Close the Window Physical Descriptions of Convicts on the
Lord Raglan, 1858

* Although this information has been compiled in good faith,
please refer to primary sources for confirmation and further research.

Surname     Christian Name(s) Reg No      Occupation       M/S Child     Height        Hair        Eyes      Face       Complexion      Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Adams        Thomas            4949  labourer               S  none    5' 6"       black        dark brown   oval       swathy      middling stout  4949  Pockmarked, G.L. right arm, scar right arm 
Allen        Charles           4929  butcher                S  none    5' 6 1/4"   brown        hazel        long       sallow      middling stout  4929  Cut left forefinger
Allen        William           4844  carpenter              S  none    5' 11 3/4"  brown        hazel        full       healthy     middling stout  4844  L.P. right arm S.B. and fish left arm, L.P. and heart back of left hand  
Anderson     John              5010  shoemaker              S  none    5' 5 1/4"   light brown  light hazel  long       sallow      middling stout  5010  Pockmarked
Anderson     William           4833  tailor                 S  none    5' 4 1/4"   brown        grey         oval       sallow      middling stout  4833  Marks in wreath left arm, mole right arm
Anderson     William           4875  slipper maker          S  none    5' 4 1/2"   light brown  dark hazel   long       fair        slight          4875  none
Armstrong    Christopher       4787  miner                  S  none    5' 9 1/4"   dark brown   light grey   oval       dark        middling stout  4787  Pockmarked, cut tip of little finger left hand
Atkinson     John              4809  tailor                 M  one     5' 4 3/4"   grey         hazel        oval       fresh       middling stout  4809  Blind left eye, lost two upper front teeth
Baird        David             4914  mason                  S  none    5' 5 1/2"   dark brown   black        full       sallow      stout           4914  Nose inclined a little to the left
Baker        John              4846  farm labourer          S  none    5' 6"       brown        hazel        long       fresh       middling stout  4846  none
Baker        Thomas            4843  tailor                 S  none    5' 5 1/2"   brown        grey         oval       sallow      middling stout  4843  Mark on crown of head, both arms covered with blue marks
Balmer       William           4858  clerk                  S  none    6' 1 1/4"   light red    dark hazel   long       fresh       middling stout  4858  Scar from wounds on right hip, cupped on both breasts
Banks        John              5000  warehouseman           S  none    5' 5"       dark brown   hazel        long       fresh       stout           5000  Pockmarked
Barlow       Henry             4906  labourer               S  none    5' 4"       dark brown   dark hazel   full       sallow      stout           4906  Blue dots on fingers
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Surname     Christian Name(s) Reg No      Occupation       M/S Child     Height        Hair        Eyes      Face       Complexion      Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Bartram      Robert            4893  shepherd               S  none    6' 0"       light brown  blue         thin       fair        slight          4893  Cut on right leg
Batty        William           4891  miner                  M  none    5' 6"       dark brown   light hazel  full       fresh       stout           4891  Scar left wrist
Beasley      Edward            4813  labourer               S  none    5' 10 1/2"  pale brown   hazel        long       fresh       middling stout  4813  Pockmarked
Berry        John              4959  grocer                 S  none    5' 6 1/4"   brown        hazel        oval       fresh       middling stout  4959  none
Betts        Henry             4938  gas fitter             S  none    5' 3 3/4"   light brown  grey         oval       fresh       middling stout  4938  Cut over left eyebrow, lost left forefinger
Blackmore    William           4946  farm labourer          S  none    5' 5"       brown        dark brown   oval       fresh       middling stout  4946  none
Blake        George            4937  glass mounter          S  none    5' 4 1/2"   dark brown   dark hazel   prominent  fresh       middling stout  4937  Pockmarked, scar left side of lower jaw
Bossee       Francois          4836  soldier                S  none    5' 5 3/4"   black        dark hazel   oval       swathy      middling stout  4836  none
Bowley       William           4877  whip maker             M  none    5' 6"       light        light blue   oval       fair        delicate        4877  Scar left hand, scar right arm
Brian        Maurice           5028  labourer               S  none    5' 3"       light brown  hazel        round      fresh       stout           5028  Scrofula on neck
Brookfield   Robert            4848  fitter                 S  none    5' 5 1/2"   dark brown   dark hazel   full       sallow      middling stout  4848  Cut left temple, cut lower lip
Brown        Benjamin          4791  shoemaker              M  two     5' 6"       light brown  grey         long       sallow      slight          4791  Small cut left temple
Brown        James             4964  gardener               M  two     4' 11 1/4"  dark brown   dark hazel   long       sallow      middling stout  4964  Speck on left eye, lost two upper front teeth   
Brown        John              4882  labourer               M  one     5' 11 1/2"  light red    light hazel  oval       fresh       stout           4882 J.X.B.F.B.R.B.A. left arm, J.B. seven dots right arm   
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Surname     Christian Name(s) Reg No      Occupation       M/S Child     Height        Hair        Eyes      Face       Complexion      Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Brownlow     Philip            5030  farmer                 W  one     5' 11 3/4"  light brown  light hazel  long       sallow      slight          5030  Widower; Scar right cheek, scar right shoulder
Bryan        Patrick           4966  labourer               M  one     5' 7 1/2"   dark brown   dark hazel   oval       sallow      middling stout  4966  Small cut corner of left eye
Bryant       Michael           5025  baker                  M  none    5' 5 3/4"   dark brown   dark hazel   long       sallow      stout           5025  Scar right arm, M. on left arm
Buchanan     James             5024  farm labourer          S  none    5' 4 3/4"   light brown  light hazel  round      fair        stout           5024  Scar on forehead
Buchanan     Peter             4849  sawyer                 M  one     5' 8 3/4"   dark brown   dark hazel   round      fresh       stout           4849  Scar on forehead
Bull         Charles           4821  farrier                M  four    5' 11 3/4"  brown        dark hazel   oval       sallow      middling stout  4821  Small lump behind right ear
Burkinshaw   William           4873  grinder                M  none    5' 5 1/2"   light brown  light hazel  full       fresh       stout           4873  Scar on forehead, scar under chin
Burton       Walter            5036  glass blower           S  none    5' 6 3/4"   dark brown   dark hazel   oval       fair        stout           5036  Scar between first and second fingers left hand
Byrnes       George            4984  labourer               S  none    5' 6 3/4"   dark brown   grey         oval       fresh       middling stout  4984  M.B. and fish right arm, G.B. and wreath left arm, D left side   
Campbell     James             5008  mariner                S  none    5' 4 1/4"   light brown  light blue   long       sallow      stout           5008  Pockmarked, flag on right arm
Campbell     Robert            5037  printer                S  none    5' 5 1/2"   dark brown   dark hazel   full       fresh       stout           5037  Scar left cheek
Carey        Anthony           4887  shoemaker              S  none    5' 5 3/4"   dark brown   light blue   round      dark        middling stout  4887  Pockmarked, cross left arm
Carney       George            5041  bricklayer             S  none    5' 6"       light brown  light hazel  full       fresh       thin            5041  G.C.C.S. heart and spears left arm, fracture left arm   
Carolan      Peter             4886  butcher                S  none    5' 6"       dark brown   dark hazel   oval       sallow      stout           4886  Pockmarked, burn right arm, T.C. left hand
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Surname     Christian Name(s) Reg No      Occupation       M/S Child     Height        Hair        Eyes      Face       Complexion      Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Carroll      Thomas            4838  painter                S  none    5' 5"       brown        grey         oval       sallow      middling stout  4838  Blue marks right arm, rings second and third fingers right hand, ring second finger left hand   
Carter       John              4921  labourer               S  none    5' 6"       brown        grey         round      fresh       middling stout  4921  Scar centre of forehead
Carter       Joseph            4883  labourer               S  none    6' 0"       dark brown   light hazel  round      fresh       stout           4883  Scar right hand, mole right cheek
Carter       Timothy           4998  brick maker            S  none    5' 5"       dark brown   blue         oval       fresh       middling stout  4998  Scar back of neck
Casey        Daniel            4854  labourer               S  none    5' 8 3/4"   dark brown   blue         round      fresh       middling stout  4854  Pimple on right cheek
Cator        Robert            4974  carpenter              S  none    5' 6 1/2"   brown        grey         round      sallow      middling stout  4974  Small scar left breast
Cawthorne    Michael           4868  paper maker            M  one     5' 8"       dark brown   dark hazel   long       dark        stout           4868  Scar both sides of neck
Chater       Edward            4897  engraver               M  none    5' 5 1/2"   black        light blue   oval       sallow      stout           4897  Swelling on right side of neck
Chivers      Joseph            4793  miner                  M  two     5' 8 1/4"   sandy        dark grey    oval       fresh       middling stout  4793  Coal cut left eyebrow, burn right arm, lost top joint second finger left hand   
Clancy       Thomas William    5048  stonemason             S  none    5' 3 1/4"   dark brown   grey         oval       fair        stout           5048  none
Clayton      Seth              4955  labourer               S  none    5' 9 3/4"   brown        brown        long       fresh       middling stout  4955  Cut right eyebrow, two cuts upper lip, broken nail left forefinger   
Cole         John              4855  gardener               S  none    5' 2 1/2"   light brown  dark hazel   thin       fair        slight          4855  none
Cole         Joseph            4912  labourer               S  none    5' 11"      dark brown   light hazel  long       fair        slight          4912  none
Cooper       John              4934  clerk                  S  none    5' 9 3/4"   light brown  grey         oval       fair        middling stout  4934  Small cut over left eyebrow
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Surname     Christian Name(s) Reg No      Occupation       M/S Child     Height        Hair        Eyes      Face       Complexion      Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Corbett      Michael           4781  labourer               S  none    5' 10 1/4"  light brown  grey         oval       fresh       middling stout  4781  Pockmarked
Coy          William           4973  farm labourer          S  none    5' 3 3/4"   dark brown   hazel        oval       fresh       middling stout  4973  none
Cribb        George            4860  brush maker            S  none    5' 7 1/4"   light brown  blue         oval       sallow      stout           4860  Scar over left eyebrow, burn left arm, scars on right leg   
Cundell      David             5003  labourer               M  eight   5' 11"      dark brown   dark hazel   full       fresh       stout           5003  Moles on right arm
Curtis       William           4908  painter                S  none    5' 6"       dark brown   dark hazel   oval       dark        stout           4908  Sailor and woman right arm
Dagling      John              4995  labourer               S  none    5' 3"       brown        grey         round      sallow      middling stout  4995  Broken top joint left forefinger, two cuts second finger left hand, cross left arm, ring third finger left hand   
Davenport    John              4996  grocer                 M  three   5' 9 1/2"   dark brown   grey         full       dark        middling stout  4996  Coal cut bridge of nose, cut on chin
Dennis       Thomas            4957  labourer               S  none    5' 4"       brown        grey         oval       fresh       middling stout  4957  T.R.E.J. anchor left arm, A.J.T.R injured thumb nail left hand, T.R. right arm, T.R. right hand, scar on forehead   
Dimond       William J.        4842  painter                M  one     5' 4"       brown        grey         round      fresh       middling stout  4842  Cut on forehead, cut right eyebrow, scar on nose, flowers E.F.W.C.E.C. in heart right arm anchor left arm, star near left thumb, cross third finger left hand   
Donaldson    Francis           5007  brick maker            M  one     5' 7 1/4"   dark brown   dark hazel   full       dark        stout           5007  Mole on stomach
Dougherty    Matthew           4823  labourer               S  none    5' 4 1/2"   dark brown   grey         round      sallow      middling stout  4823  Pockmarked, inkmarks left arm
Douglas      James             4815  coachman               S  none    5' 2 1/2"   dark brown   hazel        round      sallow      middling stout  4815  Cut lower lip halfmoon seven stars man and woman J.M.B.M.left arm, anchor bottle and glass two pipes, ten dots right arm   
Douglas      John              5031  surgeon                S  none    5' 7 3/4"   dark brown   dark hazel   long       sallow      middling stout  5031  Scar middle finger left hand
Du Perouzel  Aimable Ciril     4840  farmer                 M  none    5' 7 1/4"   black        dark hazel   full       dark        middling stout  4840  Cut right side of chin
Dyson        George            4978  farm labourer          S  none    5' 4 3/4"   dark brown   dark grey    oval       sallow      middling stout  4978  Burn right cheek, burn across right shoulder
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Surname     Christian Name(s) Reg No      Occupation       M/S Child     Height        Hair        Eyes      Face       Complexion      Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Evans        Henry             4916  waterman               S  none    5' 5 1/4"   dark brown   light hazel  long       sallow      stout           4916  "H Evans" anchor left arm, cut second finger right hand
Eyre         Robert            4896  clerk                  S  none    5' 11"      brown        dark hazel   long       dark        slight          4896  Moles on face
Fairbank     Charles           4928  clerk                  S  none    5' 1 1/4"   brown        dark grey    oval       sallow      middling stout  4928  none
Fee          James             4857  labourer               S  none    5' 4 3/4"   dark brown   light hazel  long       sallow      stout           4857  Ship buoy wreath left arm, crucifix right arm, scar left cheek   
Fenn         John              4817  farm labourer          S  none    5' 10"      brown        grey         oval       sallow      middling stout  4817  Pockmarked, cut on bridge of nose, F.C. Curtis on each arm   
Fitzclarence John              4861  farm labourer          S  none    5' 6 1/4"   light brown  blue         oval       fresh       middling stout  4861  Scar upper lip
Flint        Robert            4931  butcher                M  one     5' 3"       dark brown   dark hazel   round      dark        middling stout  4931  Scar near knuckle right forefinger   
Fogarty      Cornelius         4859  bootmaker              M  none    5' 8"       dark brown   dark hazel   long       sallow      stout           4859  Scar back of right leg, mark on left arm
Ford         Robert D.         4971  embosser               M  none    5' 2 1/2"   brown        grey         oval       florid      middling stout  4971  Pockmarked, cut on forehead
Fountain     William           4947  weaver                 S  none    5' 5 3/4"   light brown  grey         full       sallow      stout           4947  "H Hunt" I.L. and heart left arm
Fox          John              4951  butcher                M  two     5' 6"       brown        grey         long       fresh       middling stout  4951  none
Fox          William           4994  sawsmith               S  none    5' 6 1/2"   brown        grey         oval       pale        middling stout  4994  Cut right arm, cut upper lip, cut left ear, cut left thumb   
Fraser       Richard           4827  silversmith            S  none    5' 4 3/4"   brown        light hazel  long       sallow      middling stout  4827  R.F., indistinct anchor left arm, ring second finger left hand   
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Surname     Christian Name(s) Reg No      Occupation       M/S Child     Height        Hair        Eyes      Face       Complexion      Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Gardener     Walter            4825  farm labourer          S  none    5' 5 1/2"   light brown  grey         round      fresh       middling stout  4825  W. left arm, pockmarked
Garnett      John              4879  barber                 S  none    5' 1 1/4"   light brown  light grey   oval       sallow      middling stout  4879  Cut right arm, anchor left arm
Gibbs        George            4917  farm labourer          M  four    5' 9 1/2"   dark brown   hazel        oval       dark        middling stout  4917  Lost part of one upper front tooth
Gibling      James             4888  ostler                 S  none    5' 4"       black        dark blue    long       sallow      slight          4888  Scar on upper lip
Gibson       John Robert       4845  stevedore              M  one     5' 8 3/4"   black        dark hazel   long       swathy      middling stout  4845  Blind left eye, D on left side, wound mark left leg   
Godson       John              4826  farm labourer          S  none    5' 6 1/2"   dark brown   dark hazel   long       sallow      middling stout  4826  none
Goodenough   James             4871  farm labourer          M  two     5' 3 1/2"   light brown  light hazel  oval       dark        stout           4871  Scar left leg
Gough        Alexander         4801  engine driver          S  none    5' 4 1/4"   brown        grey         oval       sallow      middling stout  4801  A.G. two hearts diamond cross anchor etc right arm, A.G. in wreath left arm, bald   
Grant        James             4851  weaver                 S  none    5' 3"       black        blue         long       sallow      stout           4851  Anchor cross and heart left wrist, burn back of neck   
Gray         James             4822  confectioner           S  none    5' 6"       brown        grey         round      pale        middling stout  4822  Small scar tip of nose, cut under left eye
Greedy       Benjamin          4918  farm labourer          S  none    5' 10 1/4"  light brown  light grey   long       fair        slight          4918  Pockmarked, contracted top joint right forefinger
Griffin      Richard           4933  sawyer                 S  none    5' 7 1/4"   brown        dark hazel   oval       sallow      middling stout  4933  Scar back of left hand, cut left arm
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Surname     Christian Name(s) Reg No      Occupation       M/S Child     Height        Hair        Eyes      Face       Complexion      Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Halstead     Henry             4870  wool comber            S  none    5' 5 1/4"   light brown  light hazel  long       fair        stout           4870  Scar on forehead
Harding      Abraham           4899  labourer               M  two     5' 7"       dark brown   dark hazel   long       dark        stout           4899  "Abraham Harding" and 2 fishes right arm
Harris       Charles           4999  brick layer            S  none    5' 8"       light brown  grey         round      fair        middling stout  4999  Small scar right hand and wrist
Harris       John              4961  painter                S  none    5' 7"       brown        grey         oval       fresh       middling stout  4961  none
Harris       Thomas            4963  farm labourer          S  none    5' 4 1/2"   light brown  dark hazel   round      fair        middling stout  4963  Anchor right arm, cut left forefinger
Harrison     Thomas            4948  carpenter              S  none    5' 2"       brown        hazel        oval       fresh       middling stout  4948  Blind left eye, cut left thumb and forefinger
Harvey       Francis           4988  fishmonger             S  none    5' 5"       brown        grey         oval       pale        middling stout  4988  Cut on forehead, heart right arm, anchor left arm   
Harvey       John              5001  horse dealer           W  five    5' 6 1/2"   light brown  grey         round      fresh       stout           5001  Widower; D.H.H.H. left arm
Hatchard     Emanuel           4818   ....    ....    ....  ..  ....    ...   ...   ...    ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...  ...  ....  ...  4818  Died during the voyage
Healey       James             4830  butcher                S  none    5' 9 3/4"   brown        dark grey    long       sallow      middling stout  4830  Scar left thumb
Heath        Thomas            4960  warehouseman           S  none    5' 3 1/4"   brown        dark brown   long       fresh       middling stout  4960  Cut top of left thumb
Hewitt       John              4991  clerk                  S  none    5' 5"       brown        grey         oval       sallow      middling stout  4991  Fourteen dots left arm
Heyton       Richard           4954  blacksmith             M  two     5' 7 1/4"   brown        grey         oval       fresh       middling stout  4954  Scar right shoulder, scald back of left hand, cut near left cheekbone   
Hicks        Robert            5027  labourer               S  none    5' 1"       dark brown   hazel        round      sallow      stout           5027  none
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Surname     Christian Name(s) Reg No      Occupation       M/S Child     Height        Hair        Eyes      Face       Complexion      Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Higginbotham Frederick         4824  tailor                 S  none    5' 3"       brown        light grey   round      fresh       middling stout  4824  Mark right arm, scar right thumb, ear rings, slightly pockmarked   
Higgins      John              4812  labourer               S  none    5' 9"       brown        grey         long       sallow      middling stout  4812  Burn left arm
Hirons       Thomas            4779  farm labourer          M  two     5' 5 1/4"   brown        grey         round      sallow      middling stout  4779  none
Hirst        Edward            4987  watch finisher         S  none    5' 8 1/2"   light brown  grey         round      fair        slight          4987  2 moles right cheek, cut corner of left eye   
Hirst        George            4910  joiner                 M  two     5' 5 1/4"   light brown  light blue   full       sallow      middling stout  4910  Mole on left thigh
Hollis       John              4839  servant                S  none    5' 7 3/4"   dark brown   grey         long       sallow      middling stout  4839  Cut left eyebrow
Howls        Abraham           5021  bootmaker              M  one     5' 2"       dark brown   dark hazel   round      fair        stout           5021  Lance mark on breast
Hoyle        Thomas            4890  shoeing smith          M  none    5' 7 1/4"   greyish      hazel        oval       sallow      middling stout  4890  Cut on upper lip
Hughes       Robert            4894  labourer               S  none    5' 3"       dark brown   dark hazel   round      fresh       stout           4894  Burn on right arm
Humphrey     Joseph            4853  groom                  S  none    5' 8"       light brown  hazel        long       fresh       middling stout  4853  none
Hunter       Charles           4829  stonemason             M  none    5' 8 1/2"   dark brown   dark hazel   oval       sallow      middling stout  4829  A.D. cross thirteen dots H.S. right arm, woman right leg, sailor with flag etc etc etc left arm   
Ingleby      William           5042  stonemason             S  none    5' 7 3/4"   dark brown   grey         long       sallow      middling stout  5042  Pockmarked, cut left leg
Ingram       James             4807  labourer               S  none    6' 1"       brown        grey         round      fresh       middling stout  4807  none
Inkston      Benjamin          4935  servant                S  none    5' 1"       brown        dark hazel   long       sallow      middling stout  4935  Right eye weak, pockmarked, cross right arm, left collar bone been broken   
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Surname     Christian Name(s) Reg No      Occupation       M/S Child     Height        Hair        Eyes      Face       Complexion      Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Jackson      Thomas            4782  painter                S  none    5 4"        brown        grey         oval       fresh       middling stout  4782  Burn left arm
Jackson      William           4940  grinder                M  three   5' 11 1/4"  brown        hazel        long       pale        middling stout  4940  Bald in front, ring second finger right hand, ring second and third finger left hand   
James        John              4924  labourer               S  none    5' 6 1/2"   light brown  grey         full       fresh       middling stout  4924  Scrofula right side of neck
Jeffries     John              4927  butcher                S  none    5' 8"       brown        hazel        oval       fair        middling stout  4927  Lost one upper front tooth
Jenkins      Charles           4804  greengrocer            S  none    5' 9"       light brown  grey         oval       fresh       middling stout  4804  none
Johnson      George            4803  boot maker             S  none    5' 4 1/2"   sandy        grey         sharp      pale        slight          4803  Freckled
Johnson      James             4895  tailor                 S  none    5' 4"       light brown  light hazel  thin       fresh       healthy         4895  Scar from bullet wound on left leg   
Johnston     William           5015  carpenter              S  none    5' 8 3/4"   dark brown   dark hazel   long       fair        slight          5015  Anchor left arm
Johnstone    Alexander         4799  labourer               S  none    5' 6 1/ 4"  black        hazel        oval       swathy      middling stout  4799  Pockmarked, injured top joint third finger left hand   
Jones        Thomas            4953  fitter                 M  none    5' 6"       dark brown   hazel        round      swathy      middling stout  4953  J.Q. right arm
Joyce        Richard           4834  spring maker           S  none    5' 3 3/4"   brown        grey         oval       sallow      middling stout  4834  Pockmarked, burn left shoulder   
Keeling      Samuel            4989  miner                  S  none    5' 5 3/4"   brown        grey         oval       sallow      middling stout  4989  Pockmarked, S left arm, ring third finger left hand
Keightley    Joseph            4876  fruit dealer           M  none    5' 6 3/4"   dark brown   blue         long       sallow      stout           4876  Mole left arm, scar left hand, mole right side of neck
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Surname     Christian Name(s) Reg No      Occupation       M/S Child     Height        Hair        Eyes      Face       Complexion      Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Kelly        John              4878  labourer               S  none    5' 9 1/2"   dark brown   dark hazel   full       sallow      stout           4878  J.K. and anchor right arm
Kelly        Neil              4785  farmer                 M  one     5' 5"       dark brown   grey         round      pale        middling stout  4785  Freckled, M K right arm
Kelly        Thomas            4802  sawyer                 M  one     5' 7 1/4"   brown        hazel        long       fresh       middling stout  4802  Birth mark left arm, lost top joint second and third fingers left hand   
Killeen      Thomas            4811  sawyer                 S  none    5' 9"       brown        grey         long       pale        middling stout  4811  "Thomas Killeen" star, sun moon heart crown woman left arm, D converted into a Crucifix left side   
Kingston     Oscar             5023  plasterer              S  none    5' 9 3/4"   light brown  light hazel  round      fair        middling stout  5023  Scars right side of neck
Knight       William           4962  mason                  S  none    5' 7"       brown        grey         full       fresh       middling stout  4962  Ear rings
Leigh        Peter             5016  bootmaker              M  two     5' 5"       light brown  light hazel  oval       sallow      stout           5016  none
Lewis        John              4885  gardener               S  none    5' 3 3/4"   light red    light hazel  oval       sallow      slight          4885  Scar right thumb
Lewis        Phineas           5005  miner                  M  three   5' 6"       dark brown   dark hazel   full       dark        stout           5005  F.L. and woman right arm, burn on right hand   
Linton       Thomas            5002  cordwainer             M  six     5' 6 3/4"   light brown  grey         full       fair        stout           5002  Small scar right wrist
Lomas        George            4956  tanner                 M  none    5' 9 1/2"   dark brown   light hazel  long       sallow      middling stout  4956  1824 J.L.H.L.B.M.J.L.D. woman left arm, anchor heart fish left hand, ring second finger left hand   
Lowe         Humphrey          4972  ostler                 S  none    5' 4 3/4"   dark brown   grey         long       sallow      middling stout  4972  Pockmarked, scar on forehead, T and several blue marks right arm, bracelet four rings left arm and hand   
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Surname     Christian Name(s) Reg No      Occupation       M/S Child     Height        Hair        Eyes      Face       Complexion      Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Marshall     James             4881  iron driller           M  two     5' 6 1/4"   light brown  dark hazel   long       fresh       stout           4881  S.M. and blue dots left arm
Marwood      William           4819  farm labourer          M  three   5' 5 1/2"   dark brown   grey         oval       dark        middling stout  4819  M blue mark right arm, blue & two rings right hand, scar near left wrist   
Mason        George            4820  labourer               M  one     5' 7 3/4"   black        dark hazel   long       swathy      middling stout  4820  none
May          Andrew            4780  waiter                 S  none    5' 5 3/4"   light brown  grey         oval       fresh       middling stout  4780  Lost top joint of first three fingers left hand, cut on upper lip   
Mayes        Thomas            4919  mason                  S  none    5' 8"       brown        hazel        long       sallow      middling stout  4919  none
McDiarmid    Frederick         4797  clerk                  S  none    5' 5 1/2"   light brown  grey         oval       pale        middling stout  4797  none
McDonald     John              4922  shepherd               S  none    5' 7 1/4"   brown        hazel        round      sallow      middling stout  4922  3 dots and ring right hand, crown left arm, musket 72d Reg J.M.D. left hand, D.D. left side   
McDonald     John              5018  labourer               S  none    5' 3"       black        hazel        round      fresh       stout           5018  Blue dots right hand
McDougal     Alister           4969  carpenter              S  none    5' 1 1/2"   brown        hazel        oval       dark        middling stout  4969  Small cut on left cheek
McGregor     James             4796  miner                  S  none    5' 8 3/4"   dark brown   dark grey    round      dark        middling stout  4796  Coal cut left temple
McKechnie    John              5044  shoemaker              S  none    5' 7"       grey         grey         oval       sallow      stout           5044  Cut on back of neck
McLaughlin   Philip            4798  general dealer         W  three   5' 5 1/2"   light brown  grey         long       sallow      middling stout  4798  Widower; Scar left arm
McRae        George            4990  waiter                 S  none    5' 8"       dark brown   grey         long       sallow      slight          4990  Cut over left eyebrow, small scar lower lip
Miller       George            4926  labourer               S  none    5' 5 1/4"   dark brown   hazel        long       swathy      middling stout  4926  Mermaid highlander anchor right arm, G and star left arm, ring second finger left hand   
Mills        William           5012  tailor                 S  none    5' 4 3/4"   dark brown   dark hazel   oval       fresh       slight          5012  none
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Surname     Christian Name(s) Reg No      Occupation       M/S Child     Height        Hair        Eyes      Face       Complexion      Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Minogue      Michael           4945  baker                  S  none    5' 4"       light brown  dark grey    round      sallow      middling stout  4945  Burn left wrist, M.M. and cross left arm, cross near left thumb, cut on forehead   
Moriarty     Timothy           4985  labourer               S  none    5' 7"       brown        grey         oval       sallow      middling stout  4985  Cast in left eye, T.M. left arm, cut left eyebrow   
Morris       John              4909  boot closer            M  one     5' 3 1/4"   brown        dark hazel   oval       sallow      stout           4909  J.M. and anchor left arm, star on right arm
Mulroy       James             4925  metal roller           S  none    5' 7"       brown        grey         full       sallow      middling stout  4925  Scar left side of forehead, cut left arm, scald right leg   
Murphy       James             4856  plasterer              S  none    5' 3"       red          hazel        full       fresh       stout           4856  Scar on breast, scar on head, scar on face
Murray       Alexander         4789  labourer               M  two     5' 9 1/2"   light        dark grey    prominent  sallow      middling stout  4789  Cut left temple, D on left side
Murray       James             4975  pipe maker             S  none    5' 5 1/2"   dark brown   grey         oval       sallow      middling stout  4975  Pockmarked, scar right thumb, scar near right thumb
Nicholls     Richard           4874  collier                S  none    5' 5"       dark brown   dark blue    thin       fair        slight          4874  none
Noble        James John        4847  groom                  S  none    5' 9 1/4"   brown        grey         long       sallow      middling stout  4847  Cupped on nape of neck
Nolan        Thomas            4944  factory hand           S  none    5' 4 1/4"   brown        grey         oval       sallow      middling stout  4944  Blind left eye
Nutt         John              4980  farm labourer          S  none    5' 2"       brown        grey         oval       fresh       middling stout  4980  Cut centre of upper lip
Oates        Thomas            5034  shipwright             S  none    5' 6 1/4"   light        hazel        oval       fresh       stout           5034  Tree Adam and Eve left arm
Oats         William           5047  labourer               M  one     5' 8 1/4"   dark brown   hazel        long       sallow      stout           5047  Cut on upper lip
Owen         George S.         4816  clerk                  S  none    5' 5 1/2"   black        dark hazel   oval       sallow      middling stout  4816  none
O'Brien      Michael           4831  labourer               M  one     5' 6 1/2"   dark brown   dark hazel   oval       dark        stout           4831  Cut right eyebrow, scar left thumb   
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Surname     Christian Name(s) Reg No      Occupation       M/S Child     Height        Hair        Eyes      Face       Complexion      Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Parsons      John              4983  labourer               S  none    5' 7 3/4"   dark brown   dark brown   prominent  dark        middling stout  4983  Cross right arm, fish left arm, D left side   
Paterson     George            5039  labourer               S  none    5' 9"       light brown  light hazel  round      fair        stout           5039  Scar left leg
Payne        Edwin             4976  farm labourer          S  none    5' 7 1/2"   dark brown   hazel        oval       dark        middling stout  4976  B.W. left arm D left side
Pennington   Theodore          4864  civil engineer         S  none    5' 10 1/4"  dark brown   blue         long       fresh       stout           4864  Freckled, anchor left arm, ship right arm
Pever        Edward            4898  labourer               S  none    5' 5 1/4"   dark brown   dark hazel   round      fair        stout           4898  none
Phillips     John              4828  labourer               W  none    5' 5"       brown        dark hazel   oval       fresh       middling stout  4828  Widower; D on left side
Plewes       John              4889  farm labourer          S  none    5' 3 1/4"   dark brown   dark hazel   round      sallow      slight          4889  none
Plummer      Benjamin          5011  butcher                S  none    5' 7 1/2"   black        dark hazel   full       fresh       stout           5011  Scar on right hand, M.K. on left hand
Poole        James             4986  mariner                W  one     5' 9 1/2"   brown        hazel        round      fresh       stout           4986  Widower; Pockmarked, anchor J.P.C.R.E.W. right arm, lost top joints of first and second fingers right hand, anchor and bracelet left arm   
Potter       John              4958  baker                  S  none    5' 10 3/4"  dark brown   dark hazel   long       dark        middling stout  4958  Lost part of tongue which causes impediment in speech   
Pover        Alfred            4783  jeweller               S  none    5' 2 1/4"   brown        hazel        long       sallow      middling stout  4783  Cut left temple, anchor right arm, ring second finger left hand   
Price        Joseph            4800  labourer               S  none    5' 7"       brown        grey         long       fresh       middling stout  4800  Pockmarked, scar right leg, hope and anchor right arm, scar back right hand, C C M C T scar and various marks left arm   
Quinlan      Michael           4905  labourer               S  none    5' 6 1/2"   dark brown   dark hazel   oval       sallow      stout           4905  J.C. anchor and fish right arm, J.C. and fish left arm   
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Surname     Christian Name(s) Reg No      Occupation       M/S Child     Height        Hair        Eyes      Face       Complexion      Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Railton      James             4794   ....    ....    ....  ..  ....    ...   ...   ...    ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...  ...  ....  ...  4794  Died during the voyage
Riley        William           5009  sweep                  S  none    5' 1 1/4"   dark brown   dark hazel   round      dark        stout           5009  H.R. in bracelet right arm, heart and anchor left arm
Rockett      Mark              5014  boat man               S  none    5' 7"       dark brown   dark hazel   thin       sallow      slight          5014  M.R. right arm, mermaid and spots on left arm
Rogers       James             4814  gentleman's servant    S  none    5' 7"       brown        dark hazel   oval       fresh       middling stout  4814  none
Rossiter     Joseph            4867  pupil teacher          S  none    5' 3"       dark brown   dark hazel   round      fresh       stout           4867  Mole right arm
Rowley       Thomas            4862  farm labourer          S  none    5' 8"       light brown  blue         oval       fresh       middling stout  4862  Cut on crown of head
Rushton      Thomas            4915  barber                 S  none    5' 5"       dark brown   grey         long       sallow      stout           4915  Cut on chin
Rushton      William           4950  painter                S  none    5' 4 3/4"   light brown  grey         round      fair        middling stout  4950  Scar on forehead, coal cut back of left arm   
Shaddick     William           4832  farm labourer          M  five    5' 5"       brown        grey         round      sallow      middling stout  4832  Cut across right arm
Sheldon      Samuel            4993  miner                  M  three   5' 8"       dark brown   hazel        long       sallow      middling stout  4993  W.E.L.M.A.S. and cross left arm, blue mark third finger right hand   
Shelmardine  Charles           4982  labourer               S  none    5' 6"       light brown  grey         long       fair        middling stout  4982  Pockmarked, D left side, A.H. union jack right arm, anchor two flags A.H. left arm, seven dots left hand   
Sherman      James             5038  labourer               S  none    5' 7 3/4"   dark brown   dark hazel   oval       stout       stout           5038  Scar right leg   
Sills        James             5017  brickmaker             S  none    5' 6"       light brown  blue         oval       fair        stout           5017  "J Sills" right arm, anchor "Mary Batt" left arm   
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Surname     Christian Name(s) Reg No      Occupation       M/S Child     Height        Hair        Eyes      Face       Complexion      Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Sinclair     Charles           5022  servant                S  none    5' 7 1/4"   black         ...   ...   ...   ...   ...   ...  middling stout  5022  'Man of Colour'; none
Sinclair     James             4786  painter                S  none    5' 6 1/2"   light        light grey   oval       pale        middling stout  4786  Pockmarked
Sinclair     William           4880  anchor smith           S  none    5' 7"       dark brown   light blue   long       fresh       stout           4880  W.C.W.G. in heart left arm, heart M.B. right arm   
Smith        George            5029  shoemaker              S  none    5' 7 1/4"   light        grey         oval       dark        stout           5029  Pockmarked
Smith        James             4941  labourer               S  none    5' 2"       dark brown   grey         full       fresh       middling stout  4941  Two scars right arm, cut left corner of upper lip   
Smith        James             5004  labourer               S  none    5' 10"      brown        grey         full       pale        stout           5004  Pockmarked, bird E.H. etc right arm, several blue marks left arm and hand, cut third finger left hand   
Smith        John              4923  barber                 S  none    5' 6 1/2"   brown        light grey   oval       fresh       middling stout  4923  Scar left elbow
Smith        John              4968  smith's striker        S  none    5' 6 1/2"   brown        hazel        round      fresh       middling stout  4968  none
Smith        John              4979  carter                 S  none    5' 3 1/2"   dark brown   grey         round      dark        middling stout  4979  Cut on forehead. Two toes on each foot joined together   
Smith        Levi              5026  labourer               S  none    5' 6 1/4"   light brown  dark hazel   thin       dark        thin            5026  none
Smith        Thomas            4790  file cutter            S  none    5' 7 1/2"   light brown  grey         oval       fair        slight          4790  Boil mark right arm
Smith        Thomas            4792  moulder                S  none    5' 4 1/4"   light brown  grey         oval       fresh       middling stout  4792  Pockmarked, broken nose, broken lower jaw
Smith        William           4930  carpenter              S  none    5' 3"       grey         grey         oval       dark        middling stout  4930  Lost all upper front teeth
Sorley       James             4788  servant                W  none    5' 7 3/4"   dark brown   grey         oval       sallow      middling stout  4788  Widower; Crown and anchor right arm, two anchors left arm, J.C. anchor and star right thumb, three rings right hand, ring second finger left hand   
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Surname     Christian Name(s) Reg No      Occupation       M/S Child     Height        Hair        Eyes      Face       Complexion      Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Southgate    James             4872  shoemaker              S  none    5' 7 1/2"   dark brown   light blue   full       fair        stout           4872  Scar on forehead, scar left wrist
Spencer      James             4907  collier                S  none    5' 8"       light brown  light hazel  full       fair        stout           4907  Cut and blue ink marks on left hand
Staples      George            4977  currier                S  none    5' 7 1/2"   light brown  grey         oval       fresh       middling stout  4977  none
Stephen      George            4913  labourer               S  none    5' 5 1/4"   dark brown   dark hazel   full       fair        stout           4913  none
Stephenson   John              4852  groom                  S  none    5' 7"       grey         dark brown   round      sallow      middling stout  4852  Pockmarked
Stevens      Henry             4902  plasterer              W  two     5' 3"       dark brown   dark hazel   round      dark        stout           4902  Widower; none
Stock        Samuel            4997  confectioner           S  none    5' 5 3/4"   brown        dark brown   oval       sallow      middling stout  4997  Anchor W.S.J.S.E.W. left arm, anchor W.G. left hand   
Stout        Stephen           4901  land agent & surveyor  M  one     5' 8 1/4"   dark brown   dark hazel   full       fair        slight          4901  none
Street       Thomas            4835  horse dealer           M  none    5' 2 1/4"   brown        grey         round      sallow      middling stout  4835  none
Sugden       Henry             4920  labourer               S  none    5' 6 1/4"   dark brown   dark hazel   sharp      sallow      middling stout  4920  Anchor S.S.H.B.S.S.J. heart and diamond left arm, injured top joint right forefinger   
Summers      John              4942  brick maker            S  none    5' 4 3/4"   brown        hazel        sharp      sallow      middling stout  4942  5 dots back of left hand, pockmarked
Surget       Frederick         4841  farmer                 M  seven   6' 3"       brown        grey         long       sallow      middling stout  4841  none
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Surname     Christian Name(s) Reg No      Occupation       M/S Child     Height        Hair        Eyes      Face       Complexion      Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Tellett      George            4808  joiner                 M  two     5' 5 1/2"   dark brown   dark hazel   round      sallow      middling stout  4808  Ship on breast, cut right eyebrow, cut lower lip, G T M W left arm, anchor right arm, scar back right hand   
Thomas       George            4967  clerk                  S  none    5' 6 1/4"   dark brown   hazel        oval       fresh       middling stout  4967  Cut right cheek, cut left thumb
Thomas       Henry             5019  shoemaker              S  none    5' 6 3/4"   dark brown   dark hazel   long       sallow      stout           5019  Mermaid left arm
Thomas       Thomas            4992  baker                  M  none    5' 5"       brown        hazel        long       sallow      middling stout  4992  Pockmarked, cut upper lip, cut across second knuckle right hand   
Thompson     Alexander         5033  labourer               S  none    5' 5 3/4"   dark brown   dark hazel   oval       dark        stout           5033  none
Thompson     Charles           4884  labourer               S  none    5' 5 1/2"   dark brown   dark hazel   oval       fair        middling stout  4884  Blue marks left hand
Thompson     Charles           5020  stone cutter           S  none    5' 4 3/4"   black        dark hazel   oval       dark        stout           5020  Slightly bald
Thompson     Edward            4900  miller                 S  none    5' 8 1/2"   dark brown   light hazel  long       dark        stout           4900  none
Thompson     John              4784  labourer               S  none    5' 7 1/2"   dark brown   light hazel  angular    dark        middling stout  4784  Lost top joint right forefinger, lost two upper front teeth   
Thorpe       James             4806  compositor             M  five    5' 6 1/2"   dark brown   dark grey    long       sallow      middling stout  4806  Cut right nostril, cupped on back of neck   
Tovey        John              5032  labourer               S  none    5' 5 3/4"   light brown  light hazel  round      sallow      middling stout  5032  none
Travers      Frederick         4837  painter                M  none    5' 7 1/2"   brown        grey         round      fresh       middling stout  4837  Slightly pockmarked
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Surname     Christian Name(s) Reg No      Occupation       M/S Child     Height        Hair        Eyes      Face       Complexion      Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Turner       David             4936  saw sharpener          S  none    5' 5"       black        dark hazel   oval       dark        middling stout  4936  none
Turner       John              4810  labourer               S  none    5' 0"       light brown  light grey   round      fresh       stout           4810  Bald, pockmarked, cut back of left hand   
Turner       John              5040  puddler                S  none    5' 9 1/2"   dark brown   dark hazel   long       sallow      stout           5040  Burn on breast and stomach
Tweddle      James             5006  fitter and turner      S  none    5' 7"       light brown  grey         full       fair        middling stout  5006  "Naevi" right arm, lost tip of forefinger
Vowles       Thomas            4865  carpenter              S  none    5' 9 1/4"   light red    blue         long       fresh       slight          4865  Mole right arm
Walker       Thomas            5045  labourer               W  three   5' 6 1/2"   grey         grey         thin       sallow      thin            5045  Widower; Cupped on back
Wallace      George            5046  bootmaker              M  three   5' 8 1/4"   dark brown   dark hazel   long       fresh       stout           5046  Figure of a soldier on each arm
Waller       John              5035  warehouseman           S  none    5' 5 1/4"   dark brown   hazel        round      sallow      stout           5035  none
Watkinson    William           4943  fork grinder           M  three   5' 6"       light brown  grey         oval       pale        middling stout  4943  Bald in front, small lump on top of head, cut left eyebrow, cut left side of chin, crooked second finger left hand   
Watson       John              4805  tinman                 S  none    5' 3 1/4"   brown        grey         long       sallow      middling stout  4805  JOHN D left arm
Weatherall   Henry             4970  coachman               M  three   5' 6 3/4"   dark brown   grey         oval       dark        middling stout  4970  none
Webb         George            4965  dealer                 M  none    5' 7 1/2"   dark brown   dark hazel   prominent  fresh       middling stout  4965  none
Whateley     James             4932  groom                  S  none    5' 2 1/4"   dark brown   grey         oval       fresh       middling stout  4932  Cut right shoulder   
White        Edward            4952  brick maker            S  none    5' 1 3/4"   brown        dark brown   full       sallow      middling stout  4952  Ear rings
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Surname     Christian Name(s) Reg No      Occupation       M/S Child     Height        Hair        Eyes      Face       Complexion      Build      Reg No          Distinguishing Marks

Whiteside    James             4911  tailor                 S  none    5' 7 3/4"   dark brown   light hazel  full       sallow      middling stout  4911  Pockmarked
Wilks        Thomas            4981  labourer               S  none    5' 11"      dark brown   dark brown   round      fresh       middling stout  4981  Pockmarked, scar left leg, blue spot near right thumb   
Willey       Thomas            4939  carman                 M  none    5' 3 1/4"   dark brown   dark brown   oval       swathy      middling stout  4939  Scrofula under chin, lost two upper front teeth
Williams     Charles           4903  plasterer              S  none    5' 6 1/4"   light brown  hazel        round      fair        slight          4903  Scar on lip
Williams     John              5013  labourer               S  none    5' 1 1/4"   dark brown   dark hazel   oval       fresh       slight          5013  Broken top joint of right thumb
Williams     Thomas            4892  labourer               S  none    5' 3 1/2"   light brown  dark hazel   long       fair        middling stout  4892  Anchor J.R. left arm
Williams     William           4795  stonemason             S  none    5' 4 1/4"   dark brown   grey         round      fresh       middling stout  4795  none
Wilson       James             4850  blacksmith             S  none    5' 6"       dark brown   blue         long       fresh       middling stout  4850  Burn under right arm, cut over right eye
Wilson       John              4863  labourer               M  one     5' 5"       light brown  light hazel  long       sallow      stout           4863  Cut over left eye
Wood         John              5043  joiner                 S  none    5' 5"       dark brown   grey         full       fair        stout           5043  none
Wright       George            4869  labourer               S  none    5' 6"       light brown  light hazel  oval       fair        slight          4869  none
Wright       Henry             4904  plasterer              S  none    5' 6 3/4"   red          hazel        oval       fresh       stout           4904  H.W. anchor and crown right arm
Yorke        John              4866  miner                  S  none    5' 7 1/4"   light brown  light blue   oval       sallow      stout           4866  Cut left knee, ear rings
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