Surname Christian Name(s) Reg No Occupation M/S Child Height Hair Eyes Face Complexion Build Reg No Distinguishing Marks
Allen George 3948 striker S none 5' 4 1/2" light brown grey oval fresh stout 3948 Scar over right eye, scar right elbow
Allen Robert 3946 groom S none 5' 5" brown grey round fresh stout 3946 Small scar on chin PN cross etc left arm; horse's head and anchor right arm
Anderson George 3786 moulder S none 5' 6 1/4" light brown brown round fair stout 3786 D on left side, flags, anchor, G R M I, 1854 etc right arm
Aspinal Thomas 3958 labourer S none 5' 6" brown grey long pale slight 3958 None
Aubrey William 3820 labourer S none 4' 10 3/4" brown grey round fresh middling stout 3820 Contracted little finger right hand
Baines William 3835 labourer S none 5' 7" sandy dark grey oval fresh middling stout 3835 Freckled, cut under left eye, upper front tooth out, cut knuckle right forefinger
Baldwin Stephen 3818 farm labourer M three 5' 6 1/2" dark brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3818 Cut on forehead; cupped on back of neck
Bantock Thomas 3901 labourer S none 5' 6 1/2" light grey oval sallow middling stout 3901 Lost top joint left forefinger
Bartlett Henry 3824 labourer S none 5' 4 1/4" light brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3824 Abcess in throat, broken right arm, cut over left eye
Beeston James 3953 miller M one 5' 6" light brown grey round fresh middling stout 3953 None
Bell Stephen 3768 tailor S none 5' 3" dark brown hazel round fresh stout 3768 Scar right eyebrow
Bell Thomas 3939 collier M none 5' 4" grey hazel oval sallow middling stout 3939 Pockmarked, coal cut corner left eye, scar over left eye, anchor TB left arm
Bennett Denis 3905 labourer S none 5' 4 1/2" dark brown dark brown round sallow middling stout 3905 Blue marks on back of both hands
Bird Charles 3756 labourer S none 5' 3 1/2" light brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3756 Ringworm, anchor left arm
Bird George 3828 farm labourer S none 5' 4 1/2" black dark brown round dark middling stout 3828 GB and anchor right arm, G on left arm
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Surname Christian Name(s) Reg No Occupation M/S Child Height Hair Eyes Face Complexion Build Reg No Distinguishing Marks
Blake Alfred 3798 clerk S none 5' 6" dark brown dark brown oval fresh middling stout 3798 Slightly pockmarked
Bowe William George 3951 Miller & farmer W one 5' 7" dark brown dark grey round fresh stout 3951 Widower; Scar near right wrist
Bowen Charles 3730 labourer S none 5' 6" black dark brown long dark middling stout 3730 Paralysis left side of body
Bowler William 3959 hawker S none 5' 4 1/2" light brown light hazel oval fresh middling stout 3959 Cut near left eye, JB in wreath, VE anchor left arm
Boxall William 3744 smith S none 5' 8" light brown grey round fresh middling stout 3744 SC right arm, crown and anchor left arm
Brady James 3944 shoemaker S none 5' 1" light brown grey oval sallow middling stout 3944 None
Brandwick Thomas 3916 potter S none 5' 5" light brown hazel round fair middling stout 3916 Small scar on forehead
Bray George 3752 labourer S none 5' 5 1/2" light brown hazel long sallow slight 3752 Scar second knuckle left hand
Brecknell Samuel 3773 wire worker S none 5' 4" dark brown grey oval dark middling stout 3773 SB, SB, EB, SB, FWH, B, HB left arm
Bresnahan Thomas 3722 labourer S none 5' 4" dark brown grey oval sallow middling stout 3722 Heart right arm; contracted third finger left hand
Brodie Patrick 3759 labourer S none 5' 3 1/2" dark brown grey oval sallow middling stout 3759 Heart, 3 crowns, J. left arm; cross right arm
Brown George 3889 labourer S none 5' 1 1/2" brown dark brown oval fresh middling stout 3889 Pockmarked
Brown Thomas 3733 labourer S none 5' 4 1/2" dark brown grey oval sallow middling stout 3733 Pockmarked
Brown Thomas 3850 sailor S none 5' 2" sandy dark hazel oval fresh stout 3850 JB right arm; H B W B E right hand; T R I E F left hand
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Surname Christian Name(s) Reg No Occupation M/S Child Height Hair Eyes Face Complexion Build Reg No Distinguishing Marks
Burke William 3890 labourer S none 5' 5" dark brown dark brown oval sallow middling stout 3890 Cross, BOTT on left arm; 18 dots, OB, 4 rings left hand; cross right hand
Burns Uriah 3956 packer M two 5' 3 1/2" light brown dark grey oval fresh middling stout 3956 Scar right arm, scar on forehead
Burton William 3903 labourer M none 5' 2 1/2" sandy hazel round fresh middling stout 3903 Broken right thumb nail
Butterworth Emanuel 3967 blacksmith S none 5' 4 1/2" brown grey round sallow stout 3967 Scar back left hand, scar on forehead, cut upper lip
Cage John 3926 labourer S none 5' 4 1/2" brown hazel long sallow middling stout 3926 Blue marks all over left arm & hand; crown and bracelet right hand
Cartwright Thomas 3810 farm labourer S none 5' 5" brown grey round fresh middling stout 3810 Contracted top joint little finger left hand; burnt on right arm and right side
Charlton John 3881 groom S none 5' 5 1/2" dark brown grey round sallow middling stout 3881 Blind left eye, bile marks left arm
Chinnery Thomas 3868 labourer S none 5' 1" brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3868 Black mark left ear and left side of neck
Clarke Charles 3923 labourer S none 5' 8 1/2" dark brown hazel oval fresh middling stout 3923 None
Clarke John 3938 labourer M one 5' 9 1/2" light brown grey long fresh middling stout 3938 Scar left thumb
Clarke Thomas 3755 tailor S none 5' 2" light brown light hazel long sallow slight 3755 None
Clements William 3734 baker S none 5' 3 1/2" light brown grey oval sallow middling stout 3734 Small scar second knuckle left hand
Clough Samuel 3941 farm labourer W none 5' 5" grizzled grey long sallow middling stout 3941 Widower; None
Connor Charles 3812 stonemason S none 5' 6" brown grey round fresh middling stout 3812 Front tooth out upper jaw; bile mark left elbow
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Surname Christian Name(s) Reg No Occupation M/S Child Height Hair Eyes Face Complexion Build Reg No Distinguishing Marks
Cook William 3740 labourer S none 5' 1" dark brown hazel oval sallow middling stout 3740 Scars on forehead, upper lip and left arm; two cuts 2nd finger left hand
Cooper George 3788 farm labourer S none 5' 6 3/4" light light blue round fair stout 3788 Right ear off, mark on back of neck
Coy William 3802 brick maker S none 5' 6" brown hazel round fresh middling stout 3802 None
Coyle John 3892 labourer S none 5' 7" brown dark brown long dark stout 3892 Mole on breast; scar from bite of dog left arm
Craig Robert 3917 moulder S none 5' 4 1/2" sandy grey oval fresh middling stout 3917 A W M M right arm, anchor, left hand freckled
Crawford Andrew 3872 puddler S none 5' 5" light brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3872 Injured top joint second finger left hand
Crawley Michael 3724 labourer S none 5' 4" brown brown oval fresh middling stout 3724 Broken nail third finger left hand, small scar corner right eye
Culver Richard 3831 seaman S none 5' 3 1/2" sandy hazel long fresh middling stout 3831 2 men fighting, woman's head, right arm; tree, C R etc left hand and arm
Curtis George 3915 farmer M none 5' 7 1/2" brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3915 Contracted little finger right hand
Darnall John 3794 cattle dealer M two 5' 8" dark brown dark brown long fresh middling stout 3794 Anchor left arm
Day James 3750 labourer S none 5' 0" brown dark grey round sallow middling stout 3750 None
Delaney Patrick 3770 weaver S none 5' 4" brown dark hazel oval sallow slight 3770 Pockmarked: scar forehead; anchor left arm
Delap John 3811 groom M none 5' 5 3/4" dark brown hazel round dark stout 3811 Scrofula over left eye; cupped right arm
Dempsey Charles 3913 moulder S none 5' 5 1/2" brown grey round fresh middling stout 3913 Freckled; CD, cross, right arm; ring second finger right hand
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Surname Christian Name(s) Reg No Occupation M/S Child Height Hair Eyes Face Complexion Build Reg No Distinguishing Marks
Dempster Charles 3765 house painter M one 5' 4" light brown dark grey oval sallow middling stout 3765 None
Dennis Henry James 3767 labourer S none 5' 10" dark brown hazel oval fresh middling stout 3767 Scrofula right side of face, scar palm right hand
Devine Edward 3761 shoemaker S none 5' 8 1/2" dark brown hazel round fresh middling stout 3761 Broken nose, mark of abcess left wrist
Dexter Robert 3965 labourer S none 5' 5" brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3965 Ring 2nd finger right hand
Dockray John 3865 labourer S none 5' 4 1/2" dark brown hazel round fresh stout 3865 Pockmarked, broken nose, cut left wrist
Drage Thomas 3845 labourer S none 5' 5 1/2" light brown grey round fresh middling stout 3845 Cut on top of forehead
Drinkwater William 3863 labourer S none 5' 6" brown grey round sallow middling stout 3863 Cut right eyebrow, cut on forehead, cut right elbow
Eason John Henry 3900 labourer S none 5' 4 3/4" dark brown dark hazel round sallow stout 3900 Pockmarked, HEME, heart left arm
Edwards John 3823 labourer S none 5' 4 1/2" dark brown light hazel round dark middling stout 3823 Both little fingers slightly turned outwards
Elliott William 3886 carter S none 5' 9 1/2" dark brown brown long fresh middling stout 3886 Flag, Death's head and cross bones, etc right arm; cross left arm, half moom, M J H T left hand
Ellis Charles 3728 sailor S none 5' 3 1/2" brown hazel long fresh middling stout 3728 Scar on forehead; crucifix, standard, etc right arm; scar left cheek
Fairleigh William James 3847 labourer S none 5' 7 1/2" brown grey round fresh middling stout 3847 Man, woman, 3 anchors, sceptre left arm; anchor, castle and key right arm; bald in front
Farrell Edward 3883 puddler S none 5' 8 1/2" brown dark brown full fresh middling stout 3883 Star left hand; second right finger broken
Farrell Lackey 3921 labourer S none 5' 3" sandy grey round fresh middling stout 3921 Freckled; mole on left side
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Surname Christian Name(s) Reg No Occupation M/S Child Height Hair Eyes Face Complexion Build Reg No Distinguishing Marks
Fee Owen 3787 labourer S none 5' 4 1/4" brown dark blue long dark middling stout 3787 None
Fenton William 3763 labourer S none 5' 4 1/2" light brown dark brown round fair middling stout 3763 Blue marks all over back of left hand
Ferres George 3805 bootcloser S none 5' 6 1/2" sandy dark brown long pale slight 3805 Two scars on forehead, cross left hand, ring second finger left hand
Flemming John 3742 painter S none 5' 2" dark brown dark brown round dark middling stout 3742 Anchor right arm, anchor and cross left arm
Ford Joshua 3784 labourer S none 5' 3 1/2" black light blue round fair stout 3784 Cut under right eye
Ford William 3945 land drainer M one 5' 7" brown brown oval sallow middling stout 3945 Upper front tooth out
Fordyce George 3741 labourer W none 5' 6" black dark hazel long fresh middling stout 3741 Widower; GF, two hearts, left arm
Frost George 3789 labourer S none 5' 6" light brown light brown oval fresh middling stout 3789 M right arm, MM left arm
Fuchs Henry 3855 baker & brewer S none 5' 8" light brown grey round fair middling stout 3855 None
Fulker William 3731 painter & sailor M none 5' 6" brown blue long fresh stout 3731 Scar and tree left arm; scar right wrist; woman, bird, R.I. right arm
Fullick George 3947 labourer M none 5' 2" brown grey round fresh stout 3947 None
Gallacher Richard 3962 nailer S none 5' 8 1/2" dark brown dark brown oval dark middling stout 3962 Pockmarked
Glennon Christopher 3955 brickmaker S none 5' 5" brown brown long fresh middling stout 3955 Scar between 2nd and 4th fingers right hand
Gribbins Henry 3790 labourer S none 5' 6" fair light blue round fresh stout 3790 Mark left cheek, mark on ear
Griffiths Owen 3862 labourer M two 5' 4" dark brown grey round fresh middling stout 3862 Pockmarked, scar left eyebrow
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Surname Christian Name(s) Reg No Occupation M/S Child Height Hair Eyes Face Complexion Build Reg No Distinguishing Marks
Hake Abraham 3871 gardener M three 5' 8 1/2" sandy grey oval fresh stout 3871 Freckled
Hall Frederick 3842 gun finisher S none 5' 2 1/2" light brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3842 Injured top joint 3rd finger right hand, upper front tooth out
Hall William 3796 framework knitter S none 5' 5 1/4" dark brown hazel round fresh middling stout 3796 "William Hall" V V V H, left arm; S H anchor, J H etc right arm
Hand Samuel 3843 labourer W one 5' 6" brown grey oval sallow middling stout 3843 Widower; Broken left arm
Hanson James 3893 comb maker M five 5' 6 1/2" brown hazel round florid stout 3893 None
Harding James 3735 brickmaker S none 5' 4" sandy dark grey oval florid middling stout 3735 Freckled
Hartifold Henry 3819 farm labourer & brickmaker S none 5' 2 1/2" dark brown brown round dark middling stout 3819 Cut on forehead, bile marks left arm and on back
Harvey Wallace 3902 special pleader S none 5' 2 1/2" brown grey round fresh stout 3902 None
Haslam Alfred 3751 bootcloser S none 5' 5 1/2" brown hazel sharp sallow slight 3751 Injured nail right forefinger
Hassell Edward 3772 shoemaker S none 5' 2" light brown brown oval sallow middling stout 3772 None
Hawkins William 3894 tailor S none 5' 7" light brown hazel long florid slight 3894 Anchor and star left arm, HS left hand, star and anchor right hand
Hay Joseph 3757 weaver S none 5' 8" light brown dark grey round fresh middling stout 3757 2 burns left arm, injured top joint left little finger
Heffern Martin 3950 servant S none 5' 1" brown dark grey round fresh middling stout 3950 Scar left side of nose, scar 2nd and 3rd fingers left hand, scar right forefinger
Hollyoak Benjamin H. 3836 mathematician, instrument maker W one 5' 1" grey grey long fresh middling stout 3836 Widower; Blind left eye, heart and feathers left arm, cupped on back and neck
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Surname Christian Name(s) Reg No Occupation M/S Child Height Hair Eyes Face Complexion Build Reg No Distinguishing Marks
Holt William 3739 platelayer S none 5' 3 1/2" light brown grey round fresh middling stout 3739 None
Horner James 3749 labourer M none 5' 6" dark brown dark brown round fresh middling stout 3749 Small scar left forefinger
Hudson George 3949 ropemaker M none 5' 0" light grey round fresh stout 3949 Cast right eye, scar over each eyebrow, cut right thumb
Hughes John 3961 sawyer S none 5' 5 1/2" sandy brown oval fresh middling stout 3961 Freckled, E T left arm
Hughes William 3935 carpenter S .... 5' 8" dark brown grey oval sallow middling stout 3935 None
Hunt George 3806 stonemason S none 5' 3 1/2" dark brown grey round fresh stout 3806 Cut on chin, woman and child, "J Bishop" left arm; top of right little finger wanting
Huskie Thomas 3777 blacksmith W two 5' 10 1/4" grey blue long fair slight 3777 Widower; Cut on chin; marks on calf right leg
Jackson George 3841 labourer S none 5' 5 1/2" brown hazel round sallow middling stout 3841 G E O back left hand, anchor right hand
Jackson George 3914 clerk M one 5' 8" dark brown hazel oval dark middling stout 3914 Blue mark near left thumb
Jackson Peter 3760 farm labourer S none 5' 9 1/2" black dark brown long swarthy middling stout 3760 Scar on forehead
Johnson Richard 3960 sawyer M three 5' 2" dark brown grey round fresh middling stout 3960 Scar over left eye
Jones Stephen 3803 groom S none 5' 6 1/2" dark brown dark brown oval dark middling stout 3803 Pockmarked; scar near left wrist, scar on nose etc
Jones William Frederick 3809 seaman S none 5' 9 1/2" brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3809 Injured top joint right forefinger; scar right wrist
Joyce John 3849 labourer S none 5' 7" brown grey round sallow middling stout 3849 J K J left arm; cut on forehead
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Surname Christian Name(s) Reg No Occupation M/S Child Height Hair Eyes Face Complexion Build Reg No Distinguishing Marks
Kegan John 3922 labourer S none 5' 10" dark brown hazel round fresh middling stout 3922 Cut both eyebrows, cut on nose
Kemp James 3771 clerk S none 5' 5" light brown light blue round fresh middling stout 3771 Freckled
Kennington Henry 3779 cutler M two 5' 8 1/2" dark brown brown round fair stout 3779 H and anchor right arm
Kimpton James 3801 labourer S none 5' 7" light brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3801 S P J K S P, star etc right arm; 2 anchors, 3 hearts etc left arm and hand
King H. John 3745 labourer S none 5' 5" brown light hazel round fresh middling stout 3745 Scar corner left eye
Kinghorn John 3888 smith's labourer S none 5' 8 1/2" light brown hazel round fresh middling stout 3888 Cut on forehead, cut left forefinger
Knowles John 3859 sawyer S none 5' 3 1/2" dark brown dark hazel oval dark middling stout 3859 Top joint right thumb injured
Lacey George 3897 excavator W none 5' 9" grey brown round dark stout 3897 Widower; Pockmarked, 2 scars right arm
Lewis Joseph 3792 bootcloser S none 5' 4" dark brown dark brown round fresh middling stout 3792 Scar right arm, small blue marks both arms
Liddell William 3873 weaver S none 5' 4" brown dark brown round dark middling stout 3873 Pockmarked
Lipscombe George 3964 labourer S none 5' 3" dark brown hazel oval dark middling stout 3964 Freckled
Little George 3864 baker M none 5' 4 1/2" brown dark brown round pale middling stout 3864 Pockmarked
Lloyd Daniel 3848 labourer M one 5' 2" brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3848 None
Lloyd George 3839 hawker S none 5' 8" brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3839 Scar on forehead, 2 scars right thumb
Lloyd Jabez 3861 labourer M two 5' 3" sandy grey long fresh middling stout 3861 Cut left arm, two bile marks on neck
Love William 3804 carter S none 5' 3" dark brown dark brown oval fresh middling stout 3804 Freckled
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Surname Christian Name(s) Reg No Occupation M/S Child Height Hair Eyes Face Complexion Build Reg No Distinguishing Marks
Manning Peter 3887 sailor S none 5' 10" dark brown dark hazel oval fresh stout 3887 Pockmarked, P J left arm
Marshall Charles 3815 plumber etc S none 5' 6 1/4" sandy grey oval pale middling stout 3815 Broken little toe left foot; bile mark left arm
Martin William 3782 shoemaker S none 5' 4 1/2" light brown blue oval fair slight 3782 R.M. left arm, mole on breast
Matthews Frederick 3797 shoemaker M one 5' 4 1/4" light brown grey round sallow middling stout 3797 Cut under right eye; cut left thumb
McArdle Bernard 3891 labourer S none 5' 8" brown grey long fresh middling stout 3891 Injured forefinger right hand
McLachlan William 3878 labourer S none 5' 6" dark brown grey round fresh middling stout 3878 Scar right arm, cut on nose
McLaughlan John 3879 butcher M one 5' 6" brown grey round fresh middling stout 3879 Cut over left eye, cut third finger left hand
McManus Bernard 3931 printer S none 5' 7 1/2" dark brown hazel long fresh middling stout 3931 Freckled; burn on arm
McShane Michael 3867 labourer S none 5' 7" brown grey round sallow middling stout 3867 Flag on left arm
Melville Henry 3762 labourer S none 5' 10" light brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3762 Scar right cheek, 2 small scars forehead
Miller William 3911 labourer S none 5' 8 1/2" light brown grey round fair middling stout 3911 Cut little finger left hand
Millward William 3932 labourer S none 5' 4 1/2" light brown hazel round fresh middling stout 3932 None
Molyneux James 3954 engine driver S none 5' 5 1/2" light brown grey round fresh stout 3954 Cut left thumb
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Surname Christian Name(s) Reg No Occupation M/S Child Height Hair Eyes Face Complexion Build Reg No Distinguishing Marks
Moore Jesse 3838 brick maker S none 5' 3 1/2 brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3838 Scar right thumb
Moore Zebedee 3925 horse breaker S none 5' 3 3/4" brown grey oval sallow middling stout 3925 Man, 4 anchors, heart, 2 diamonds etc scar on breast, blue mark and scar right arm
Morley Edward 3857 collier M three 5' 6" dark brown hazel long sallow middling stout 3857 Freckled
Morley John 3856 carter S none 5' 3" light brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3856 T M, anchor, E M, bird, E B O, left arm
Morris Frederick 3895 plasterer S none 5' 6 1/4" black black round fresh stout 3895 None
Munday Edmund 3906 labourer S none 5' 7" dark brown dark grey long fresh middling stout 3906 None
Myers Lewis 3781 jeweller M two 5' 5 1/2" dark brown dark brown oval dark middling stout 3781 None
Neil James 3817 labourer S none 5' 5 1/4" brown grey round fresh middling stout 3817 Cut on forehead
Neil Joseph 3882 weaver M one 5' 5" brown grey long fresh middling stout 3882 Freckled
Neilson William 3918 hawker S none 5' 6 1/2" dark brown hazel round fresh middling stout 3918 Pockmarked, cut left knee
Newman Joseph 3896 carpenter S none 5' 0 1/2" grey blue round fair middling stout 3896 Broken right arm
Nicholson James 3874 painter S none 5' 2 1/2" dark brown dark brown round dark middling stout 3874 Scar on forehead; L B and heart left arm, J N on right arm
Norville George 3912 labourer S none 5' 10 1/2" brown light hazel oval fresh middling stout 3912 Burn back of left hand
Oxley Frederick 3885 fruiterer S none 5' 9" dark brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3885 O left hand, 2 upper front teeth out
Packwood Luke 3952 boatman S none 5' 5 1/2" dark brown hazel oval sallow middling stout 3952 Scar on forehead, scar under left eye
Parsons George 3928 tailor S none 5' 6" brown grey round fresh middling stout 3928 Cut 2nd and 3rd fingers left hand
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Surname Christian Name(s) Reg No Occupation M/S Child Height Hair Eyes Face Complexion Build Reg No Distinguishing Marks
Partridge Richard 3963 sawyer S none 5' 6" brown light hazel oval fresh middling stout 3963 W B coat of arms on breast, woman's head R P A P, star etc left arm
Peirira Charles 3813 labourer S none 5' 2" dark brown dark brown long dark slight 3813 Coalcut on nose; scar on forehead; cut right arm
Perfect William 3725 painter S none 5' 6" dark brown grey long sallow middling stout 3725 Mole under right breast
Perry William 3968 labourer S none 5' 2" dark brown hazel round fresh stout 3968 Blind left eye, both arms covered with blue marks
Pickering James 3898 weaver M two 5' 4 1/2" brown hazel oval sallow stout 3898 Scar back of left hand
Pitman Thomas 3924 farm labourer S none 5' 9" dark brown grey oval dark middling stout 3924 Cut right side of nose, cut left corner of mouth
Pitts John 3970 farm labourer M five 5' 8" grey dark brown round dark stout 3970 Scar on right side of nose
Poulton George 3834 straw plaiter S none 5' 2 1/2" brown hazel oval fresh middling stout 3834 Freckled, scar right arm
Press Thomas 3776 frame worker M two 5' 9" light brown blue oval fair middling stout 3776 Blind left eye
Price Richard 3969 labourer S none 5' 5" brown hazel round fresh middling stout 3969 Crooked little finger right hand, Y P, Y P, right arm, scar left elbow, blue mark left arm
Quinn James 3747 labourer S none 5' 3 1/2" dark brown light hazel oval sallow middling stout 3747 Freckled, five blue dots left arm
Ralph Joseph 3775 labourer S none 5' 5 3/4" light brown grey round fresh stout 3775 Ink mark left arm, cut left hand, bald on crown of head
Ramage Alexander 3753 weaver S none 5' 3" brown grey long sallow middling stout 3753 Pockmarked, scar right arm
Rayner Thomas 3853 machinist M none 5' 4" brown hazel oval sallow middling stout 3853 Cut on forehead, R E R T left arm
Redden William 3860 piecer S none 5' 3" dark brown dark hazel round sallow middling stout 3860 2 small scars on forehead; cut on chin
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Surname Christian Name(s) Reg No Occupation M/S Child Height Hair Eyes Face Complexion Build Reg No Distinguishing Marks
Reid William 3936 labourer S .... 5' 2" dark brown dark brown round fresh middling stout 3936 Freckled, cut back of right hand, mole left arm
Rennie Neil 3758 chemist S none 4' 10" dark brown dark hazel round fresh middling stout 3758 Scar on forehead
Rider Henry 3727 groom S none 5' 9" light brown hazel oval fair middling stout 3727 Scar back left hand
Robins George 3830 hawker S none 5' 1 1/4" brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3830 Two scars right breast, injured top joint right thumb
Robinson George 3875 labourer M six 5' 6 1/2" brown grey long fresh middling stout 3875 Mole under left ear
Roe Charles 3832 basket maker M one 5' 6 1/2" light brown dark hazel round pale slight 3832 Small scar right side of throat
Rogers Francis 3907 jeweller W none 5' 7" brown grey oval sallow middling stout 3907 Widower; White look of hair front of head, scar left forefinger
Rogers John 3729 horsedealer S none 5' 8 1/2" brown brown oval fresh middling stout 3729 Scar fourth knuckle left hand
Rogers Patrick 3880 sawyer S none 5' 7" brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3880 Cross, I H S, woman's bust and anchor right arm; mermaid, 1844 etc left arm, D on left side
Rogers Thomas 3822 labourer S none 5' 5" brown hazel round fresh middling stout 3822 Blue mark left arm, P L, cross, four dots, right arm
Rogers William 3723 groom S none 4" 11 1/2" brown dark hazel oval sallow middling stout 3723 2 marks right arm; dislocation right elbow
Rossell Samuel 3785 labourer M one 5' 4 1/4" light brown blue round fair stout 3785 Burn on breast; burn on chin
Saunders John 3899 labourer M one 5' 7" brown dark hazel oval sallow middling stout 3899 EW left arm, cupping marks on chest
Scott Andrew 3919 hawker S none 5' 8 3/4" sandy dark grey round fresh middling stout 3919 Freckled; boil mark right arm; cut knuckle of forefinger of each hand
Seamer John 3927 shoemaker M none 5' 7 3/4" brown grey long fresh stout 3927 None
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Surname Christian Name(s) Reg No Occupation M/S Child Height Hair Eyes Face Complexion Build Reg No Distinguishing Marks
Senior Israel 3876 labourer M none 5' 4" dark brown dark brown long fresh middling stout 3876 Cut upper lip, broken second finger left hand
Seymour Henry 3825 brushmaker S none 5' 8 3/4" dark brown dark brown oval dark middling stout 3825 Slightly pockmarked, anchor, J, right arm
Sherwin Stephen 3877 shoemaker M one 5' 5 1/2" light brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3877 Teapot, S, right hand; cut left thumb and forefinger
Shorrock John 3791 mason S none 5' 8 1/2" light brown grey round fresh stout 3791 Pockmarked, cut right wrist, vase and anchor right arm
Sievright David 3829 gardener S none 5' 8" light brown light hazel round fresh middling stout 3829 Deep scar near left eye, pockmarked, anchors and blue marks on both arms
Simmonds Thomas 3833 turner S none 5' 6" dark brown hazel round fresh middling stout 3833 None
Sims John 3858 labourer S none 5' 5" light brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3858 Slightly bald, scar under left ear, H S left arm, ring second finger left hand
Slawson Thomas 3840 tailor S none 5' 7 1/2" brown grey round fresh middling stout 3840 None
Sloan Robert 3942 moulder S none 5' 7" light brown grey round sallow middling stout 3942 Small scars on forehead, small scar on upper lip
Sloper Charles 3870 farm labourer M none 5' 3" brown grey round fresh middling stout 3870 Freckled, two upper front teeth out
Smith George 3778 tailor S none 5' 4 1/4" light blue long fair slight 3778 Pockmarked; F S left arm
Smith George 3793 baker S none 5' 0 1/4" light brown grey round fair middling stout 3793 Scar right arm
Smith Henry 3754 labourer S none 5' 6" brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3754 Freckled, coal cut left eye, cut corner right eyebrow
Smith James 3851 labourer S none 5' 6" sandy hazel oval fresh middling stout 3851 Freckled; cut left thumb
Smith John 3814 labourer S none 5' 6 1/2" light brown grey round fresh middling stout 3814 Broken left arm; front tooth out out upper jaw
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Surname Christian Name(s) Reg No Occupation M/S Child Height Hair Eyes Face Complexion Build Reg No Distinguishing Marks
Spatcher Jesse 3943 labourer S none 5' 6 1/2" light brown grey oval fair middling stout 3943 Scar over left eyebrow
Spiller Walter 3844 labourer S none 5' 3 1/2" dark brown dark hazel round florid middling stout 3844 Cut between first and second fingers left hand
Springett John 3904 farm labourer S none 5' 9 1/2" dark brown dark brown round dark middling stout 3904 Cut right thumb, cut left thumb
Stanton James 3821 labourer S none 5' 7 1/2" light brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3821 Scar on forehead, broken nail left thumb, cut left forefinger
Stevenson George 3869 labourer S none 5' 3 1/2" brown dark brown long fresh middling stout 3869 Pockmarked
Stevenson James 3929 labourer S none 5' 4" brown brown oval freckled middling stout 3929 Cut on nose, scrofula left side of neck
Storey Richard 3933 labourer S none 5' 8" light brown grey long fresh middling stout 3933 Freckled, anchor, blue marks left arm; cut left hand; R S man's head right arm; cut right arm, bracelet etc right wrist
Sullivan James 3764 tailor S none 5' 5" dark brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3764 Slightly pockmarked
Sullivan John 3826 mason S none 5' 9" brown grey round fresh middling stout 3826 Scar right wrist; slightly pockmarked
Swift Samuel 3866 bricklayer S none 5' 8" dark brown grey long dark middling stout 3866 Upper front tooth out, cut left thumb
Tams John 3736 platelayer S none 5' 9" dark brown dark hazel oval fresh middling stout 3736 None
Tansley Henry 3807 labourer S none 5' 2" dark brown hazel oval fresh middling stout 3807 Pockmarked, cut on crown of head
Tavernor Jeremiah 3800 carter S none 5' 7 1/4" brown dark hazel oval dark middling stout 3800 2 bile marks back of neck
Thomas George 3909 horse breaker S none 5' 10" ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .... ... 3909 Man of colour; D on left side
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Surname Christian Name(s) Reg No Occupation M/S Child Height Hair Eyes Face Complexion Build Reg No Distinguishing Marks
Thompson James 3732 saddler S none 5' 6" light brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3732 None
Thompson James 3783 labourer M none 5' 6" grey blue round dark very stout 3783 Right arm broken
Thompson Thomas 3816 moulder S none 5' 0 1/2" dark brown dark brown round fresh middling stout 3816 Woman right arm; star, anchor, etc left arm
Thompson William 3908 sailor S none 5' 9 1/2" brown grey round fresh middling stout 3908 Pockmarked, 2 arrows right arm, crown and anchor left arm
Timpson John 3854 clerk M two 5' 7" sandy light hazel round fresh middling stout 3854 None
Tolans John 3726 labourer S none 5' 5" dark brown brown oval sallow middling stout 3726 Slightly pockmarked
Travers Frank 3920 shoemaker M one 5' 8 3/4" dark brown hazel oval dark middling stout 3920 None
Tucker James 3846 clerk M two 5' 4 1/2" grey hazel long sallow slight 3846 A small cut on forehead
Turner George 3837 lace maker S none 5' 11" brown dark brown round fresh middling stout 3837 None
Turner John 3910 labourer S none 5' 4 1/4" light brown grey long pale slight 3910 Cut under right eye
Tyler George 3808 labourer S none 5' 4 1/2" light brown dark grey oval fair slight 3808 Scar over left eye
Vile Henry 3774 brushmaker S none 5' 3" dark brown dark brown long dark middling stout 3774 Fish right arm; crown and woman left arm
Waddington George 3737 waterman S none 5' 9" brown dark brown oval dark middling stout 3737 Pockmarked; scar right cheek, blue marks right arm and hand
Wade James 3766 labourer S none 5' 3" brown brown round fresh middling stout 3766 Blind left eye, scrofula left side of throat
Walkden Thomas 3748 slater S none 5' 3" dark brown dark hazel long sallow slight 3748 Pockmarked
Wallace John 3746 tinman S none 5' 4 1/2" light brown light hazel round fresh middling stout 3746 None
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Surname Christian Name(s) Reg No Occupation M/S Child Height Hair Eyes Face Complexion Build Reg No Distinguishing Marks
Warren Joseph 3780 labourer M none 5' 4 1/4" brown dark round fair very stout 3780 Abcess left side of neck; D on left arm
Waterworth James 3884 shoemaker M two 5' 5 1/2" brown light hazel oval fresh middling stout 3884 Freckled
Watson Thomas 3738 bootcloser S none 5' 4" dark brown brown oval fresh middling stout 3738 Coal cut right wrist, cut left thumb
Watson Thomas 3934 labourer S none 6' 0 3/4" light brown light grey round fresh middling stout 3934 Pockmarked, broken 2nd finger right hand; TW 217 RB etc right arm
Waylen Thomas 3743 labourer S none 5' 8" dark brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3743 TW, right arm, scar left wrist
Wells John 3937 labourer S none 5' 6" light brown grey angular pale middling stout 3937 Crooked 3rd finger left hand
West William 3930 boiler maker S none 5' 3 1/2" brown hazel round fresh middling stout 3930 Cut on knuckle left forefinger, upper fronth tooth out
White Elijah 3971 labourer M two 5' 2" light brown grey oval sallow middling stout 3971 Cut on forehead, cut on upper lip
White James 3827 shoemaker S none 5' 4 1/2" light grey round fair middling stout 3827 Pockmarked
Whitehead Henry 3940 cutler S none 5' 6" dark brown grey long dark middling stout 3940 None
Wilmott George 3966 lint maker S none 5' 10 1/2" dark brown dark hazel round fresh middling stout 3966 Pockmarked, P B left arm, ring 2nd finger left hand
Wilson Alexander 3769 labourer S none 5' 5 1/2" dark brown hazel oval fresh middling stout 3769 Anchor back of left hand
Wilson John 3795 labourer S none 5' 4 1/2" brown hazel oval fresh middling stout 3795 Woman, sailor "Ann Farthing" aged 52, 1846 etc left arm, blue marks all over right arm
Wilson John 3852 groom S none 5' 3 1/2" dark brown hazel round fresh stout 3852 Slightly pockmarked, cut 2nd finger left hand
Wilson William 3799 farm labourer S none 5' 4 1/4" dark brown brown round dark middling stout 3799 Vaccination marks right arm
Yates Richard 3957 labourer M two 5' 2 1/2" brown dark brown oval sallow middling stout 3957 Scar right arm, scar on left arm