Close the Window Physical Descriptions of Convicts on the
York, 1862

* Although this information has been compiled in good faith,
please refer to primary sources for confirmation and further research.

Surname     Christian Name(s)   Reg No       Occupation        M/S Child    Height        Hair         Eyes      Face          Complexion          Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Abbott       William             6501  baker                    S  none   5' 3 1/2"   fair         grey         long           freckled       middling stout  6501  Mole right arm   
Ainger       George              6499  farm labourer            S  none   5' 4"       light brown  grey         long           fair           middling stout  6499  Small scar over right eye
Allen        William             6497  shoemaker                S  none   5' 5 1/2"   light brown  grey         oval           swarthy        middling stout  6497  Anchor left arm, scar on left side of neck, cut back of head   
Anderson     James               6498  boat builder             ..  ....  5' 6 1/2"   red          grey         oval           fair           middling stout  6498  Letter D left side, lance wounds on right side of neck   
Anderson     James               6502  labourer                 ..  ....  5' 8 1/4"   grey         hazel        oval           fair           middling stout  6502  Scar outside left knee, small scar right cheek
Aston        Charles             6500  waterman                 M  none   5' 5 1/4"   light brown  hazel        full           fresh          stout           6500  C and scar left arm, scar left cheek, scar left side, a birth mark on left hip   
Baldwin      Joseph              6523  labourer                 S  none   5' 4 1/4"   light        light hazel  full           pale           stout           6523  J.H. left arm, Mariner's grave on breast
Barlow       Charles Franklin    6509  clerk                    S  none   5' 1 3/4"   light brown  light hazel  thin           fair           middling stout  6509  Small scar left knuckle, two scars on forehead, boil mark behind left shoulder   
Barrett      Joseph              6524  dyer                     S  none   5' 3 1/4"   dark brown   light hazel  thin           sallow         middling stout  6524  Scar left eye
Bennett      George              6506  butcher                  M  none   5' 10"      dark brown   light hazel  long           fair           middling stout  6506  Lost little finger left hand, anchor left arm
Blunt        John                6508  sailor                   S  none   5' 5"       brown        grey         long           sallow         middling stout  6508  Coat of arms right arm, Mariner's grave left arm
Boallen      James               6525  cloth dresser            S  none   5' 6 3/4"   dark brown   dark hazel   round          fair           stout           6525  Flags and anchor left arm, Mariner's grave right arm
Bolton       Henry               6526  brickmaker               S  none   5' 6 3/4"   light brown  light hazel  round          fair           stout           6526  Mariner's grave eaglet heart right arm
Booth        William             6510  waterman                 S  none   5' 8 1/4"   brown        blue         oval           fresh          middling stout  6510  Mole left side of abdomen, slightly pockmarked
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Surname     Christian Name(s)   Reg No       Occupation        M/S Child    Height        Hair         Eyes      Face          Complexion          Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Boulton      Richard             6504  miner                    S  none   5' 10 3/4"  light brown  hazel        long           sallow         stout           6504  Scar right side of nose
Bozward      William             6515  groom                    M  three  5' 4 1/2"   light brown  blue         long           fresh          freckled        6515  Slightly pockpitted, scar left side of mouth
Bradley      Patrick             6527  nail maker               S  none   5' 7 1/2"   dark brown   dark hazel   long           dark           middling stout  6527  Coat of arms anchor mermaid Mariner's grave right arm, liberty with two woman left arm   
Brehant      Peter               6521  builder                  S  none   5' 2 3/4"   brown        blue         thin           sallow         middling stout  6521  Mole right arm, cut back of head
Brown        Alfred              6503  bookbinder               M  two    5' 6 1/2"   light brown  grey         long           fair           middling stout  6503  Bracelet on both wrists, C.K. on right arm, anchor and flags left hand   
Brown        Hugh                6517  carter                   M  none   5' 9 1/4"   dark brown   hazel        oval           dark           middling stout  6517  Blind left eye, cut on chin
Brown        John                6505  sailor                   S  none   5' 7 3/4"   light brown  hazel        oval           swarthy        stout           6505  Sailor right arm, bracelet right wrist
Brown        Thomas              6507  miner                    M  none   5' 0 1/4"   light brown  grey         full           fresh          stout           6507  None
Bryan        Patrick             6511  miller                   S  none   5' 7 1/4"   brown        grey         full           sallow         stout           6511  None
Bryant       George James        6528  groom                    S  none   5' 6"       red          grey         long           florid         middling stout  6528  Female tree crest with wreath right arm, battery with colours left arm   
Bryce        George              6518  hatter                   M  one    5' 5"       black        dark hazel   thin           fresh          middling stout  6518  Scar left eye
Buchanan     John                6513  tailor                   S  none   5' 6"       dark brown   dark hazel   round          dark           stout           6513  Deep set eyes, mole front of throat
Burns        John                6519  joiner                   S  none   5' 3"       dark brown   blue         oval           fresh          middling stout  6519  Mole, Mariner's tomb left arm, G.E. and wreath left arm, hairy mole left forearm   
Burns        John                6520  sailor                   S  none   5' 4 3/4"   black        dark hazel   full           dark           stout           6520  Tattooed N.H. left arm, stab wound left thigh, mole back of neck   
Burns        William             6512  baker                    M  none   5' 9"       brown        blue         long           fresh          stout           6512  Man with flag and mermaid right arm, A.D. and woman left arm
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Surname     Christian Name(s)   Reg No       Occupation        M/S Child    Height        Hair         Eyes      Face          Complexion          Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Burnside     Hugh                6516  tinman                   S  none   5' 0 1/8"   red          blue         long           fresh          middling stout  6516  Freckled right and left arms
Burridge     Henry               6522  shoemaker                S  none   5' 6"       dark brown   grey         thin           sallow         middling stout  6522  Three cuts on cap of right knee, speaks through his nose
Byrne        William             6514  labourer                 S  none   5' 2 3/4"   brown        blue         long           swarthy        middling stout  6514  H.D. anchor heart left arm
Campbell     Charles             6542  labourer                 S  none   5' 6 1/4"   light brown  light blue   oval           fresh          stout           6542  Bridge of nose broken
Care         Thomas              6545  marble polisher          M  one    5' 5"       grey         hazel        thin           pale           middling stout  6545  Scar right leg
Catterall    John                6536  labourer                 S  none   5' 3"       brown        hazel        long           fresh          middling stout  6536  T.O.B.E.T.U.T. anchor left arm
Caveney      Michael             6533  farm labourer            S  none   5' 4 1/2"   red          grey         round          red            stout           6533  Slightly pockpitted, scar right cheek, letter D left side
Chalkley     William Seabrook    6541  accountant               M  one    5' 8 1/2"   grey         hazel        long           fresh          stout           6541  Mole on right cheek, birth mark back of hands, ruptured left side   
Challenger   George              6552  seaman                   S  none   5' 2 1/4"   dark brown   dark hazel   oval           dark           stout           6552  Scar left eyebrow, slightly pockpitted, coat of arms and two females left arm, Mariner' s tomb right arm   
Charnley     Peter               6550  labourer                 S  none   5' 4 1/2"   brown        dark hazel   thin           sallow         stout           6550  Lost third finger left hand
Chisnall     Richard             6539  paper hanger             S  none   5' 1 1/4"   light brown  blue         thin           fair           middling stout  6539  Mole and scar left breast
Clark        William             6553  rivetter                 S  none   5' 5"       light brown  light blue   full           fair           stout           6553  Scar on breast
Clarke       Michael             6532  labourer                 S  none   5' 9 1/4"   dark brown   dark hazel   oval           fair           middling stout  6532  Burn left side of neck, slightly pockpitted, letter D left side   
Clifford     Robert              6543  dealer                   M  none   5' 5"       dark brown   blue         full           fair           middling stout  6543  Pockpitted
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Surname     Christian Name(s)   Reg No       Occupation        M/S Child    Height        Hair         Eyes      Face          Complexion          Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Cocking      Charles             6549  file cutter              S  none   5' 5"       light brown  blue         full           fair           stout           6549  Dog right arm, anchor left wrist
Collins      John                6540  labourer                 S  none   5' 3"       brown        blue         thin           fair           slight          6540  Scar back of neck
Collins      Joseph              6554  labourer                 S  none   5' 5 1/4"   dark brown   light hazel  thin           fair           middling stout  6554  J.C. and anchor right arm
Cook         James               6547  sawyer                   S  none   5' 1 3/4"   dark brown   dark hazel   round          fresh          stout           6547  Five spots anchor star and heart left arm   
Corbridge    Richard             6538  labourer                 M  four   6' 0 3/4"   dark brown   light hazel  full           fresh          stout           6538  Broken forefinger right hand
Coyle        Thomas              6535  barber                   M  one    5' 5 3/4"   light red    grey         full           fair           stout           6535  Scar right arm, mole right cheek
Crabb        Samuel              6530  shoemaker                M  four   5' 3 3/4"   dark brown   light blue   thin           dark           middling stout  6530  Scrofula scars on right side of neck
Cragg        William Henry       6555  butcher                  S  none   5' 4 1/4"   dark brown   dark hazel   long           fair           middling stout  6555  Two spots right arm
Crawford     William             6544  labourer                 S  none   5' 5 1/4"   brown        hazel        full           fresh          middling stout  6544  Freckled, scar on both knees
Cray         Joseph              6546  labourer                 W  none   5' 5"       black        dark blue    long           sallow         healthy         6546  Widower; Scar second finger right hand, scar right eye
Cressy       William             6529  leather dresser          S  none   6' 0 3/4"   light brown  light blue   long           fair           middling stout  6529  Scar left side of chin
Creswick     Robert              6551  model maker              S  none   5' 10 1/4"  light        light hazel  long           fair           slight          6551  None
Crompton     John                6537  carter                   M  none   5' 3"       dark brown   dark hazel   long           dark           stout           6537  Scar left hand, scar right wrist, scar left cheek
Crump        Jesse               6531  groom                    M  none   5' 3"       light brown  blue         round          fair           middling stout  6531  Bird and heart left arm
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Surname     Christian Name(s)   Reg No       Occupation        M/S Child    Height        Hair         Eyes      Face          Complexion          Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Cryer        James               6534  weaver                   S  none   5' 8 1/4"   brown        blue         long           fair           middling stout  6534  J.C. left arm, cut upper lip
Cunningham   Peter               6548  cutler                   S  none   5' 8 3/4"   dark brown   blue         oval           fair           stout           6548  Scar left eyebrow, man and woman right arm
Dale         Charles             6566  engine fitter            S  none   5' 1 1/2"   dark brown   blue         long           sallow         middling stout  6566  Heart M.T. and cross left arm, flags etc right arm
Davidson     William             6572  labourer                 S  none   5' 2 1/2"   brown        light blue   round          sallow         stout           6572  Coat of arms W.D. right arm, anchor left arm, second finger left hand marked   
Davies       John                6561  miller                   S  none   5' 8"       light brown  blue         long           red            middling stout  6561  Red whiskers, blue dots knuckles left hand
Davis        James               6562  clerk                    S  none   5' 6 3/4"   black        dark hazel   round          dark           stout           6562  Soldier with bayonet and an Indian right arm, lost his fore and middle finger  
Davis        Thomas              6568  sailor                   M  one    5' 3 3/4"   dark brown   light hazel  full           fresh          stout           6568  Burn marks on belly
Defoe        Anthony             6570  plumber & glazier        S  none   4' 11 3/4"  dark brown   dark blue    thin           fair           middling stout  6570  None
Delobe       John                6556  servant                  M  none   5' 5"       black        black        man of colour  man of colour  slender         6556  Broken nose and two scars left wrist
Dempsey      Patrick             6557  umbrella maker           S  none   5' 8 1/4"   dark brown   blue         long           fair           stout           6557  Lost three toes right foot
Derrick      Joseph              6565  butcher                  S  none   5' 7 7/8"   black        dark hazel   full           sallow         stout           6565  Lost third finger right hand, cut on forehead   
Dickie       William Hutchinson  6571  weaver                   S  none   5' 10 3/4"  dark brown   blue         long           fair           slight          6571  Mole on back
Dimmack      George Perry        6567  labourer                 S  none   5' 5"       dark brown   hazel        full           fresh          stout           6567  Mole left arm
Divine       Frederick           6569  cable smith              S  none   5' 6"       dark brown   dark hazel   round          sallow         stout           6569  None
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Surname     Christian Name(s)   Reg No       Occupation        M/S Child    Height        Hair         Eyes      Face          Complexion          Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Dixon        Thomas              6558  millwright               S  none   5' 4 1/2"   dark brown   grey         full           fresh          stout           6558  Scar above right knee
Dixon        Thomas              6563  blacksmith               S  none   5' 2"       brown        light blue   long           dark           middling stout  6563  M.H.T.D. and anchor on left arm, H right wrist
Dobbs        Henry               6564  brickmaker               S  none   5' 7"       dark brown   dark hazel   full           fair           middling stout  6564  Cast in eyes
Donegan      Thomas              6559  fitter                   S  none   5' 6 1/4"   dark brown   blue         thin           fair           slight          6559  Right little finger contracted, scar left cheek
Downs        James               6560  shoemaker                S  none   5' 5"       brown        blue         full           fair           stout           6560  None
Duffy        Owen                6573  seaman                   S  none   5' 6"       dark brown   grey         full           fresh          stout           6573  Woman's face right arm, coat of arms left arm, D left side almost obliterated by the letters U.S.N. under N   
Duffy        Patrick             6574  groom                    S  none   5' 5 1/2"   light brown  grey         thin           fair           stout           6574  Woman left arm, woman and man right arm
Eburne       Thomas              6575  collier                  S  none   5' 5 1/2"   dark brown   light blue   long           swarthy        stout           6575  Sunken eyes, scars on each side of forehead
Eckersley    William             6577  stone dresser            S  none   5' 4 3/4"   dark brown   hazel        round          florid         middling stout  6577  Scars on forehead, H.D.W.K. and mermaid right arm
Edmonds      William             6581  blacksmith               S  none   5' 9 1/2"   dark brown   dark hazel   long           fair           stout           6581  Mermaid right arm
Edwards      John                6576  ship' s steward          W  three  5' 4"       light brown  light blue   long           fresh          slight          6576  Widower; Scars both arms
Egerton      Lewis               6578  labourer                 S  none   5' 3 1/2"   red          light blue   long           sallow         middling stout  6578  Scar on temple, scar on nose, mole on cheek
Elliott      Charles             6579  seaman                   S  none   5' 5"       black        dark hazel   long           dark           dark            6579  M.G.P.G.I. Heart with arrow right arm, I.M.C. two anchors left arm, scar left cheek   
Evans        John                6580  brickmaker               S  none   5' 3 3/4"   dark brown   light blue   long           sallow         slight          6580  None
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Surname     Christian Name(s)   Reg No       Occupation        M/S Child    Height        Hair         Eyes      Face          Complexion          Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Fallon       Francis             6593  glazier                  S  none   5' 2 3/4"   dark brown   blue         thin           fresh          middling stout  6593  None
Farebrother  Thomas              6588  farm labourer            S  none   5' 7 1/4"   dark brown   dark hazel   long           dark           stout           6588  Harriet Farebrother horse's head and bird left arm
Farren       James               6585  tailor                   S  none   5' 7 3/4"   dark brown   blue         long           fair           stout           6585  Scar from a bite left arm
Feeney       Michael             6594  labourer                 S  none   5' 9 1/4"   dark brown   grey         oval           fair           middling stout  6594  None
Fitzgerald   John James          6582  tailor                   S  none   5' 6 3/4"   dark brown   dark hazel   long           dark           stout           6582  Anchor left arm
Flannagan    Peter               6590  labourer                 S  none   5' 4 3/4"   brown        blue         long           fresh          middling stout  6590  Faint blue marks left arm
Fletcher     Samuel              6584  miner                    S  none   5' 7 3/4"   brown        light blue   long           sallow         middling stout  6584  Scar left eye, scar left wrist
Foster       James               6591  veterinary surgeon       S  none   5' 7 3/4"   dark brown   hazel        full           fresh          healthy         6591  Red whiskers
Foster       William             6587  labourer                 S  none   5' 6 1/4"   light brown  light hazel  oval           fair           healthy         6587  Scar left side of cheek
France       William             6583  labourer                 S  none   5' 9"       dark brown   dark hazel   long           fair           middling stout  6583  Scar left cheek, left eye drawn down
Francisco    Joachim             6586  sailor                   M  two    5' 4 1/4"   black        dark hazel   round          dark           stout           6586  Heart P.E.G.E.M.T. left arm, E.P.A.C. right arm, P.M.C. on breast, pockmarked   
Franklin     George              6589  groom                    S  none   5' 4 1/4"   brown        dark hazel   oval           florid         middling stout  6589  F.I. A.R. left arm
Furness      John                6592  gardener                 S  none   5' 8"       light brown  light hazel  long           fair           delicate        6592  Two scars on forehead, scars on chin
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Surname     Christian Name(s)   Reg No       Occupation        M/S Child    Height        Hair         Eyes      Face          Complexion          Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Garden       John                6606  wheelwright              M  one    5' 7 1/2"   brown        grey         oval           swarthy        stout           6606  Gun left arm, D left side
Garner       Richard             6596  farm labourer            S  none   5' 10 1/2"  dark brown   light blue   long           fair           slight          6596  D left side
Garrity      Patrick             6598  labourer                 S  none   5' 4"       brown        grey         oval           sallow         middling stout  6598  Slightly pockmarked
Gilderoy     John                6599  tailor                   S  none   5' 3 3/4"   brown        grey         oval           fresh          middling stout  6599  Broken nose, upper front tooth out left side, cut on forehead   
Gildon       William             6595  carpenter                S  none   5' 11"      light brown  light blue   oval           sallow         middling stout  6595  Small scar right temple
Gill         John                6597  cab driver               S  none   5' 4 1/2"   brown        dark hazel   oval           fresh          middling stout  6597  Scrofula mark left side of chin
Gillespie    John                6604  mason                    M  none   5' 6 1/2"   brown        dark grey    oval           fresh          middling stout  6604  Deeply pockmarked, J. Corrie and two blue marks right arm, J.G. left arm   
Gittins      John                6601  turner & finisher        S  none   5' 4"       brown        hazel        oval           dark           middling stout  6601  Pockmarked, cut left thumb
Glen         Robert              6605  bookbinder               S  none   5' 5"       brown        grey         long           pale           middling stout  6605  Cut right side of chin, weak eyes, three scars left upper arm, two upper front teeth out left side   
Godfrey      Henry               6600  tailor                   M  none   5' 2"       brown        hazel        oval           sallow         middling stout  6600  Scars from burn left cheek
Gough        Richard             6602  puddler                  S  none   5' 4 1/2"   light brown  light hazel  long           fresh          middling stout  6602  Smashed fourth finger left hand, cut left thumb, right leg been broken   
Gray         Alexander           6603  carpenter                W  none   5' 4 1/4"   greyish      grey         oval           dark           middling stout  6603  Widower; Small cut under left eye
Grier        John                6607  sailor                   S  none   5' 7 1/2"   dark brown   dark brown   oval           dark           middling stout  6607  Coat of arms ship woman flag J.G. right arm, woman two bracelets left arm, ring fourth finger left hand, earings   
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Surname     Christian Name(s)   Reg No       Occupation        M/S Child    Height        Hair         Eyes      Face          Complexion          Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Hall         Edward              6627  watchmaker               S  none   5' 6"       brown        hazel        full           fresh          stout           6627  Mariner's grave sailor and woman right arm, brig on left arm
Hall         Henry               6615  shoemaker                S  none   5' 10 3/4"  dark brown   grey         oval           sallow         middling stout  6615  Coat of arms right arm, H.F. anchor flags and wreath B. and jug left arm   
Hambley      William             6608  rope maker               M  one    5' 9 3/4"   dark brown   hazel        oval           fresh          middling stout  6608  Scar above right wrist
Hart         John                6610  seaman                   M  none   5' 7 3/4"   dark brown   grey         round          sallow         middling stout  6610  Star and anchor left thumb, J.H. right thumb, cut left side of throat, mark under left eye   
Harvey       Charles             6611  gentleman' s servant     S  none   3' 5 1/2"   light brown  grey         oval           fresh          middling stout  6611  None
Haydock      Roger               6614  iron moulder             M  four   5' 6 1/2"   brown        grey         long           fresh          middling stout  6614  Cut over left eyebrow
Hennessey    John                6623  tailor                   M  none   5' 6"       brown        grey         long           fresh          middling stout  6623  G.J. right arm, crossed pipes and J.H. left arm
Hill         George              6609  labourer                 S  none   5' 3 1/4"   brown        grey         oval           fresh          middling stout  6609  Ship ' Harry B'  left arm, cut left side of forehead
Hill         Joseph              6622  fitter                   S  none   5' 11 3/4"  light brown  grey         long           fair           middling stout  6622  Lost top joint first and second fingers left hand, blue mark left arm   
Hogg         Joseph              6625  labourer                 S  none   5' 6 1/2"   brown        grey         long           dark           middling stout  6625  Pockmarked, cut fourth finger left hand, scar right leg, upper front teeth gone   
Holden       John Entwistle      6616  book keeper              M  one    5' 6 3/4"   light brown  grey         long           sallow         middling stout  6616  Coal cut bridge of nose, burn R.M. dot and mark W. bracelet J.D.H. bracelet left arm, M.S. rose and anchor right arm, burn on left leg and back   
Hooke        William             6618  labourer                 S  none   5' 6 1/4"   brown        grey         long           fresh          middling stout  6618  Scar on forehead, W.H.J.H. left arm
Hooper       Charles             6621  labourer                 S  none   5' 3 1/4"   black        hazel        oval           swarthy        middling stout  6621  Lost all upper front teeth
Horn         Lancelot            6617  labourer                 S  none   5' 6 1/4"   brown        hazel        long           sallow         slight          6617  Scar on forehead
Horton       Henry               6624  tinplate worker          M  none   5' 3 1/2"   brown        dark grey    oval           sallow         middling stout  6624  Two upper front teeth out
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Surname     Christian Name(s)   Reg No       Occupation        M/S Child    Height        Hair         Eyes      Face          Complexion          Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Hughes       John                6619  labourer                 S  none   5' 4 1/4"   brown        grey         long           fresh          middling stout  6619  Coal cut corner left eye, coal cuts on back
Humphrey     John                6612  collier                  M  two    5' 7 1/4"   brown        dark hazel   oval           fresh          stout           6612  Coal cuts on back, coal cuts on nose
Humphreys    Matthew William     6620  labourer                 M  none   5' 3 1/4"   brown        grey         full           fresh          middling stout  6620  Cut on bridge of nose
Hutchinson   Alexander           6626  brewer & maltster        W  three  5' 7"       dark brown   hazel        long           sallow         middling stout  6626  Widower; Cut bridge of nose, broken right ankle, cut left wrist   
Huxley       William             6613  huckster                 S  none   5' 3 1/2"   brown        grey         long           dark           middling stout  6613  None
Jackson      George              6631  painter                  S  none   5' 7"       dark brown   dark grey    oval           fresh          middling stout  6631  Seven blue dots left arm, scrofula left side of throat, scald on breast   
Jackson      John                6635  iron moulder             M  three  5' 4"       brown        grey         round          fresh          middling stout  6635  None
Jackson      Thomas              6636  labourer                 S  none   5' 6 3/4"   brown        dark grey    long           fresh          middling stout  6636  Scrofula marks on throat
James        James               6632  stone cutter             S  none   5' 5"       brown        grey         full           sallow         stout           6632  L.T. and burn left arm
Jameson      Joseph              6637  weaver                   S  none   5' 2 1/2"   brown        grey         round          sallow         middling stout  6637  Lost four upper front teeth
Janes        William             6630  groom                    M  none   5' 3 1/4"   light brown  grey         oval           fresh          middling stout  6630  Woman three flowers left arm, B.E. right arm   
Jones        John                6634  carter                   S  none   5' 2 3/4"   brown        grey         long           fresh          middling stout  6634  Three indistinct blue marks on right arm
Jones        Joseph              6629  baker                    M  none   5' 6 3/4"   brown        grey         full           fresh          middling stout  6629  M.L.J.L and heart J.H. left upper arm, two anchors right arm   
Jones        Robert              6633  sawyer                   S  none   5' 2 1/4"   dark brown   dark hazel   full           fresh          middling stout  6633  Several small cuts near left eye
Jones        Thomas              6628  shoemaker                M  none   5' 1"       brown        grey         full           sallow         middling stout  6628  Swelling on left arm near wrist
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Surname     Christian Name(s)   Reg No       Occupation        M/S Child    Height        Hair         Eyes      Face          Complexion          Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Kane         John                6639  fitter                   S  none   5' 3"       dark brown   dark hazel   long           fresh          middling stout  6639  Ship right arm, anchor left wrist, burn right shoulder
Kerr         Thomas              6643  printer                  S  none   5' 7 3/4"   dark brown   dark hazel   long           sallow         slight          6643  Small cut on forehead
Keys         Frederick           6640  tinsmith                 S  none   5' 7 3/4"   light brown  grey         oval           fair           middling stout  6640  One lower front tooth out
Kinkin       Edward              6638  waiter                   S  none   5' 4 1/2"   brown        grey         oval           fresh          middling stout  6638  Small cut corner left eye
Kirk         Robert              6644  labourer                 S  none   5' 3 3/4"   brown        hazel        round          dark           middling stout  6644  Cut right forefinger, M.K. right arm, Brig left arm
Kitsall      William             6641  nailor                   S  none   5' 4 3/4"   dark brown   dark hazel   oval           sallow         middling stout  6641  Burn near right elbow
Knapp        John                6642  labourer                 M  none   5' 4 1/2"   dark brown   dark grey    long           dark           middling stout  6642  Two upper front teeth out, crucifix woman anchor Edwin Knapp left arm, British coat of arms J. Knapp two anchors heart J.E. right arm, ring fourth finger left hand   
Lamb         George              6656  tailor                   S  none   5' 6 1/4"   light brown  grey         long           fresh          middling stout  6656  G.L. right arm
Lawrence     Frank               6647  sailmaker                S  none   5' 6 1/2"   brown        grey         long           fresh          middling stout  6647  Both arms covered with blue marks, two stars and man on back of left hand, woman back of right hand   
Leary        Michael             6648  sailor                   S  none   5' 3 1/2"   brown        dark grey    full           fresh          middling stout  6648  Anchor in red ink right arm, blue ink left arm
Lee          John                6649  shoemaker                M  none   5' 6"       brown        grey         full           sallow         middling stout  6649  Slightly pockmarked
Lees         Samuel              6646  stone cutter             S  none   5' 4"       brown        hazel        oval           fresh          middling stout  6646  Pockmarked
Leeson       Henry               6654  farmer                   S  none   5' 5 1/4"   light brown  dark grey    long           fair           middling stout  6654  Nine dots back of left hand, ring fourth finger ditto   
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Surname     Christian Name(s)   Reg No       Occupation        M/S Child    Height        Hair         Eyes      Face          Complexion          Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Leonard      John                6645  tailor                   M  none   5' 5"       brown        dark grey    long           fair           middling stout  6645  Pockmarked
Lewingston   Henry               6650  cook                     S  none   5' 2"       dark brown   dark grey    long           fresh          middling stout  6650  Scald mark left wrist and on left knee
Lockley      Joseph              6652  labourer                 M  two    5' 8"       brown        dark grey    long           dark           middling stout  6652  Pockmarked
Lockwood     William George      6655  edge tool maker          S  none   5' 4 3/4"   dark brown   grey         oval           fresh          middling stout  6655  Cupping marks on breast, cut right leg
Love         Charles             6653  general farm labourer    M  two    5' 6 1/2"   light brown  grey         long           sallow         stout           6653  Scar left cheek, cut left thumb, one upper front tooth out   
Loveridge    John                6651  labourer                 S  none   5' 4 1/4"   brown        dark hazel   long           dark           middling stout  6651  J.T.E.J. heart two pipes on right arm, anchor on left arm
Maloney      William             6660  labourer                 W  three  5' 5 1/4"   brown        grey         long           fresh          middling stout  6660  Widower; Lost two upper front teeth
Mann         Joseph              6657  labourer                 S  none   5' 3 1/2"   dark brown   grey         long & thin    sallow         middling stout  6657  Indistinct blue marks left arm, blue dots back of left hand, ring third finger left hand   
Martin       John                6683  sweep                    S  none   5' 3 3/4"   light brown  hazel        round          dark           middling stout  6683  Cast in right eye
Massey       Joseph              6661  labourer                 S  none   5' 9"       brown        grey         oval           dark           middling stout  6661  Fish on back of left hand
Mawdesley    William             6665  iron moulder             M  none   5' 7"       dark brown   dark grey    round          sallow         middling stout  6665  Several small cuts on chin
Maynard      Edward              6668  sawyer                   M  none   5' 7"       brown        dark brown   long           full           stout           6668  Contracted three fingers of left hand
McAvoy       Peter               6673  labourer                 S  none   5' 1 1/2"   brown        grey         round          fresh          middling stout  6673  P. and woman right arm, anchor on left arm
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Surname     Christian Name(s)   Reg No       Occupation        M/S Child    Height        Hair         Eyes      Face          Complexion          Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

McDonald     Charles             6667  hawker                   S  none   5' 5"       dark brown   dark hazel   full           dark           middling stout  6667  None
McDonald     George              6658  shoemaker                S  none   5' 5 1/2"   dark brown   dark hazel   full           dark           middling stout  6658  Boil mark above left wrist, lost one upper front tooth   
McDonald     James               6678  painter                  S  none   5' 5 1/4"   brown        grey         long           fresh          middling stout  6678  None
McDonald     John                6669  groom                    S  none   5' 7 1/2"   light brown  grey         oval           fresh          middling stout  6669  Blind left eye, lost one upper front tooth
McGuiness    Brian               6663  shopkeeper               M  three  5' 6 1/2"   brown        dark grey    long           healthy        middling stout  6663  Lost four upper front teeth
McIntyre     Thomas              6679  baker                    S  none   5' 0 1/4"   grey         grey         round          sallow         middling stout  6679  A.M. anchor right arm, broken nose
McLusky      John                6674  rough carpenter          W  none   5' 2"       brown        dark grey    round          dark           stout           6674  Widower; Pockmarked, cut left hand
McMullin     Robert              6666  mason                    S  none   5' 3"       dark brown   dark grey    long           fresh          middling stout  6666  Lost one upper front tooth
McPherson    John                6680  butcher                  M  none   5' 5"       dark brown   grey         long           fresh          middling stout  6680  Pockmarked, anchor right thumb
Miles        James               6670  stonemason               S  none   5' 9 1/2"   dark brown   dark grey    long           fresh          middling stout  6670  Cut on forehead, sailor on right arm
Milner       Ephraim             6671  butcher                  S  none   5' 3 1/4"   dark brown   dark grey    round          sallow         middling stout  6671  Pockmarked
Moll         Joseph Herman       6659  clerk                    S  none   5' 9 1/4"   greyish      hazel        full           dark           middling stout  6659  Scar left thumb and near forefinger, injured third finger right hand    
Moore        William             6682  baker                    S  none   5' 7 1/4"   dark brown   dark hazel   oval           sallow         middling stout  6682  Small cut under left eye
Moran        Edward              6684  labourer                 S  none   5' 9"       brown        dark grey    full           fresh          middling stout  6684  Pockmarked, scar right upper arm
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Surname     Christian Name(s)   Reg No       Occupation        M/S Child    Height        Hair         Eyes      Face          Complexion          Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Morley       James               6664  tailor                   S  none   5' 3"       brown        grey         long           sallow         middling stout  6664  J.M. anchor right arm, anchor left arm
Morrison     George              6675  labourer                 S  none   5' 5 3/4"   brown        grey         long           fresh          middling stout  6675  Pockmarked, scar right leg below the knee
Morrison     James               6676  painter                  S  none   5' 4 1/2"   brown        hazel        long           healthy        middling stout  6676  Small cut on forehead
Morrison     John                6681  labourer                 S  none   6' 0 1/2"   dark brown   dark hazel   long           fresh          middling stout  6681  Cut on forehead
Mortimer     William             6662  baker                    M  none   5' 5"       brown        dark hazel   full           fresh          stout           6662  C.J. right arm, P.C. left arm, cut left chin
Mullins      Henry               6672  butcher & shepherd       S  none   5' 7 1/4"   brown        dark grey    long           dark           middling stout  6672  Cut right thumb
Murphy       John                6677  seaman                   S  none   5' 2 1/4"   dark brown   hazel        long           sallow         slight          6677  Cut left eye, burn left arm
Neesham      Robert              6685  labourer                 S  none   5' 9 1/2"   brown        grey         long           fresh          middling stout  6685  D left side, coat of arms right arm, ship on breast, sailor left arm   
Nutt         Charles             6686  farm labourer            S  none   5' 9"       brown        grey         oval           fresh          middling stout  6686  Scar left thumb
Oakley       Israel              6689  collier                  S  none   5' 5"       dark brown   grey         long           sallow         middling stout  6689  None
Oakley       William             6687  labourer                 S  none   5'  9 1/2"  dark brown   grey         long           healthy        middling stout  6687  Two coats of arms right arm
Oldham       William             6690  brickmaker               S  none   5' 10 1/2"  dark brown   hazel        round          sallow         middling stout  6690  Pockmarked, cut on forehead, ring little finger right hand   
Organ        James               6688  shoemaker                M  two    5' 4 3/4"   brown        grey         long           sallow         middling stout  6688  Pockmarked, cut lower lip, anchor left arm
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Surname     Christian Name(s)   Reg No       Occupation        M/S Child    Height        Hair         Eyes      Face          Complexion          Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Parker       Thomas              6693  stonemason               S  none   5' 3 3/4"   brown        grey         oval           dark           middling stout  6693  Indistinct blue marks left arm
Parkinson    Joseph              6707  weaver                   S  none   5' 6 1/2"   light brown  grey         oval           sallow         middling stout  6707  Woman on right arm, and wreath man and woman left arm
Parsonage    John                6698  butcher                  M  two    6' 0 1/8"   brown        grey         long           fresh          middling stout  6698  Three scars from abcesses right arm
Paton        Neil                6704  cloth finisher           S  none   5' 4 1/2"   brown        grey         full           sallow         middling stout  6704  Cut over right eye
Payne        Henry               6701  brewer                   M  one     ...   ...   ...    ...   ....   ....   ....   ....   ....   ....   ...  ....  ...  6701  Died during the voyage to Australia
Pearson      George              6697  land surveyor            M  four   5' 2 3/4"   brown        dark grey    long           sallow         middling stout  6697  None
Pearson      Henry               6696  ropemaker                M  two    5' 4 7/8"   bald         dark         oval           fresh          middling stout  6696  Pockmarked, ring third finger left hand
Pearson      James               6702  miner                    M  none   5' 8 3/4"   brown        grey         full           sallow         stout           6702  Cut left side of chin
Pearson      William             6706  cabinet maker            S  none   5' 11 1/4"  brown        grey         full           fresh          middling stout  6706  Ship coat of arms tree serpent and two stars left arm, monument woman and child and woman on right arm   
Peate        William             6699  engine driver            M  none   5' 11 1/2"  brown        grey         long           sallow         middling stout  6699  Lost upper front tooth
Pennycuick   Alexander           6705  stocking maker           M  two    5' 9 3/4"   brown        grey         long           sallow         middling stout  6705  Two arrows and heart A.P. and thistle right arm, burn left arm
Perryman     Joseph              6691  farm labourer            M  four   5' 5"       light brown  hazel        oval           sallow         middling stout  6691  Contracted top joint right forefinger
Pitchford    Thomas              6694  butcher                  S  none   5' 10 7/8"  dark brown   grey         oval           fresh          middling stout  6694  Lost right forefinger, cut left arm
Poole        Thomas              6700  labourer                 S  none   5' 0"       brown        hazel        long           sallow         middling stout  6700  None
Powell       Joseph              6692  sailor                   S  none   4' 4 1/4"   light brown  grey         oval           fresh          middling stout  6692  Mariner' s grave and a smack heart and two anchors J.P.G.P.H.A.P. right arm, J.P.S.P and H.P. left arm   
Price        Isaac               6708  shoemaker                S  none   5' 3 1/2"   light brown  grey         round          fresh          middling stout  6708  Anchor A. left arm, heart right thumb, blue mark left arm
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Surname     Christian Name(s)   Reg No       Occupation        M/S Child    Height        Hair         Eyes      Face          Complexion          Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Pullinger    Daniel              6703  labourer                 S  none   5' 0 1/8"   brown        hazel        long           sallow         middling stout  6703  Two cuts left arm, cut on each side of forehead
Punnett      George              6695  labourer                 M  one    5' 3 1/2"   brown        grey         oval           dark           middling stout  6695  Cast in left eye
Randall      John                6720  barber                   S  none   5' 4"       dark brown   dark hazel   long           fresh          middling stout  6720  Sundry indistinct blue marks both arms
Rankin       John                6725  labourer                 S  none   5' 9"       brown        blue         oval           fresh          middling stout  6725  Mariner's tomb left arm, banner of war right arm
Rankin       Thomas              6723  bookbinder               M  two    5' 4 3/4"   dark brown   blue         full           fresh          stout           6723  None
Ratcliffe    George              6718  farm labourer            M  three  5' 8"       brown        grey         full           sallow         middling stout  6718  2 Woman L.A.R. and wreath etc left arm
Redding      Joseph Herbert      6716  gentleman' s servant     W  one    5' 6 1/4"   brown        hazel        long           fresh          middling stout  6716  Widower; None
Reid         George              6710  painter                  S  none   5' 5 1/2"   brown        dark brown   long           fresh          middling stout  6710  W.T.S.L. in wreath on left arm
Reid         Joseph              6721  basket maker             S  none   5' 5 3/4"   dark brown   dark hazel   full           dark           stout           6721  None
Riley        John James          6711  clerk                    S  none   5' 6 3/4"   brown        grey         long           pale           slight          6711  Blind of left eye
Riley        Timothy             6724  labourer                 S  none   5' 3 1/2"   dark brown   dark hazel   full           fresh          stout           6724  Mariner's tomb left arm, D.M. on each arm
Roberts      Edward              6713  farm labourer            M  seven  5' 8"       grey         grey         round          dark           stout           6713  E.R. fork and spade right arm, scar left cheek
Robinson     William             6719  labourer                 S  none   5' 8 1/4"   brown        grey         long           fresh          middling stout  6719  M.A.B. right arm
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Surname     Christian Name(s)   Reg No       Occupation        M/S Child    Height        Hair         Eyes      Face          Complexion          Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Roe          James Elphinstone   6709  clerk                    M  nine   5' 5 1/4"   dark brown   dark hazel   long           pale           middling stout  6709  None
Rogan        Hugh                6722  type founder             S  none   5' 8 3/4"   dark brown   dark hazel   oval            ....   ....   stout           6722  None
Rose         James               6714  groom                    S  none   5' 5 3/4"   light brown  grey         full           fresh          middling stout  6714  Cut over left eye
Rose         William             6715  labourer                 S  none   5' 2 1/4"   brown        dark grey    long           healthy        middling stout  6715  Union Jack and heart left arm, anchor on right arm
Rowe         Henry               6712  shoemaker                S  none   5' 6 3/4"   brown        dark grey    full           florid         middling stout  6712  Tree man woman serpent and bracelet right arm, man woman and bracelet left arm, B. left side, lost two upper front teeth   
Rushion      Abraham             6717  miner                    M  none   5' 6 1/2"   brown        dark grey    full           fresh          middling stout  6717  Scar on forehead, broken second finger right hand, lost several upper front teeth   
Sanders      John                6732  labourer                 S  none   5' 6 1/4"   dark brown   blue         round          fair           stout           6732  Nose broken
Saunders     George              6743  sawyer                   S  none   5' 5 1/2"   dark brown   dark hazel   long           dark           middling stout  6743  None
Saville      George              6735  goldlace beater          S  none   5' 5 1/4"   dark brown   dark hazel   long           dark           stout           6735  Scar on forehead and back of head
Simpson      Alfred              6728  painter                  S  none   5' 10 1/4"  dark brown   hazel        long           fresh          slight          6728  Bracelet left arm
Sinden       Tylden              6731  shoemaker                M  six    5' 6 1/4"   dark brown   grey         oval           sallow         stout           6731  Lost thumb right hand and scar on forehead   
Small        James               6741  mason                    S  none   5' 2 3/4"   brown        hazel        round          florid         stout           6741  Monument and coat of arms left arm
Smart        Samuel              6740  shoemaker                S  none   5' 6 3/4"   dark brown   hazel        oval           dark           stout           6740  Mariner' s tomb left arm
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Surname     Christian Name(s)   Reg No       Occupation        M/S Child    Height        Hair         Eyes      Face          Complexion          Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Smith        George              6737  labourer                 S  none   5' 3"       light brown  blue         long           fresh          stout           6737  Scar left temple, anchor and letter C on left arm   
Smith        James               6730  horse dealer             S  none   5' 8 1/2"   black        dark hazel   round          sallow         stout           6730  Mariner's grave right arm
Smith        John                6736  tailor                   M  none   5' 1 3/4"   dark brown   dark hazel   long           fresh          middling stout  6736  None
Smith        William             6726  tailor                   S  none   5' 0 1/4"   brown        blue         oval           fresh          stout           6726  J.A.R. left arm, anchor on right hand
Smith        William             6733  baker                    S  none   5' 5 1/2"   black        dark hazel   long           sallow         middling stout  6733  None
Spain        Michael             6744  baker                    S  none   5' 7"       brown        light hazel  full           fresh          stout           6744  None
Spaller      John                6729  seaman                   S  none   5' 4"       dark brown   hazel        round          fresh          stout           6729  Scar left eyebrow, and pockpitted
Spencer      George              6734  groom                    M  one    5' 2"       dark brown   dark hazel   oval           dark           middling stout  6734  Woman and E.White left arm, scar upper lip
Squire       William             6742  farm labourer            S  none   5' 7"       light brown  light blue   round          fair           stout           6742  Scars back of neck
Strickland   George              6739  shoemaker                S  none   5' 5"       brown        blue         long           florid         middling stout  6739  Scar left eyebrow and right side of nose
Strugnell    Frederick           6727  butcher                  S  none   5' 3 1/2"   light brown  blue         oval           fair           stout           6727  Scar back of left hand
Swash        John                6738  engraver                 S  none   5' 1 1/2"   light brown  blue         round          fresh          middling stout  6738  Two men fighting and Marga with five spots on left arm, Bird right arm   
Talbot       Patrick             6746  labourer                 S  none   5' 1 3/4"   brown        blue         round          sallow         stout           6746  None
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Surname     Christian Name(s)   Reg No       Occupation        M/S Child    Height        Hair         Eyes      Face          Complexion          Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Thomas       James               6745  fitter                   S  none   5' 5 1/2"   dark brown   grey         oval           fair           stout           6745  P.B.T.L. with heart left arm, P.B.I.L. heart right arm   
Thomas       Samuel              6754  miner                    M  one    5' 3 1/2"   brown        grey         full           sallow         stout           6754  None
Thompson     Edward              6755  butcher                  M  one    5' 4 1/4"   light brown  light hazel  long           florid         stout           6755  Freckled both arms
Thompson     John                6751  labourer                 S  none   5' 8"       dark brown   light blue   oval           fair           stout           6751  Anchor cross right arm, anchor cross left arm, D left side
Thompson     William             6749  silk thrower             S  none   5' 3 1/4"   dark brown   light hazel  thin           sallow         middling stout  6749  Burn on breast
Thomson      Robert              6758  flax dresser             M  one    5' 4 1/4"   brown        hazel        long           sallow         middling stout  6758  None
Thornley     David               6757  labourer                 S  none   5' 2 1/4"   dark brown   grey         full           fair           middling stout  6757  None
Titterington Thomas              6750  labourer                 S  none   5' 8 3/4"   brown        grey         round          sallow         stout           6750  Coat of arms anchor right arm, ship left arm, pockpitted
Trew         Valentine           6753  clerk                    S  none   5' 9"       brown        grey         long           sallow         slight          6753  None
Turner       John                6752  stonemason               S  none   5' 5 1/2"   brown        grey         round          fair           stout           6752  None
Turner       Thomas              6747  labourer                 S  none   5' 0 1/2"   brown        grey         full           sallow         stout           6747  None
Turnock      William             6748  labourer                 S  none   5' 4"       light brown  blue         long           fair           middling stout  6748  Scrofula back of neck
Turvey       Richard             6756  glass blower             S  none   5' 7 3/4"   brown        hazel        round          fresh          stout           6756  Cut right eye
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Surname     Christian Name(s)   Reg No       Occupation        M/S Child    Height        Hair         Eyes      Face          Complexion          Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Venn         John                6759  gentleman' s servant     M  none   5' 8"       brown        hazel        full           dark           stout           6759  Scar right knee
Walker       John                6780  labourer                 S  none   5' 4 3/4"   light brown  hazel        long           sallow         middling stout  6780  Anchor left arm, coat of arms and anchor right arm
Walker       John                6784  labourer                 S  none   5' 7"       brown        grey         long           sallow         stout           6784  Carbuncle left side of nose
Walker       Thomas C.           6761  elastic weaver           M  none   5' 4 1/2"   brown        blue         long           fresh          middling stout  6761  Heart right arm, T left arm
Walker       Thomas              6778  cooper                   S  none   5' 9 1/2"   light brown  blue         thin           sallow         slight          6778  None
Wardle       Thomas              6781  nail maker               M  none   5' 6 3/4"   brown        grey         full           fresh          stout           6781  None
Watson       James               6777  coalminer                M  two    5' 2 3/4"   brown        grey         thin           sallow         pockpitted      6777  Pockpitted, scar right arm
Watson       William Alexander   6783  carpenter                M  two    5' 4 3/4"   dark brown   grey         round          dark           stout           6783  Flower pot right arm, J.B. fish anchor left arm
Weaver       Joseph              6764  shoemaker                M  one    5' 5 1/2"   dark brown   dark hazel   round          fair           stout           6764  J.W. left arm
Webb         James               6770  brass founder            S  none   5' 5 1/4"   light brown  grey         thin           sallow         middling stout  6770  Scar on knee and calf of leg
Webb         John                6772  groom                    S  none   5' 5 3/4"   brown        blue         thin           fair           middling stout  6772  Cut on nose
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Surname     Christian Name(s)   Reg No       Occupation        M/S Child    Height        Hair         Eyes      Face          Complexion          Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Whitaker     Joseph              6786  labourer & weaver        S  none   5' 7 1/4"   dark brown   light blue   long           fresh          middling stout  6786   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...
Whitby       William             6771  stonemason               S  none   5' 4 1/4"   dark brown   light hazel  long           sallow         stout           6771  W.W. left arm
White        Spink               6788  machine maker & spinner  M  one    5' 6 3/4"   dark brown   light hazel  round           ....   ....   ...  ....  ...  6788   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...
White        Thomas              6767  stonemason               S  none   5' 9"       black        dark hazel   full           sallow         stout           6767  None
Whitehead    Thomas              6792  labourer                 M  none   5' 2"       light brown  grey         oval            ....   ....   ...  ....  ...  6792   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...
Whittingham  John                6789  labourer                 S  none   5' 6 1/2"   brown        hazel        long            ....   ....   ...  ....  ...  6789   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...
Willey       William             6769  publican & dealer        M  seven  5' 4 1/8"   brown        grey         full           sallow         stout           6769  None
Williams     Edward              6782  gamekeeper               M  three  5' 7 1/2"   light brown  grey         full           fresh          stout           6782  None
Williams     John                6763  cabman                   M  none   5' 1 3/4"   dark brown   hazel        long           dark           middling stout  6763  Cut upper lip
Williams     Thomas              6760  cutler                   S  none   5' 5 1/2"   light brown  grey         round          sallow         stout           6760  Man and cross sailor and woman right arm, woman and pot of flowers left arm   
Williams     Thomas              6774  painter                  S  none   5' 5 1/4"   light red    light grey   full           red            stout           6774  Coat of arms right arm
Wilmont      Barnard             6773  labourer                 S  none   5' 4"       light brown  grey         oval           florid         stout           6773  Freckled
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Surname     Christian Name(s)   Reg No       Occupation        M/S Child    Height        Hair         Eyes      Face          Complexion          Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Wilson       James               6790  weaver                   S  none   4' 10 1/2"  dark brown   grey         round           ....   ....   ...  ....  ...  6790   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...
Wilson       John                6779  labourer                 S  none   5' 4 1/4"   brown        light hazel  thin           sallow         middling stout  6779  W. right arm, cross left arm
Wilson       John                6787  labourer                 S  none   5' 8 3/8"   light brown  grey         long           fresh          ...  ....  ...  6787   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...
Wilson       John                6793  labourer & soldier       S  none   4' 9"       light brown  grey         oval            ....   ....   ...  ....  ...  6793   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...
Wilson       Robert              6766  brushmaker               M  none   5' 8 3/4"   light brown  blue         full           fair           stout           6766  None
Wilson       William             6768  bricklayer               S  none   5' 3 1/4"   brown        grey         long           fresh          stout           6768  Blind right eye
Windle       James               6791  labourer                 S  none   5' 11"      brown        grey         long            ....   ....   ...  ....  ...  6791   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...
Windley      Philip              6765  labourer                 S  none   5' 4"       dark brown   grey         round          fair           stout           6765  Man and blue dots left arm
Winnwood     George              6785  labourer                 S  none   5' 3 1/4"   brown        blue         oval           sallow         middling stout  6785  Bracelet left arm, D left side
Wise         Joseph              6776  upholsterer              S  none   5' 3"       dark brown   grey         full           fresh          stout           6776  Crucifix left arm
Wood         William             6775  brickmaker               S  none   5' 8 1/2"   brown        grey         long           fresh          stout           6775  Pockpitted, man and woman right arm
Wright       Charles             6762  shoemaker                S  none   5' 4"       brown        hazel        long           fair           stout           6762  Pistol right arm, J.W. left arm
Yeomans      Thomas              6795  brass caster             M  one    5' 0 1/2"    ...    ...  blue         round           ....   ....   ...  ....  ...  6795   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...
Young        John                6796  mason                    S  none    ...   ...   ...    ...  grey         long            ....   ....   ...  ....  ...  6796   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...
Young        Richard             6794  labourer & bricklayer    M  none   5' 5"       grey         grey         oval            ....   ....   ...  ....  ...  6794   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...
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