           stout           9538  None
Owen         Hugh               9542  blast-minder                 M   four   5' 9 1/2"   light brown   blue         round        fair           stout           9542  Burn mark on right hip, pearl on left eye
O'Brien      Edward             9539  labourer                     S   none   5' 7 1/4"   dark brown    hazel        long         dark           stout           9539  Scar on right ankle
O'Brien      Peter              9540  cook & butcher               S   none   5' 3 3/4"   dark          light blue   long         dark           middling stout  9540  American coat of arms, J S breast, ship in full sail right side, albatross spread, flag and union jack left side which covers letter D; P B and cross left arm   
O'Neill      Joseph             9541  collier                      S   none   5' 6"       light brown   grey         round        fair           stout           9541  None
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Surname     Christian Name(s)  Reg No          Occupation         M/S  Child    Height        Hair          Eyes        Face       Complexion        Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Pacey        John               9543  baker & confectioner         S   none   5' 4 1/2"   brown         grey         round        fair           middling stout  9543  None
Perks        Richard            9544  labourer                     M   one    5' 6 1/4"   light brown   light blue   long         sallow         middling stout  9544  None
Potter       James              9545  bricklayer                   M   one    5' 3 3/4"   black         dark brown   long         sallow         middling stout  9545  None
Powell       Edwin Henry        9546  surveyor                     M   four   5' 11 3/4"  dark brown    hazel        long         fair           middling stout  9546  Ruptured right side, bald
Pratt        Walter             9547  gardener                     S   none   4' 10 3/4"  dark brown    grey         round        dark           stout           9547  Ink marks left hand, humpbacked
Pugh         Joseph             9548  rough carpenter              M   two    5' 9"       light brown   dark grey    oval         fair           middling stout  9548  None
Rainsley     Joseph             9549  cloth dresser                S   none   5' 2 3/4"   light brown   grey         oval         fresh          middling stout  9549  None
Randall      John               9550  groom                        S   none   5' 5 3/4"   dark brown    grey         long         sallow         stout           9550  Crucifix and snake left arm, snake right arm
Ratcliffe    Thomas             9551  turner & fitter              S   none   5' 1 1/4"   brown         grey         long         fair           middling stout  9551  None
Reed         Robert             9552  waterman                     W   one    5' 5 1/2"   dark brown    hazel        oval         swarthy        stout           9552  Widower; None
Richards     John               9553  shoemaker                    M   three  5' 9 3/4"   black         grey         oval         swarthy        stout           9553  None
Richards     William            9554  groom                        S   none   5' 4 1/2"   brown         grey         round        fair           stout           9554  None
Richardson   William            9555  labourer                     S   none   5' 7"       light brown   blue         round        fair           stout           9555  Cut on forehead
Robertson    James              9556  tailor                       W   none   5' 10"      brown         hazel        long         dark           middling stout  9556  Widower; Broken hollow nose
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Surname     Christian Name(s)  Reg No          Occupation         M/S  Child    Height        Hair          Eyes        Face       Complexion        Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Robins       Thomas             9557  carpenter                    W   none   5' 5 3/4"   brown         grey         long         sallow         middling stout  9557  Widower; Indistinct mark left arm, nose broken
Robinson     George             9558  smith & fitter               S   none   5' 8 3/4"   brown         light grey   long         fair           middling stout  9558  Thumb of right hand dificient
Rock         Thomas             9559  farmer                       W   four   5' 8 1/2"   dark brown    grey         oval         dark           stout           9559  Widower; Left leg has been broken, varicose veins from ankle to knee   
Ryan         Daniel             9560  labourer                     S   none   5' 4 1/4"   black         hazel        oval         swarthy        stout           9560  D R and three crosses within heart right arm
Schora       John               9561  carter                       S   none   5' 8 1/4"   dark brown    hazel        long         swarthy        stout           9561  Crucifix right arm, British & American coats of arms left arm   
Seale        Thomas             9562  carman                       S   none   5' 5 3/4"   dark brown    dark brown   long         fresh          middling stout  9562  None
Shattell     Albert Wm.         9563  boatbuilder                  S   none   5' 5 3/4"   dark brown    blue         round        sallow         stout           9563  5 clowns, girl dancing on rose, crucifix, stars and bracelet left arm, weeping willow, cross flags and E B in laurel right arm   
Shaw         James              9564  none                         S   none   5' 4 3/4"   dark          dark         oval         dark           strong          9564  Pockmarked
Sheen        Michael            9565  waterman                     S   none   5' 9"       dark          brown        oval         dark           middling stout  9565  Sailor and flag right arm, right hand been hurt
Sherry       William            9566  tailor                       S   none   5' 9"       light brown   grey         long         light          healthy         9566  Scars under the chin, centre of forehead, corner of right eye & front of neck   
Sinclair     Robert             9567  carpenter                    M   two    5' 8 3/4"   red           grey         long         light          healthy         9567  R S within heart with anchor underneath, right arm; Scotch thistle left arm
Slaney       Matthew            9569  none                         S   none   5' 5"       brown         brown        oval         dark           healthy         9569  Scald on breast
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Surname     Christian Name(s)  Reg No          Occupation         M/S  Child    Height        Hair          Eyes        Face       Complexion        Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Smith        Edward             9570  sawyer                       S   none   5' 6 1/4"   black         brown        round        dark           healthy         9570  Scars on forehead, right eye and right knee
Smith        James              9571  ....    ....   ....    ....  .   ....    ...   ...  ....   ....   ....   ...   ....   ...   ....    ....   ...  ...   ...  9571  Died on voyage out to Australia
Smith        James              9572  labourer                     S   none   5' 4 3/4"   light brown   grey         thin         light          healthy         9572  Anchor and fish, H W, right arm
Smith        John               9573  groom                        S   none   5' 8 1/2"   dark brown    brown        full         florid         healthy         9573  Coat of arms and mariner's grave on right arm, sailor etc on left arm, two men boxing on chest   
Smith        John               9574  tailor                       S   none   5' 5 1/2"   dark brown    grey         round        light          healthy         9574  Scar on right arm, large burn mark on left arm
Smith        John               9575  groom                        S   none   5' 4 1/4"   light         grey         sharp        light          healthy         9575  Scar on right arm
Smith        Thomas             9576  engraver                     S   none   5' 7 3/4"   brown         grey         square       light          healthy         9576  Ruptured
Smith        William            9577  seaman                       S   none   5' 5 1/2"   brown         grey         full         light          healthy         9577  Sailor with flag on right arm, two flags and anchor on left arm
Solomons     James              9578  puddler                      W   three  5' 3"       light brown   grey         oval         light          healthy         9578  Widower; Ring on finger left hand
Southwell    Alfred             9579  tailor                       S   none   5' 2 1/2"   dark brown    brown        thin         dark           healthy         9579  None
Spademan     Thomas             9580  labourer                     S   none   5' 2 1/4"   light brown   brown        full         florid         healthy         9580  Man and woman right arm, tree and snake left arm, nose aside
Sporne       John               9581  farmer                       S   none   5' 3 1/2"   brown         grey         round        florid         very healthy    9581  None
Spratt       Henry              9582  bricklayer                   M   three  5' 2 3/4"   brown         grey         oval         light          healthy         9582  None
Stanton      Michael            9584  miner                        S   none   5' 4 1/2"   black         brown        full         dark           healthy         9584  One foot larger than the other, left arm been broken
Stein        Bernard            9583  book binder                  S   none   5' 2 1/2"   dark brown    grey         oval         pale           healthy         9583  None
Stevenson    James              9585  commercial traveller         M   two    5' 6 1/4"   brown         grey         oval         light          healthy         9585  A finger on right hand been bad some time
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Surname     Christian Name(s)  Reg No          Occupation         M/S  Child    Height        Hair          Eyes        Face       Complexion        Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Steward      Thomas             9586  none                         S   none   5' 7 1/2"   light brown   grey         oval         clear          healthy         9586  Cut on right leg
Stewart      John               9587  gasholder maker              M   two    5' 8 1/2"   brown         grey         long         light          healthy         9587  None
Summers      Thomas             9588  labourer                     S   none   5' 3 3/4"   dark brown    brown        full         dark           healthy         9588  None
Swyer        Henry              9568  painter                      S   none   5' 7 3/4"   brown         grey         oval         light          healthy         9568  None
Sykes        William            9589  puddler                      M   four   5' 6 3/4"   light brown   grey         oval         light          healthy         9589  Cut on left knee
Tams         James              9590  labourer                     S   none   5' 1 1/2"   light         grey         full         clear          healthy         9590  None
Tams         Samuel             9591  groom                        S   none   5' 6"       light         grey         long         clear          healthy         9591  None
Teale        John               9592  farm labourer                S   none   5' 10 1/4"  dark          brown        oval         dark           healthy         9592  None
Thomas       George             9593  tailor                       W   none   5' 3 3/4"   light brown   grey         oval         florid         healthy         9593  Widower; None
Tolley       Samuel             9594  miner                        S   none   5' 3 3/4"   brown         grey         oval         pale           healthy         9594  Scars on both shoulders
Tomlinson    John               9595  striker                      M   two    5' 5 1/2"   brown         grey         sharp        pale           healthy         9595  Man and woman, royal arms, right arm; two trees and snake, left arm; J P T, left hand   
Tompkins     Samuel M.          9596  farm labourer                S   none   5' 5 1/2"   light brown   grey         oval         pale           healthy         9596  Ruptured left side
Townsend     John               9597  none                         S   none   5' 3 1/2"   brown         grey         oval         pale           healthy         9597  Cast in one eye
Turner       William            9598  striker                      S   none   5' 4 1/4"   brown         grey         full         fresh          healthy         9598  None
Utton        Charles            9599  accountant                   M   three  5' 4 1/2"   brown         brown        square       dark           healthy         9599  Pockpitted
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Surname     Christian Name(s)  Reg No          Occupation         M/S  Child    Height        Hair          Eyes        Face       Complexion        Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Veasey       William            9600  jobbing smith                M   none   5' 7"       brown         grey         oval         pale           healthy         9600  Cross on right arm, pockmarked
Vintell      Ernest             9601  bootmaker                    M   none   5' 4 1/2"   brown         grey         square       pale           healthy         9601  On left arm a dancing girl beneath the word "Rigolette"
Wade         George             9602  stableman                    S   none   5' 7 1/2"   light         grey         oval         light          healthy         9602  Mole under chest, marks of cupping back of neck, pockmarked, letter D left breast   
Watkin       John               9603  sawyer                       M   four   5' 4 3/4"   black         grey         long         dark           healthy         9603  None
Watson       John               9604  none                         M   none   5' 5 1/2"   brown         brown        oval         florid         healthy         9604  White spot on belly
Weaseley     John               9605  bricklayer                   S   none   5' 7 3/4"   brown         brown        full         pale           healthy         9605  None
Weddell      Richard            9606  labourer                     M   none   5' 6"       black         light brown  oval         pale           healthy         9606  R W right arm
Weeks        William            9607  tailor                       S   none   5' 7 1/4"   light brown   grey         oval         pale           healthy         9607  None
Wellby       John               9608  watchmaker                   M   none   5' 3 3/4"   light brown   brown        long         light          healthy         9608  None
Welsh        Patrick            9609  labourer                     M   six    5' 7 1/4"   brown         brown        round        florid         very healthy    9609  None
Wheat        George             9610  potter                       S   none   5' 3 1/2"   light brown   brown        square       light          healthy         9610  Man and woman on right arm, heart and ring left arm
White        George             9611  carman                       M   one    5' 1 1/2"   sandy         light blue   oval         light          healthy         9611  Anchor, tree, heart right arm, anchor, heart and cross left arm   
White        George             9612  labourer                     S   none   5' 5 3/4"   light brown   brown        full         dark           healthy         9612  Cut near the knee right leg
Whitefield   John               9613  butcher                      S   none   5' 1 1/2"   dark brown    grey         long         dark           healthy         9613  Rose, J W on left arm, star and 2 rings, female in a bush on right arm   
Whitmore     Edward             9614  tailor                       S   none   5' 6 1/2"   brown         blue         oval         fresh          strongly built  9614  None
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Surname     Christian Name(s)  Reg No          Occupation         M/S  Child    Height        Hair          Eyes        Face       Complexion        Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Williams     Francis            9615  shoemaker                    M   one    5' 7 1/2"   dark brown    brown        long         light          healthy         9615  None
Williams     Henry              9616  cutler                       M   one    5' 4 1/4"   light brown   brown        long         light          healthy         9616  None
Williams     Henry              9617  sailor                       S   none   5' 1 1/2"   black         dark brown   oval         dark           healthy         9617  Anchor and sailor right arm, J H on left arm
Williams     James              9618  tinplate worker              S   none   5' 5 1/2"   black         dark brown   oval         dark           healthy         9618  Anchor left arm
Williams     John               9619  shoemaker                    S   none   5' 3 1/4"   brown         brown        long         dark           healthy         9619  Mark on chest
Williams     John               9620  shoemaker                    S   none   5' 4"       dark brown    brown        long         clear          healthy         9620  None
Williams     John               9621  none                         S   none   5' 7 1/2"   brown         grey         thin         pale           healthy         9621  Sailor and tree and snake, lump left side of nose, J C & blue dots back left forearm   
Williams     Thomas             9622  none                         S   none   5' 6 3/4"   brown         brown        oval         clear          healthy         9622  Sailor with sword and flag on left arm
Williamson   Robert             9623  baker                        S   none   5' 8 1/2"   sandy         light brown  oval         light          healthy         9623  None
Wilson       Charles            9624  labourer                     S   none   5' 5 1/4"   brown         grey         oval         fresh          stout           9624  Anchor on right hand, anchor on left hand and rings on left fingers   
Wilson       James              9625  baker                        S   none   5' 3 3/4"   brown         brown        long         fair           middling stout  9625  None
Wilson       John               9626  labourer                     M   none   5' 4 1/2"   light brown   grey         round        fresh          stout           9626  Scald marks on breast
Wood         Joseph             9627  mill hand                    S   none   5' 5 1/2"   dark brown    hazel        oval         dark           middling stout  9627  An Indian woman and anchor on left arm, palm tree and coat of arms right arm, end great toe right foot injured   
Wood         William            9628  none                         S   none   5' 4 3/4"   black         hazel        oval         fresh          stout           9628  Palm tree and snake, basket, bracelet with flags left arm, palm tree & snake, cross flags, mermaid and horse's head, D left side   
Woodlands    Frederick          9629  barman                       S   none   5' 4"       black         grey         round        dark           stout           9629  E P, B H & F W right arm, heart and cross in laurel and E P left arm
Would        Joseph             9630  bricklayer                   S   none   5' 4 1/2"   brown         blue         oval         swarthy        middling stout  9630  None
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