Surname Christian Name(s) Reg No Occupation M/S Child Height Hair Eyes Face Complexion Build Reg No Distinguishing Marks
Adams Henry 3638 farm labourer S none 5' 7" brown grey round dark middling stout 3638 Freckled; contracted little finger both hands
Adams William 3487 sawyer S none 5' 4 1/4" light brown hazel long sallow middling stout 3487 Cut on little finger right hand, cut on left thumb
Adkins Joseph 3655 baker S none 5' 7 1/2" brown hazel oval fresh middling stout 3655 Pockmarked
Aitken William 3621 tailor S none 5' 9" dark brown dark brown long swarthy middling stout 3621 Small scar right eyebrow
Alexander William 3494 labourer S none 5' 7" dark brown hazel oval dark middling stout 3494 Star and ring left hand
Ambury John 3524 millwright M two 5' 2 1/4" dark brown dark grey round & sunken dark middling stout 3524 I A, star etc. left arm; 3 rings left hand; coal cuts on face
Argenti Berto Mayo 3457 sailor S none 5' 5" dark brown hazel oval fresh middling stout 3457 None
Arnold John 3521 miller M two 5' 6 1/4" brown grey round sallow middling stout 3521 Much freckled
Arnold William 3473 general labourer S none 5' 7" dark brown hazel oval dark middling stout 3473 None
Arnold William T. 3555 farm labourer M seven 5' 8 1/2" brown grey round fresh stout 3555 Scars both sides of neck
Aston James 3694 miner S none 5' 5 3/4" dark brown hazel round dark middling stout 3694 Scar on forehead; scar right eyebrow; scar under left ear
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Surname Christian Name(s) Reg No Occupation M/S Child Height Hair Eyes Face Complexion Build Reg No Distinguishing Marks
Barlow John 3699 miner S none 5' 4 1/4" dark brown hazel round fresh middling stout 3699 Cut on bridge of nose; blue dot left wrist
Barrett William Henry 3512 corn merchant M none 5' 9" dark brown grey round fresh middling stout 3512 Burn left hand
Barton George 3562 filer & fitter S none 5' 10" light brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3562 None
Baxter William 3575 tailor & chimney sweep S none 5' 4 1/2" dark brown hazel round fresh middling stout 3575 Man, woman, tree right arm; hope, mermaid etc. left arm
Bean John 3567 farm labourer S none 5' 8 1/4" dark brown hazel oval dark middling stout 3567 Scar above left ankle
Bentham William 3559 miner S none 5' 8" brown grey round sallow middling prop. 3559 Coal cut right side of nose; scar over right eyebrow
Bettles William Richard 3576 groom S none 5' 8" light brown dark grey oval fresh middling stout 3576 Scar left arm
Billington Thomas 3643 labourer S none 5' 9 1/2" brown grey long sallow middling stout 3643 Contracted joints 2nd finger left hand
Brannan Thomas 3625 confectioner S none 5' 5 1/4" light grey oval fair middling stout 3625 Freckled
Bready James 3640 labourer S none 5' 8 3/4" light brown grey round fresh middling stout 3640 None
Briggs William 3604 smith S none 5' 6" dark brown hazel oval dark middling stout 3604 Two scars upper lip: burn under left eye; burn right arm
Broughton John 3607 farm labourer S none 5' 9 1/4" light brown grey round fresh middling stout 3607 Cross, star, anchor, heart etc. left arm; D left side; pockmarked
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Surname Christian Name(s) Reg No Occupation M/S Child Height Hair Eyes Face Complexion Build Reg No Distinguishing Marks
Brown John 3506 sailor S none 5' 8 3/4" brown grey oval fresh stout 3506 Anchor right arm
Brown John 3547 smith's striker S none 5' 11 1/2" dark brown grey long sallow middling stout 3547 Scar
Brown Robert 3543 labourer S none 5' 5" brown grey oval sallow middling stout 3543 Much freckled
Bruce James 3453 mason S none 5' 5" dark brown hazel long fair middling stout 3453 R K left wrist
Bryan James 3618 spectacle maker S none 5' 4" dark brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3618 Pockmarked
Bull James 3644 labourer S none 5' 1 1/2" brown grey round fresh middling stout 3644 Cut left thumb; front tooth out upper jaw
Burn James 3602 barber W two 5' 4" brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3602 Widower; Scar right cheek bone: scar right hand
Burrage Frederick 3695 labourer S none 5' 4 1/4" light brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3695 F B, left arm, cut left thumb
Byford James 3691 labourer S none 5' 8 1/2" brown hazel oval sallow middling stout 3691 None
Cameron Daniel 3484 carpenter S none 5' 7 1/2" greyish grey round fresh middling stout 3484 None
Cannon James 3534 sweep W one 5' 5 1/4" brown hazel oval fresh stout 3534 Widower; Broken nail right thumb; scar left breast
Carney Peter 3595 brass founder S none 5' 10" dark brown grey round fresh middling stout 3595 Cut over right eye, cut under chin, cut on upper lip; anchor right arm
Cart Richard William 3566 farm labourer S none 5' 4 1/2" dark brown grey long dark middling stout 3566 Sun, Moon and 7 stars right arm; R C, ASH, 1840 etc left arm
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Surname Christian Name(s) Reg No Occupation M/S Child Height Hair Eyes Face Complexion Build Reg No Distinguishing Marks
Carter George 3664 brickmaker & shoemaker S none 5' 3" light brown grey round fresh middling stout 3664 Blue mark 2nd finger left hand, slightly pockmarked
Cartmell William 3532 turner S none 5' 9 3/4" brown blue round fresh middling stout 3532 4 crowns, 3 anchors, 3 birds, heart, 4 trees, 4 stars, 28 blue dots left arm; cut right arm
Challinor Samuel 3498 labourer S none 5' 4" dark brown hazel round dark stout 3498 Bald, pockmarked; cut on upper lip
Chambers William 3531 labourer S none 5' 8" dark brown hazel long dark middling stout 3531 Freckled
Chown Thomas 3606 labourer S none 5' 9" brown hazel long sallow middling stout 3606 2 small scars forehead; small scar right eyebrow
Christie George 3546 cooper M two 5' 8 1/2" brown hazel round fresh middling stout 3546 Cut upper lip; ring 2nd finger right hand; cut left arm
Clarke Frederick Wilson 3563 chimney sweep S none 5' 10" brown grey round fresh stout 3563 Ring 2nd finger both hands
Cliff Jacob 3451 farm labourer S none 5' 4" grey grey oval sallow middling stout 3451 Broken nose
Clifford Charles 3584 clerk S none 5' 4 1/2" dark brown dark grey oval dark middling stout 3584 Bald; scar on forehead; 2 flags crossed, bleeding marks, man, woman etc left arm
Clifford Henry 3489 farrier S none 5' 6 1/2" light grey oval fresh middling stout 3489 D on left side
Cockayne Henry 3471 labourer S none 5' 6" brown grey round fresh middling stout 3471 Scar, right arm
Collison George 3571 coachman & groom W four 5' 8" brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3571 Widower; Scar bridge of nose, cut right side of mouth
Conlan Patrick 3703 labourer S none 5' 10 1/4" dark brown dark grey round fresh middling stout 3703 None
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Surname Christian Name(s) Reg No Occupation M/S Child Height Hair Eyes Face Complexion Build Reg No Distinguishing Marks
Cooper Isaac 3480 sailor & rigger S none 5' 2 3/4" brown hazel round fresh stout 3480 Cut fore-finger left hand
Copeland Charles 3620 shoemaker S none 5' 3" brown dark grey oval fresh middling stout 3620 Small scar across left eyebrow
Copestake Thomas 3683 labourer S none 5' 4" brown grey oval sallow middling stout 3683 Cut on chin; small scar right arm
Cordell Frederick 3536 weaver S none 5' 4 1/2" sandy brown long sallow middling stout 3536 Freckled; stiff joint 2nd finger left hand
Corton George 3616 locksmith S none 5' 3 1/2" brown grey long fair slight 3616 None
Cosgrove John 3520 farm labourer & brickmaker W two 5' 4 1/2" grey grey oval fresh middling stout 3520 Widower; Small scar on forehead
Coupland John 3447 labourer S none 5' 5" light brown grey long sallow middling stout 3447 None
Cox James 3474 fisherman S none 5' 6" light brown grey oval sallow middling stout 3474 None
Craddock Daniel 3561 labourer S none 5' 4 1/2" light brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3561 I R P, 35 dots, T, cross, C and 2 rings left hand and arm
Crawford William 3609 farm labourer S none 6' 1" brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3609 Pockmarked; scar left leg
Cunningham James 3624 labourer S none 5' 3 1/2" dark brown dark hazel oval dark middling stout 3624 None
Curran James 3472 hawker S none 5' 7" light grey oval fresh middling stout 3472 None
Curran William 3605 indoor servant S none 5' 8 1/2" brown dark brown oval sallow middling stout 3605 Scar left arm; cupped back of neck
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Surname Christian Name(s) Reg No Occupation M/S Child Height Hair Eyes Face Complexion Build Reg No Distinguishing Marks
Daley Thomas 3650 riddler S none 5' 11" brown grey long fresh middling stout 3650 Freckled
Danks Joseph 3626 brick maker W one 5' 8" dark brown dark brown oval dark middling stout 3626 Widower; Two small blue marks on forehead; scar right shoulder
Dart Joseph 3680 engine fitter & driver S none 5' 7" dark brown hazel oval fresh middling stout 3680 Contracted 2nd finger left hand
Davis Henry 3686 shopkeeper & farmer W four 5' 3" grey & very scanty hazel oval fresh middling stout 3686 Cut on forehead; scar right arm
Davis Thomas 3685 blacksmith S none 5' 2" light brown brown oval sallow middling stout 3685 3 cuts on forehead; cut left side of nose; injured 2nd finger left hand
Dawson James 3610 collier W two 5' 8 1/2" brown grey long fresh middling stout 3610 Widower; Pockmarked; scar bridge of nose
Dawson John 3667 grocer S none 5' 6 1/2" black hazel round swarthy middling stout 3667 Much freckled; scar right arm; cut left hand; cut little finger left hand
Dearie Michael 3485 brickmakers S none 5' 5 3/4" brown hazel oval fresh middling stout 3485 Burn on right breast
Delderfield Henry 3488 labourer S none 5' 8 1/2" black dark brown oval swarthy middling stout 3488 D on left side, anchor, right arm; M left arm
Divney John 3527 labourer S none 5' 5" dark brown grey long dark middling stout 3527 Pockmarked
Doran William 3632 baker S none 5' 4 1/2" dark brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3632 Cut upper lip: cut bridge of nose; cut eyebrow
Dougan Joseph 3552 clerk S none 5' 10" dark brown dark brown oval fresh middling stout 3552 Scar left arm; scar under chin
Dowd Theodore 3511 groom S none 5' 3 3/4" dark brown hazel round dark middling stout 3511 Small scar lower lip
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Surname Christian Name(s) Reg No Occupation M/S Child Height Hair Eyes Face Complexion Build Reg No Distinguishing Marks
Duckham Henry 3622 brick & tile maker M one 5' 8 3/4" light grey round fresh stout 3622 Scar on forehead; hair scanty
Dugard John 3516 butcher M one 5' 5 1/4" dark brown lighy hazel long fresh middling stout 3516 Cut right thumb; enlarged joint 2nd finger right hand
Dumper George 3615 farm labourer S none 5' 4" brown grey round fresh stout 3615 Scar thumb and forefinger right hand
Dunlop Stewart 3517 baker W none 5' 5" grey grey long fresh middling stout 3517 Widower; Scar bridge of nose; scar on lower lip; scar on left wrist
Dunn John 3627 labourer S none 5' 5 1/4" dark brown dark grey long fresh middling stout 3627 Two scars left cheek bone
Dunn Michael 3455 boatman W none 5' 8 1/2" dark brown hazel oval swarthy middling stout 3455 Widower; Ship, cross, A D and bracelet right arm
Eastbourn James 3652 woolsorter M three 5' 5" sandy hazel round fresh stout 3652 Man and woman F E J E and flower right arm: freckled
Elliott James 3701 cook and baker S none 5' 7 1/2" brown hazel oval fresh middling stout 3701 Scar right cheek bone; scar right eyebrow, small scar right am
Ellis James 3603 blacksmith & farm labourer S none 5' 5 1/4" dark brown grey round fresh stout 3603 Small scar left cheek
Ellis Thomas 3662 weaver M one 4' 11" brown grey oval sallow middling stout 3662 Pockmarked; small cut 2nd finger left hand
Ellis Thomas 3666 baker M three 5' 7" light brown grey round fresh middling stout 3666 Cut over left eyebrow; scar left arm
Eversden Thomas 3523 shepherd M five 5' 8" brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3523 Freckled, brown mark left hand
Ewing Andrew 3501 labourer S none 5' 6" dark brown hazel oval dark middling stout 3501 None
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Surname Christian Name(s) Reg No Occupation M/S Child Height Hair Eyes Face Complexion Build Reg No Distinguishing Marks
Fagg Edward 3597 labourer S none 5' 6" light brown hazel oval fresh middling stout 3597 Scar on breast; front tooth out upper jaw
Fagg William 3565 labourer S none 5' 5 3/4" brown hazel round fresh middling stout 3565 Scar on nose
Fairgrieve William 3445 labourer S none 6' 0" dark brown dark hazel long fair middling stout 3445 None
Farrell Thomas 3674 tailor S none 5' 2" dark brown light hazel oval fresh middling stout 3674 Scar left cheek bone, scar on forehead, cut back left hand
Finney John 3601 farm labourer S none 5' 3" dark brown grey oval darkish middling stout 3601 Freckled
Fisher Charles 3589 bricklayer S none 5' 5 1/4" sandy grey oval fresh middling stout 3589 Much freckled; scar lower lip
Flaherty John 3628 labourer S none 5' 8 1/2" light brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3628 None
Forrest John 3698 painter & glazier M one 5' 10" brown hazel round sallow middling stout 3698 Cut lip and ear
Francis John 3651 collier M none 5' 3 3/4" dark brown dark grey angular dark middling stout 3651 J F "Rose Hannah Varnam", anchor right arm: blue marks and scars all over left hand and arm
Gaishford Thomas 3499 labourer S none 5' 3" sandy light grey oval fresh middling stout 3499 None
Gallacher Thomas 3461 gardener S none 5' 3" brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3461 T G, right arm
Gerber Arnold 3465 turner S none 5' 4 1/2" dark brown brown oval dark middling stout 3465 None
Goodhall William 3479 farm labourer S none 5' 10" dark brown hazel round dark stout 3479 Cupping marks on chest
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Surname Christian Name(s) Reg No Occupation M/S Child Height Hair Eyes Face Complexion Build Reg No Distinguishing Marks
Graham John 3689 blacksmith S none 5' 6" brown light hazel oval fresh middling stout 3689 Two small scars forehead; cut on upper lip; J G right arm
Grant William 3477 carpenter M four 5' 10" dark brown hazel oval fresh middling stout 3477 None
Green John Underwood 3659 carpenter S none 5' 6" light grey long sallow middling stout 3659 J and man's face right arm; burn and scald left arm; scar back of neck
Griffiths Martin 3573 labourer S none 5' 5 3/4" brown grey round fresh middling stout 3573 Scar on breast
Grindell William Richard 3648 vet surgeon & horse dealer M one 5' 6 3/4" light brown grey round fresh stout 3648 Bald, small scar left cheek
Haley Isaac 3581 smith M one 5' 7" dark brown dark brown oval dark middling stout 3581 Two scars right forefinger
Haley Jacob 3582 blacksmith M four 5' 5 3/4" dark brown grey round sallow middling stout 3582 Blue scar upper lip; cut on little finger left hand
Hall Charles 3542 steel refiner M none 5' 6" brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3542 Contracted 3rd finger right hand; sword left arm
Hannon Martin 3538 labourer M none 5' 7" greyish hazel oval dark middling stout 3538 Pockmarked
Harkness William 3646 collier & weaver S none 5' 2 1/4" black dark brown oval dark slight 3646 None
Hayes James 3569 labourer W none 5' 10" brown grey oval fresh stout 3569 Widower; Scar 2nd finger right hand
Hayton Evan 3518 labourer S none 5' 2 1/2" brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3518 None
Heary John 3470 coppersmith S none 5' 6 1/2" light brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3470 J J, cross, H, mermaid, woman, right arm; woman and cross, left arm; cut on upper lip
Herbert Frederick 3568 sailor S none 5' 11" dark brown dark grey long fresh middling stout 3568 Scar on forehead
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Surname Christian Name(s) Reg No Occupation M/S Child Height Hair Eyes Face Complexion Build Reg No Distinguishing Marks
Hibbert James 3528 weaver W one 5' 6" light brown dark grey round sallow middling stout 3528 Widower; Bald; scar left hand
Higgins Denis 3539 labourer S none 5' 7 1/2" dark brown grey long fresh middling stout 3539 Injured top joint right thumb; pockmarked
Higgins Mark 3530 labourer S none 5' 8" light brown grey round fresh middling stout 3530 Ring 2nd finger left hand
Hill Thomas 3495 gardener S none 5' 7 1/2" brown dark grey oval sallow middling stout 3495 None
Hobbs George 3537 labourer S none 5' 9 3/4" dark brown hazel oval dark middling stout 3537 Freckled; anchor right arm; cut on upper lip; cut 3rd finger left hand
Hodgson John 3660 railway wheelmaker M none 5' 3 1/2" light brown dark brown long sallow middling stout 3660 Cast left eye, scars both sides of neck; etc
Hollis Samuel 3540 labourer S none 5' 8 1/2" dark brown dark brown long dark middling stout 3540 None
Horton John 3635 needle maker M one 5' 7 1/2" light brown grey long fresh stout 3635 Front tooth out upper jaw
Hosty Michael 3641 labourer S none 5' 6" black dark brown oval dark middling stout 3641 Much freckled; injured top joint forefinger left hand
Huggett Henry 3491 bargeman S none 5' 3" brown grey oval sallow middling stout 3491 Fish, 2 anchors, M F S J, harpoon, tobacco pipe, left arm; H H right arm
Hughes Henry 3608 shoemaker S none 5' 4 3/4" sandy grey long fresh middling stout 3608 Freckled
Hull William 3588 groom S none 5' 5 1/2" sandy grey oval fresh middling stout 3588 None
Hunter John 3560 labourer S none 5' 10" brown hazel long dark middling stout 3560 Scar on forehead, scar under left eyebrow
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Surname Christian Name(s) Reg No Occupation M/S Child Height Hair Eyes Face Complexion Build Reg No Distinguishing Marks
Johnson Henry 3639 engine fitter S none 5' 2" light brown grey round fresh stout 3639 None
Johnson Samuel 3550 shoemaker S none 5' 8 1/4" brown hazel round dark middling stout 3550 Bald
Jones George 3514 labourer S none 5' 5" dark brown hazel oval fresh stout 3514 None
Jones John 3466 labourer S none 5' 2" dark brown grey round dark middling stout 3466 Cupped on left breast
Jones John 3642 labourer S none 5' 5" brown dark grey round fresh middling stout 3642 Sailor with flag, crown, cross swords etc. right hand and arm; cruicifix and other marks left hand and arm
Karran John 3684 labourer S none 5' 9" brown hazel oval sallow middling stout 3684 Cut 3rd finger left hand
Keats Samuel 3665 smith M none 5' 7" dark brown dark hazel oval sallow middling stout 3665 Several scars on face and forehead; scars on both hands and arms; scar centre of breast
Kelly John 3657 labourer S none 5' 5 1/2" dark brown hazel round dark stout 3657 Small cut over left eye; freckled
Kelly Peter 3496 labourer S none 5' 4 1'4" brown hazel oval sallow middling stout 3496 Burn, left arm
King Owen 3458 groom S none 5' 11" dark brown blue oval fresh middling stout 3458 ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
King Thomas 3637 brick maker M one 5' 3" brown grey round sallow middling stout 3637 None
Knight Thomas 3556 farm labourer S none 5' 7" dark brown grey long dark middling stout 3556 Cut 2nd and 4th fingers left hand
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Surname Christian Name(s) Reg No Occupation M/S Child Height Hair Eyes Face Complexion Build Reg No Distinguishing Marks
Ladbury Edward 3623 porter & groom M none 5' 6" brown dark grey oval sallow middling stout 3623 None
Lane James Frederick 3467 labourer S none 5' 8" dark brown hazel long swarthy middling stout 3467 Bracelet right arm; star, crown etc. and bracelet left arm
Lawrence Henry 3551 gardener & groom M none 5' 8" light brown dark grey very long sallow middling stout 3551 Lump on back of head
Leary John 3508 smith's labourer S none 5' 6" brown hazel round fresh stout 3508 J T Z, M Z, J Z, anchor left arm
Lee Edward 3505 shipsmith S none 5' 5 1/2" brown dark brown round sallow middling stout 3505 E L E L left arm; C C. J P. T J E L, left hand; two men on breast
Leonard Bernard 3702 labourer S none 5' 8" dark brown hazel oval dark middling stout 3702 Scar right eyebrow; scar left eyebrow
Lovell George 3452 farm labourer M one 5' 11" sandy grey round fresh middling stout 3452 Mermaid, 69, right arm,T W D M, 2 anchors,left arm, D on left side
Mack Charles 3677 labourer S none 5' 6" dark brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3677 Blue mark right arm, 4 blue dots left arm
Mallard Charles 3590 baker S none 5' 6 3/4" dark brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3590 2 scars on forehead
Maloney John 3468 labourer S none 5' 4" dark brown blue long fresh middling stout 3468 Pockmarked
Marks Isaac 3475 shoemaker W one 5' 7" brown grey angular sallow middling stout 3475 Widower; Two cuts across nose
Marron John 3454 shoemaker S none 5' 2" brown hazel oval fair slight 3454 Burn, right wrist
Martin Alexander 3593 carpenter S none 5' 11" brown hazel oval fresh middling stout 3593 None
Martin David 3669 shipsmith S none 5' 9" dark brown dark brown long fresh middling stout 3669 None
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Surname Christian Name(s) Reg No Occupation M/S Child Height Hair Eyes Face Complexion Build Reg No Distinguishing Marks
Maxwell John 3672 labourer S none 5' 11 1/4" light grey long sallow middling stout 3672 Freckled; burn right hand, burn right arm, cut left wrist
McColgan William 3611 stone cutter S none 5' 9" light brown grey oval sallow middling stout 3611 Cuts both sides of lower jaw
McDermott Henry 3675 shopkeeper M one 5' 4" dark brown hazel oval dark middling stout 3675 Scar right wrist
McDonald James 3678 carter S none 5' 7" dark brown hazel round darkish middling stout 3678 Cut on forehead, cut right eyebrow, S McD, J McD right hand, J.S right arm, and several other marks and dots left hand and arm
McFarlane James 3696 groom M one 5' 11 1/2" dark brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3696 Small scar centre of forehead
McGibbon John 3634 mason S none 5' 5 1/4" brown grey long fresh middling stout 3634 Dislocation of thumb and tird finger left hand
McGuire Edward 3700 shoemaker M none 5' 5 1/4" brown grey long sallow middling stout 3700 Much freckled
McKellar Hugh 3649 sailor S none 5' 6" dark brown dark grey oval fresh slight 3649 H M C K left arm; burn right arm; pockmarked
McKenna Lawrence 3681 nailer M two 5' 4" dark brown grey round dark middling stout 3681 2 top joints 3rd left finger wanting; LK left hand
McKenzie James 3526 carpenter S none 5' 8 3/4" dark brown light grey long fresh middling stout 3526 Small cut left arm
McPherson John 3493 collier S none 5' 5" brown grey long swarthy middling stout 3493 None
McQuarrie Allan 3676 shoemaker S none 5' 7" brown brown long sallow middling stout 3676 Pockmarked
McTaggart Donald 3580 farm labourer M one 5' 6" brown grey oval sallow middling stout 3580 Dislocated joint 2nd finger right hand
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Surname Christian Name(s) Reg No Occupation M/S Child Height Hair Eyes Face Complexion Build Reg No Distinguishing Marks
Milligan Thomas 3656 sailor S none 5' 4" brown hazel oval fresh middling stout 3656 Pockmarked
Mitchell John 3463 .... .... .... .... .. ... ... ... ... .... .... ... ... .... .... ... ... ... .... ... 3463 Died on voyage
Mitchell William 3478 shoemaker S none 5' 7 1/2" brown grey round fresh middling stout 3478 Scar over right eye, scar under left ear
Mollon Neally 3504 collier S none 5' 2 1/2" light grey oval fresh middling stout 3504 Anchor, diamond with dots, C.M. cross and heart left arm
Monterro Emanuel 3629 sailor S none 5' 8 1/2" black hazel oval dark middling stout 3629 Scar right cheek; defective top joint forefinger right hand
Moore James 3633 mason M four 5' 8" brown grey long sallow middling stout 3633 Bracelet, cross keys, anchor, 3 rings right hand; J M, 1621, C E, 1822, etc. left hand and arm
Moore William 3549 farm labourer S none 5' 7" dark brown hazel oval fresh middling stout 3549 Contracted joint 2nd finger right hand; cut on thumb and forefinger left hand
Morley William 3525 shoemaker S none 5' 5 1/2" brown dark brown oval fresh middling stout 3525 Scar right arm; 2 pipes, 2 glasses, cross, harpoon and man, left arm
Morton James 3502 labourer S none 5' 7 1/2" dark brown grey oval sallow slight 3502 Pockmarked; anchor on left arm
Moss John 3500 groom's valet S none 5' 4 1/2" brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3500 None
Mountain James 3591 carpenter M four 5' 10 1/2" dark brown grey round fresh stout 3591 Contracted little finger, right hand; contracted 3rd and 4th fingers, left hand
Mountjoy Charles 3476 labourer S none 5' 2" brown grey oval sallow middling stout 3476 "C. Mountjoy" on left arm
Murphy Michael 3690 labourer S none 5' 7 1/4" dark brown dark grey long darkish middling stout 3690 Freckled; scar right cheek
Murtough Patrick 3670 farm labourer S none 5' 5 1/2" sandy grey round sallow middling stout 3670 Much pockmarked; cut right thumb; scald on neck
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Surname Christian Name(s) Reg No Occupation M/S Child Height Hair Eyes Face Complexion Build Reg No Distinguishing Marks
Naughton Edward 3492 shoemaker S none 5' 4" dark brown dark brown long dark slight 3492 Small scar left wrist
Norris James 3486 sawyer S none 5' 5" brown hazel oval fresh middling stout 3486 Scar on chin
Olive John 3459 moulder S none 5' 4" light hazel round fresh stout 3459 JD right arm
Orpin George 3596 labourer S none 5' 5 3/4" dark brown dark brown oval dark middling stout 3596 4 scars over left eye, injured top joint 3rd finger left hand
Ovens Isaac 3481 labourer S none 5' 5" dark brown light blue long pale middling stout 3481 Anchor, right arm, E W S, arm
O'Donnell James 3585 carpenter S none 5' 6 1/2" dark brown hazel round fresh middling stout 3585 Cut over left eye; small scar lower lip
O'Donnell William 3600 blacksmith S none 5' 7 1/2" brown hazel long sallow middling stout 3600 Flower pot, left arm
Paley John 3574 shoemaker M three 5' 10 1/2" brown hazel oval sallow middling stout 3574 None
Paterson John 3594 sailor S none 5' 2 1/2" brown dark hazel oval fresh middling stout 3594 Cutleft thumb and between left thumb and forefinger
Perkins George 3613 labourer S none 5' 7" dark brown dark hazel long fresh middling stout 3613 None
Petty William 3464 groom S none 5' 3" light brown hazel long fresh slight 3464 None
Phillips James 3579 blacksmith S none 5' 7 3/4" dark brown dark brown oval sallow middling stout 3579 Man and woman on breast; both arms covered with blue marks etc.
Phillips James 3687 labourer M three 5' 4" brown hazel oval sallow middling stout 3687 Scars over both eyes
Phillips Thomas 3682 farm labourer M three 5' 7" dark brown light hazel oval fresh middling stout 3682 Scar left temple, scar left arm, scar left wrist
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Surname Christian Name(s) Reg No Occupation M/S Child Height Hair Eyes Face Complexion Build Reg No Distinguishing Marks
Plumb John 3515 farm labourer M ten 5' 5" grey grey oval fresh middling stout 3515 Scar bridge of nose
Prickett Jeremiah 3456 sawyer S none 5' 5" brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3456 2 anchors, left arm
Proctor William 3509 labourer S none 5' 6" dark brown grey round fresh middling stout 3509 Mermaid right arm; cross left arm
Raglass George 3578 gardener S none 5' 5" brown hazel oval fresh middling stout 3578 Scar under chin
Read Emanuel 3630 weaver W two 5' 4 3/4" dark brown hazel long sallow slight 3630 Widower; None
Rennie Robert 3483 labourer S none 5' 8 1/2" light brown grey oval sallow stout 3483 None
Riley John 3679 silk dyer S none 5' 4 1/2" dark brown grey oval dark middling stout 3679 Scar cheek bone, wart right eyelid, pockmarked
Rist Richard 3570 farmer M four 5' 6 1/2" dark brown grey long dark middling stout 3570 None
Roberts Edward 3673 cook & baker W two 5' 10" brown grey round fresh stout 3673 Widower; Eight dots right arm; cut over left eye, cut on shin, several scars both hands and arms
Rose William 3577 carpenter S none 5' 4 3/4" dark brown hazel oval fresh middling stout 3577 Forefinger left hand wanting; W L left wrist
Rumble George 3697 groom S none 5' 6 1/2" dark brown dark brown round fresh middling stout 3697 Flag, 2 anchors, bracelets, flower pots, 2 crosses, M F O Y, P R E C, left arm etc.
Saunders John 3598 labourer S none 5' 6 1/2" dark brown hazel oval darkish middling stout 3598 2 scars on forehead; anchor right hand; 2 birds left arm etc.
Scott Walter 3704 labourer S none 5' 8 1/2" brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3704 Cut on forehead; cut on left cheek
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Surname Christian Name(s) Reg No Occupation M/S Child Height Hair Eyes Face Complexion Build Reg No Distinguishing Marks
Sharman George 3507 farm labourer S none 5' 6 1/2" light brown grey round fresh stout 3507 None
Sheehan Michael 3462 tailor S none 5' 8" brown grey round sallow middling stout 3462 Pockmarked
Sheehan Michael 3612 labourer S none 5' 8 3/4" dark brown dark hazel round dark middling stout 3612 Ship in full sail right arm; mermaid, anchor, wreath etc left arm
Sherwin Edward 3482 groom S none 5' 7 1/2" dark brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3482 Cut on forehead; ears pierced for rings
Shoolen Patrick 3693 cloth dresser S none 5' 6 1/2" dark brown hazel long dark middling stout 3693 Cross, P S, heart, anchor and diamond right arm
Sigley John 3587 tailor & miner M one 5' 8 1/4" sandy hazel round fresh stout 3587 Scar over left eye; right arm and both elbows, right forefinger, 3rd left finger injured
Simpkin George 3533 shoemaker S none 5' 9 1/2" sandy grey oval fresh middling stout 3533 Scar, 2 rings, crown, E C left arm; scar right eyebrow; scar lower lip
Simpson Robert 3541 farm labourer S none 5' 5" brown grey round fresh middling stout 3541 Freckled; cut on 2nd finger left hand
Smith John 3548 smith's striker S none 5' 6" light brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3548 Cut little finger right hand; cut left arm
Smith John 3614 farm labourer S none 5' 8" brown grey round fresh middling stout 3614 Freckled
Smith William 3449 farm labourer S none 5' 7" dark brown hazel oval dark middling stout 3449 2 flags, ANN, anchor,J.B. "William" right arm, top joint 2nd and 3rd finger left hand wanting etc.
Snell William 3460 labourer S none 5' 7 1/2" light brown dark grey long sallow middling stout 3460 "W. Snell was born December 1821", Diamond, WS, right arm
Spear John 3661 shoemaker W four 5' 8" brown dark brown long sallow middling stout 3661 Widower; No eyelashes; blue marks both arms; 2 scars lower lip
Spencer Henry 3529 carpenter S none 5' 9 1/2" brown grey oval sallow middling stout 3529 Pockmarked; cut fore finger left hand
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Surname Christian Name(s) Reg No Occupation M/S Child Height Hair Eyes Face Complexion Build Reg No Distinguishing Marks
Stead Henry William 3572 woolsorter S none 5' 5 1/4" brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3572 Bracelet right wrist; W.W.S., 1851, 2 anchors etc. right hand and arm
Stearn William Snowling 3519 blacksmith S none 5' 5 1/2" brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3519 Man, woman and flowers right arm; "Snowling Stearn" left arm, pockmarked etc.
Stow Samuel 3688 brewer S none 5' 5 3/4" dark brown hazel oval sallow middling stout 3688 Pockmarked; man right arm; cut little finger right hand; woman left arm; gunshot fixed in centre throat
Sweenie George 3450 shoemaker S none 5' 7" dark brown grey long fresh middling stout 3450 ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
Taylor James 3592 labourer S none 5' 2 3/4" dark brown hazel round fresh middling stout 3592 None
Terrell William 3617 weaver S none 5' 5 1/2" light brown grey round sallow stout 3617 Slight scar centre of forehead
Tindall Frederick 3545 labourer S none 5' 9" dark brown dark brown oval fresh middling stout 3545 Scars on breast
Titman John 3513 labourer S none 5' 8" brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3513 None
Titmus Joseph 3522 labourer S none 5' 7 1/2" brown hazel oval dark middling stout 3522 Scar under right eye; woman, anchor, flag and staff and 2 pipes etc. left hand and arm
Towerditch Thomas 3448 sailor S none 5' 5" black dark brown oval swarthy stout 3448 Strong foreign accent
Trout Henry 3553 cutler S none 5' 5 3/4" brown hazel long fresh middling stout 3553 Scar left side of neck
Turner William 3654 farm labourer S none 5' 7" dark brown hazel round fresh stout 3654 Fish left hand
Tutton Francis 3490 groom S none 5' 6 1/2" dark brown grey oval fresh middling stout 3490 Scar left thumb
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Surname Christian Name(s) Reg No Occupation M/S Child Height Hair Eyes Face Complexion Build Reg No Distinguishing Marks
Vadden Patrick 3446 labourer S none 5' 6 1/2" light brown grey oval sallow middling stout 3446 Pockmarked
Vaughan John 3510 tool maker S none 5' 6" brown dark hazel long fresh middling stout 3510 Much pockmarked
Veitch Robert 3544 pitman S none 5' 8 3/4" light brown grey round fresh middling stout 3544 RV. MB., ring left hand; star left arm; scar over right eyebrow
Vincent George 3619 clerk M four 5' 10" dark brown grey long fresh slight 3619 Slightly bald; scar on lip; blind left eye
Walker George 3692 labourer S none 5' 5" brown grey oval sallow middling stout 3692 Small scar left arm
Wallace Robert 3658 sailor W two 5' 8" greyish dark brown thin dark middling stout 3658 Widower; Blue cuts on nose
Warrener Joseph 3564 basket baker S none 5' 11 1/2" dark brown dark hazel oval darkish middling stout 3564 Anchor right arm
Watkins George 3497 painter & clerk S none 5' 4 1/4" light brown grey oval sallow middling stout 3497 Scar, fore and little fingers left hand
Webb Richard 3636 groom S none 5' 7" brown hazel oval fresh middling stout 3636 Scar little finger left hand
White James 3668 carpenter S none 5' 6" light brown grey round fresh middling stout 3668 J.W. anchor right arm; anchor left arm; 2 anchors, J W and dot left hand
White Joseph 3554 farm labourer S none 5' 7" black grey round dark stout 3554 Freckled
White Michael 3631 baker S none 5' 7" light brown grey long sallow middling stout 3631 Pockmarked; scar right elbow
White William 3586 collier S none 5' 5" brown grey long fresh middling stout 3586 Coal cut over left eye
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Surname Christian Name(s) Reg No Occupation M/S Child Height Hair Eyes Face Complexion Build Reg No Distinguishing Marks
Wilding John 3558 engineer & millwright W one 5' 5" black dark hazel oval dark middling stout 3558 Widower; Small scar left cheek bone
Williams Charles 3663 sailor S none 5' 4" brown grey oval sallow middling stout 3663 C W anchor, A right arm; scar lower lip
Williams Hugh 3469 miner S none 5' 11" light brown grey long sallow middling stout 3469 Pockmarked; D on left side
Williamson Denis 3645 nailor S none 5' 1 3/4" brown grey round sallow middling stout 3645 None
Wilson Edward 3557 baker S none 5' 7 1/4" brown grey oval sallow middling stout 3557 Cut little finger left hand
Wood Benjamin 3653 labourer M three 5' 3" dark brown hazel oval sallow middling stout 3653 None
Wood George 3671 cloth dresser S none 5' 3 1/2" black hazel oval sallow middling stout 3671 Scar bridge of nose; G.W.T.H. left arm; scar left cheek
Woods John 3647 labourer S none 5' 10 1/2" dark brown grey round fresh middling stout 3647 Cut on back of head; freckled
Woolley Charles 3599 turner & fitter S none 5' 6" light brown hazel round sallow middling stout 3599 C B left arm, scald behind left ear
Wright Jacob 3583 brickmaker M one 5' 5 1/2" sandy hazel oval fresh middling stout 3583 J R S L and ring, contracted joints 3rd finger right hand; freckled
Wright Thomas 3535 butcher S none 5' 5" dark brown light grey round fresh middling stout 3535 Two red marks near left eye
Wynn James 3503 miller S none 5' 0" light blue oval fair middling stout 3503 Scald, right arm; scar left thumb