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Western Australian Histories & Biographies
For Genealogists and Family Historians


Pioneer prospector, Fred Cammilleri, was the first man to dig and peg on the Golden Mile lodes. His story begins in Western Australia's Kimberley in 1886
and continues through to the Pilbara, Ashburton and Murchison. Heading
further south, he takes in Kalgoorlie, Greenbushes and finally, Donnybrook.

by Frederick Cammilleri ( ISBN: 0 85905 085 8 )

Indexed by Amanda Lovitt, September 2000.


General Index
Places and Locations
People Mentioned in the Book
Shipping Information
Back to the 'Index of Indexes'



[ page numbers in yellow are illustrations ] Page No.
Adcock's Store 12
Adelaide S.S. Co. 18
Afghans 34
Aldgate Street Station 5
Alexandria 57
Apia 43
Associated Northern, WA 42
Bewick Moreing And Co. v, 42, 48, 63, 64
Bloomsbury Square 4
Bony Brim 23
Carpenter's Bitters 33
Clarke's Eye Lotion 19
Cohen & Solomon's Store 12
Cornwall Tin Mine v, 53, 69
Cuming Smith 53
Cunard Line 52
Devitt And Moore's v, 5
Dublin University 19
East Kimberley Supply Company 12
Fellows' Syrup 1
Flushing 56
Gladstone Arms 23, 30
Gut Of Canso 1, 9
Holburn Viaduct 1
Holloway's Ointment 21
Lissa 56
Little Hero 29
Lloyds 7
Manning & Ward's Hotel 12
Martins Naval Academy v, 5
Mercer & Locock Brokers 43
Miller's Combine 51
Oxford Music Hall 5
Paddy The Flat 23, 30
Palace Hotel 46
Palace of Varieties 46
Palmer Bros. Store 12
Pantomime Camp 29
Port Hotel 12
River Plata 5
Rose Hotel 49
School Of Mines, Berlin 52
School Of Mines, SA 26
Seabrook Battery 48
St Peter's College v, 1
Starkey 2, 3
Tay Bridge 2
The Western Mail iii
Thomson & McLean's Store 12
Three Nuns Hotel 5
Three Star Brandy 16
Trappist Brothers 24
Tuticorin 6
Twelve Apostles 35
WA Bank 34, 48
Western Australian Historical Society iii
Young Men's Christian Association 5
Youngman & Holmes Hotel 12
Youngman & Holmes Store 12

main index



[ page numbers in yellow are illustrations ] Page No.
Ark Of Gold Tunnel, WA 72
Adelaide, SA v, 3, 6, 10, 26, 39
Albany, WA 43, 46, 50, 51
Alberta, USA 52
Alma Creek, WA 32
Amur Pool, WA 11
Annean, WA 37
Annear, WA 33
Ashburton, WA 23, 29, 31, 32, 33
Auckland, NZ 43
Baltimore, USA 57
Banff, Canada 52
Bardock, WA 39
Bayley's Island, WA 37
Bayley's Reward, WA 36, 39, 41, 63
Beachmont, USA 52
Beagle Bay, WA 24
Black Elvira Gulley, WA 15
Blackwood District vi, 51
Blackwood River, WA 52
Block 45, WA 40
Block 48, WA 53
Borneo 53
Boston, USA 1, 52
Boulder, WA 39, 42, 45, 48, 59
Bridgetown, WA 51, 52
Brighton, UK 43
Bristol 9, 58
Broad Arrow, WA 39, 43, 44
Brockman, WA 18
Broome, WA 50
Brown Hill, WA v, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 59, 60, 62, 63, 70, 71
Brunswick Junction, WA 43, 44
Bulong, WA 39
Bunbury, WA 49, 50, 67
Busselton, WA v, vi, 38, 44, 51, 54, 67
Butterfly Mine, WA 45
Calgary, USA 52
California, USA 10, 43, 52
Canada 1
Cape Breton 9
Cape Horn v, 4, 5
Cape Leeuwin, WA 51, 54
Cape York, QLD 25
Capel, WA 47
Ceylon 43
Charlottetown v, 1, 8, 11, 52
Chicago, USA 43
Circular Quay 11
Collie, WA 51
Colombo 6, 11, 52
Condon, WA 23, 25, 27, 29
Conglomerate, WA 29
Coolgardie, WA v, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 44, 45, 46, 61
Coongan River, WA 26, 29
Coppins Gap, WA 28
Coppins Patch, WA 29, 33
Cork 8, 9
Cowaramup, WA v
Cripple Creek, USA 48
Croesus, WA 39, 40, 41, 60
Cue, WA 29
Cummings Station, WA 32
Dandalup, WA 43, 44
Dardanelles 56
Darling Harbour, NSW 10
Darling Range, WA 44
Darlot's Station, WA 33
De Grey River, WA 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 33
Derby, WA v, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23, 28
Donnelly River, WA 51, 53
Donnybrook, WA iii, v, 44, 47, 49, 50, 51, 52, 54
Duffer Gully, WA 26
East Coolgardie, WA 40
Eel Creek, WA 25
Egina, WA 30
England 51, 52
Falkland Islands 4, 8
Fitzroy Crossing, WA 13, 19, 23
Fitzroy River 12, 24
Flinders Bay, WA 54
Flinders St Station, VIC 18
Floater Mine, WA 50
Fly Flat, WA 33, 35, 37
Fort Washington 57
Fortescue River, WA 30
Frazer's Mine 15
Fremantle, WA 34, 38, 52
Gascoyne River, WA 33
Geraldton, WA 29, 34
Gnarlbine, WA 35, 37, 38, 44
Golden Hole, WA 44
Golden Mile, WA 40, 59
Goldwins, Surrey, UK 43
Gravesend 3
Great Barrier Reef 6
Great Boulder, WA 42
Greenbushes, WA v, 38, 40, 47, 51, 53, 54, 69
Halifax 8
Hall's Creek, WA v, 11, , 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23,
28, 30, 45
Hamersley Range, WA 29, 30, 32
Hampton Plains, WA 36, 39, 42, 44, 45, 53, 64
Hannan's Lake, WA 39
Hannan's Star Mine, WA 45, 47
Hannans, WA v, 39, 41, 60, 62, 70
Hardy Junction Station, WA 31, 32
Havre 8
Heligoland 4
Henry River, WA 32
Hillsborough Heads 1
Honolulu 43, 52
Hopetoun, WA 50
Howe's Gulley, WA 22
India 1
Iron Duke, WA 42
Isle Of Wight 2
Jalbarragup, WA 53
Japan 53
Jarrahwood, WA 51
Kalgoorlie, WA 39, 41, 42, 45, 70
Kanowna, WA 39
Kimberley iii, v, 11, 19, 22, 26, 28, 32, 34, 35, 37, 38,
45, 50, 55
King Edward 52
King Of The Hills, WA 44
King Sound v, 11
Kingston, SA 2, 3, 42
Klondyke, WA 31, 45, 47
Kurnalpi, WA 37, 39
Lacepede, SA 42
Lady Shenton Mine, WA 45
Lake Borgue 57
Lake Lefroy, WA 39, 45
Lake Superior, Canada 52
Larkinville, WA 16
Le Grange Bay, WA 24
Leopold Range, WA 12
Little De Grey, WA 28
Liveringa, WA 12, 13
London v, 3, 8, 10, 11, 42, 43, 52, 58, 61, 62, 63, 64
Lukin's Crossing, WA 24
Lyons River, WA 32, 38
Malta 56
Manley Beach, NSW 10
Marble Bar, WA 13, 26, 28, 29, 50
Margaret River, WA 13, 14
Marseilles 52
Mary River, WA 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22
McNamara's Sheep Camp, WA 33
McPhee's Gulley 19, 20, 26
Meeda River, WA 12
Melbourne, VIC 21, 54
Menzies, WA 39, 45
Merredin, WA 41, 43
Middle Creek, WA 31
Mildura, NSW 38
Milford Haven 9
Millstream, WA 30, 31
Mineries, London 5
Mt Abbott, WA 13
Mt Anderson, WA 13
Mt Bradley, WA 18
Mt Cara, gml2p, Donnybrook Cover Page, Cover Page, 48, 72
Mt Cattlin Mine, WA 50
Mt Clair Station, WA 33
Mt Dockerel, WA 19, 21, 22
Mt James, WA 33
Mt Lawley, WA 12
Mt Lyall, WA 53
Mt Mortimer, WA 31
Mt Robertson, WA 43
Mt Thompson, WA 32
Mt Wynne, WA 13
Mulga Downs Station, WA 30
Mullewa, WA 34
Murchison, WA iii, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 35, 38
Nannine, WA v, 29, 32, 33, 34
Nannup, WA v, vi, 51
Naples 43
Narrogin, WA 44
New Australia 10, 49
New Guinea 45
New Mexico 43
New Orleans 57
New York 8, 22, 38, 43, 52
New Zealand 23
Newcastle, NSW 6
Newfoundland 1, 9
Niagara Falls, USA 43, 52
Ninety Mile Beach, WA 25
Nobby's Well, WA 13
Norseman, WA 39, 53
North Dandalup, WA 43, 49
North Adelaide, SA 3
Northam, WA 43, 48, 49, 50, 55
Northern Territory 14
Northumberland Straits 1
Nova Scotia 9
Nullagine, WA 13, 23, 25, 29, 30, 50, 55, 56
Oakover River, WA 29
Oroya, WA v, 42, 59
Pago Pago 52
Panton River, WA 19
Paris 52
Perth, WA 34, 35, 38, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48,50, 51, 54, 55
Phillips River, WA 48, 49, 50
Picton, WA 8
Pilbara, WA 23, 26, 28
Pindan, WA 13
Pitcairn Islands 8, 43
Plymouth 7, 43
Point De Galle, Ceylon 6
Pomone 57
Port Adelaide, SA 2, 5, 6, 42
Port Darwin, NT 13, 14, 18, 24, 53
Port Pirie, SA 50
Port Said 52
Portland, Oregon, USA 52
Potato Flat, WA 36
Preston River, WA 49
Primrose Hill, SA 3, 43
Prince Edward Island v, 1, 7, 8, 10, 52
Providence, Rhode Island, USA 43, 52
Puget Sound, USA 52
Quanban, WA 13
Ravensthorpe, WA 50
Razor Back Range, WA 22
Red Hill, WA 39, 45
Rockhampton, QLD 28
Roebourne, WA 14, 15, 23, 29, 30, 31, 56
Round Hole, WA 26, 28
Ruby Creek, WA 22
Samoa 52
San Francisco 7, 8, 43, 52
Sandy Billabong, WA 13
Santa Fe 43
Seattle 47, 52
Shaw River, WA 29
Singapore 38
Soda Springs, WA 13, 14, 15
South America 8, 10, 49
Southern Cross, WA 43
St Davitts, Busselton, WA 67
St Mary's, Bloomsbury 4
St. John's Brook v, 54
St. John's, New Brunswick 1, 9
Suez Canal 43
Sussex District vi
Sydney, NSW 7, 8, 10, 11, 43, 51, 52, 58
Tableland, WA 31
Taunton, USA 43, 52
Teeda Station, WA 13
Texas, USA 43
The Gash, WA 26
Thompson's Creek, WA 33
Tiger Bay, WA 45
Toronto, Canada 52
Torres Strait v, 6, 10, 11
Tragedy, WA 13
Troy's Lagoon, WA 13
True Blue, WA 40
Upper Capel, WA 50
Vancouver 8, 52
Vasse, WA 34, 38
Victoria 18
Walsh's Station, WA 33
Wellington District, WA 51
Wellington Mill, WA 50
White Feather, WA 39, 64
Widgiemooltha, WA vi, 45, 53
Williams, WA 44
Winnipeg, Canada 52
Wonnerup, WA 38
Woodman's Point, WA 52
Wyndham, WA 20
Yalga Yalga, WA 28, 29
Yeeda Station, WA 24
Yilgarn, WA 15, 34, 35, 37, 38
York, WA v, 16, 34, 35, 38, 39

main index



[ page numbers in yellow are illustrations ] Page No.
Allan, Sailor Jack 16, 22
Angelo, Colonel 29
Anketell 14
Anstey, H. 37
Atkins 21, 33
Backhouse 63
Baker 37
Ball, Charles 29
Baring, Francis, Sir 57
Barker, Alick 52
Barrett 6
Barrymore 53
Bateman 12, 19
Bates, J. 55
Bayley, Arthur v, 34, 35, 36, 37
Beaglehole 39, 41
Begg, Captain 10
Bennett, Billy 25
Best, Jack 16, 18, 22, 34
Blythe, Joe 12
Bonner, Bob 33
Bovell, Alick 51
Bowman, William, Sir 4, 7, 10, 43, 52
Brady, Father 22
Brazier, Colonel 50
Brockman, Fred 18
Brockman, Harold 14
Brookman 39, 42, 48, 59
Brooks, Jack 16, 29
Brophy, Constable 16
Brown 3
Brown, Jack 12
Brown, Sylvester 36, 38, 39, 41
Browning, Tommy 56
Buchanan 23
Burrup 14
Butcher, Billy, Captain 16, 18, 21
Button 17
Byass 28
Calvert, Bob 32
Cammilleri, Amy Baylis vi
Cammilleri, Cara iii
Cammilleri, Dorothy Barker vi
Cammilleri, Douglas Ponsonby vi
Cammilleri, Frederick Charles vi
Cammilleri, Frederick Ponsonby v
Cammilleri, Frederick William Ponsonby iii, iv, iv, 41, 55, 58, 59, 60, 65, 66,
67, 68, 70, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77
Cammilleri, Georgina vi
Cammilleri, Joseph, Captain 56
Cammilleri, Kate (Nee Layman) 60, 65, 68
Cammilleri, Larry 56, 59, 64
Cammilleri, May Glindon vi
Cammilliere 63
Campbell 8
Campbell, Donald 16, 23, 25
Campbell, Jack 16, 23, 29, 47
Canning 32
Carney 51
Carpenter 64
Carpenter, Billy 16, 17, 21
Carr-Boyd 16, 17
Cattlin 50
Caulley, Captain 10
Cavosso, Captain 7
Chipper 44
Clifton, Cecil 34, 38, 39
Clifton, Joe 16, 34, 35, 38, 45, 67
Clifton, Walla 34
Clowes, W. 47
Cohen 12
Cohn, I.J.K. 21, 23
Collie 45
Collins 23
Collison 52
Colreavy 37
Connor 21
Cook 35, 36
Coppin, Chris 25, 26, 27, 28, 29
Coppin, Herbert 26, 29
Coppin, Will 25, 27
Corbett, Mick 29
Cornish, H. 38
Counsel, Charlie 12, 55
Counsell, Walter 55
Cowan 15
Craufurd, Charles, Sir 64
Crow, Mat 34, 35, 37, 45
Cruikshank 40
Cudmore 42
Cummins, Will 38
Daley 24
Davies, Herbert 34
Davies, J. 55
Davies, Warden 28
Davis, C.T. 12
Devitt v, 12
Dixon, Murray 40
Doherty 21
Dowd, Harry 32
Dowley, Warden 22
Doyle, Jack 26, 29, 34, 35, 53
Duff, Tom 41
Durack 23
Dwyer 70
Eastman 50
Edgar, Alick 25
Edgar, Felix 12
Edgar, Jack 12
Egan, Dick 39
Elliot, Doctor 50
Ellis, John, Rev. 1
Emanuel 12, 13, 23
English 54
English, Fred 20
Faulkner 50
Fellows, Aubery 1
Finnerty, J.M., Warden 15, 18, 22, 35
Foley, Larry 10
Forbes, Arthur 14
Ford 36, 37
Forgan, Georgina v
Fosser 37
Foster Reynolds 43
Frances, Billy 28
Frazer, Hugh 15
Frost, Billy 31, 45
Gale, Walter 48
Garlick, Phil 13, 14, 28
Gavin 51
Gennet, B. 16
Giles, Ernest 16
Goddard 64
Goe 4
Goldsmith, Dean 46
Gough, George 54
Gregory, Harry 51
Guerin, Fred 26, 27, 28, 29
Gunn 12
Hackett, Winthrop 39
Hall 11, 19
Hamby, Captain 44
Hamersley 34
Hannan, Paddy 41
Hardman, Professor 19
Hayes, Tom 20
Hedley, Sid 12
Hernshaw, J. 31
Hershan 23
Hester, Reg 30
Hicks, Arthur 31
Hill 14
Hill, Billy 15
Hines, Billy 27, 28
Holmes 12
Hornig, Frank 14, 15
Horrigan, Jack 16, 29
Hudson, George, Rev. 1
Huggins 37
Hughes 55
Hughes, Pat 55
Hunter 47
Hunter, Johnny 41
Indale, Jim 28
Irvine, Captain 52
Jackson 48
Jenet, Bill 33
Jephson, M.H. 39, 41
Jobson 45, 46, 47
Johns, Adam 19
Jones, Bill 40, 43, 60, 66, 70
Jones, Commander 57
Kauffman 51
Kelly, Jim 39
Kelsall, Doctor 34
King, William Basil 1
Kingsmill, Bill 50
Kingsmill, Walter 26, 27, 28, 29, 48, 50, 52, 55
Lambert, George, MLA 55
Lamond, Barney 56
Lane, Zeb 51
Larkin, Percy 39
Lawler, Paddy 16, 28, 35
Layman, A.G. 55, 67, 68
Layman, F.J. 68
Layman, George 54
Layman, Glin 16, 17, 21, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32,
34, 35, 38, 43, 44, 47, 50, 61
Layman, Kate (See: Cammilleri, Kate) v
Le Page 42, 70
Lindrum, Fred 49
Lindrum, Walter 49
Litchfield 10
Little 47
Locke 13
Locock 43
Long, Charlie 32, 33, 34
Lovegrove, Doctor 11, 13
Lubbock 64
Lungley, Arthur 3
Luyer, W.E. 12
Lyall, H. Claud 64
Mabbot 2
MacDonald 15, 23
MacGregor, Flo 43, 52
Maitland, Charles, Captain 5, 6, 7, 52, 58
Maitland, Frederick Orbell v, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
18, 22, 38, 43, 49, 51, 61, 66, 67, 68
Mallard 15
Mallett, Tom 12, 19, 20
Mansfield, Ted 40, 66, 70
Marr, Jack 35
Marriott, W. 13
Marsden, G.L. 38
Marshall, J. 47
Martin, Jack 17, 18, 50
Maryanski, Modest 48, 50
Masher 28
Matthews 63
Maxwell 50
Maxwell, Bill 56
McAlinden, Harry 55
McAuliffe, Jerry 39
McClements, Rev. 49
McDonald 49
McGregor, Archie 26
McLarty 13, 23
McLean 12
McMasters, Captain 1
McPherson 29, 37
Menzies 44
Mercer 42, 43, 60, 61, 62, 63
Miller 2, 22
Mitchell, James 48
Mitchell, Owen 13
Monkhouse 64
Moore v, 5
Moreing 43
Morgans, A.E. 48, 50, 53
Morrison, A.E. 8, 53
Moss, Frank 52, 53
Moss, George 30
Mudell 54
Mulvay, G. 55
Murphy, Mick 27, 28, 37
Nausbaum 50, 52
Nisbet, R. Parry, Colonel 64
Norton 49
O'Grady 12
Olsen, Charlie 12
Owen, W.L., Warden 28, 53, 55
Paisley, Dick 8, 10
Panton, Captain 3
Patterson, William 43
Pearce 39, 42, 59
Peterkin 29, 37
Pettigrew 42, 62, 63, 70
Pettyiur 60
Price, C.D., Warden 14, 18
Price, Graham 40, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48
Price, Mat 7, 55
Quick, George 16, 18
Rankin 43, 52
Raper, Bill 49
Read, Joss, Captain 58
Reid, Billy 6
Reid, Black 14
Reid, Captain 8, 9
Reid, Jimmy 35, 45
Reidy, Jack 37
Ricketts, Jack 12
Risely, T. 37
Robarts 64
Roberts, Etian 7, 10
Robins 5
Robinson, Edward Richard 69
Robinson, Henry John 69
Rose 52
Rose, Edward 13, 23
Rose, G. 24
Rossi, G. 55
Russell, Hugh 50
Sale, Reggie 27
Satchbury, E. 58
Saunders, H.J. 63
Saunders, Ned 16, 18, 41, 70
Saunders, Phil 19, 56
Schlater, A. 53
Scott 51
Sherry, Sergeant 14, 18
Simpson, E.S. 72
Slaney, H. 64
Slater Alex 20
Slattery 11, 19
Slattery, Barney 30, 50
Solomon 12
Sorrinson, J. 50
Speakman, Jim 37, 45
Stebbin 7
Steel, Captain 7
Stevenson 31
Stewart 10
Stinton, J. (Dave) 53
Stokes 53
Streeton, Jim 26, 27
Sykes 47
Talbot 37
Taylor, Jim 16, 19, 22, 23
Teasdale, F.W. 55, 56
Teede 22
Thompson 64
Thompson, Alfred 63
Thomson 12
Timperley, Warden 47
Tobias, Tommy 12, 45
Trench 7
Triane, T. 55
Trigwell 47
Troy, Sergeant 11, 15
Turner, Tom 16, 19
Walker, Jack 38
Walker, Jim 38
Wallis, J.J. 64
Walsh, Jack 16, 18, 21, 23
Walsh, Mick 22
Walsh, Mrs 33
Walters, Warden 47, 50
Wardel, A.T. 55
Watson, Harry 49
Watts, Captain 2, 3
Webster, A.W. 68
Weiss, J. 16
West, Bill 30
Wheat, Ralph 16, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29
Williams 42
Williams, George 4
Williams, J.C. 12
Willmott, Frank 53
Wilson, Frank 51, 53
Wilson, W. 55
Winters, R. 16, 22
Withnell, James 29, 55
Woodley, Joe 19, 20
Woodward, H.P. v, 34
Yelverton, Harry 38, 47, 50
Young, Jim 24
Youngman 12

main index



[ page numbers in yellow are illustrations ] Page No.
Active - Frigate 56
Australia 10
Birksgate 10
Bounty 8
Charles E. Lefergee 8, 58
City Of Adelaide 10
Ethel Blanche v
Eurydice 2
Gateside 5, 6, 7, 11, 38, 58
Illawarra 7, 43, 58
James Peake 1, 7
Kandala 11
Lucy Pope 1
MacGregor 50
Moselle 1
Nelson 10
Oaklands 10
Orient Line 43
Outalpa v, 3, 5, 42
Persian Monarch 8
Princess Alice 2
Rob Roy, SS 38
Royal Tar 10, 49
Spider, HMAS 56
Thermoplyae 7
Triumph 11
White Star 43
Zealandia 7

main index

Nov 1, 2001