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Western Australian Histories & Biographies
For Genealogists and Family Historians


Brown Hill was a small mining community t'other side of Kalgoorlie. The township and its people are recorded by Amy Moore, who was born and bred in Brown Hill. Special attention is given to the author's Weir family.

by Amy Moore ( ISBN 0 85905 128 5 )

Indexed by Anne Wheel, February 2000.


General Index
People Mentioned in the Book
Back to the 'Index of Indexes'



[ page numbers in yellow are illustrations ] Page No.
Bates' Salve 30, 33
Brown Hill Gold Mine 36
Condy's Crystals 31, 35
Coolgardie Safe, The (sketch) 26
Cressy's Hotel 19, 21
Greathead's Influenza Mixture 30, 31
Laxettes 31
Mechanics Institute, Brown Hill 32
Methodist Church, Shifting the 32
Old-fashioned Remedies 31
Reckitt's Blue Bag 33
Sampson's Dairy 8
Sonsee Home, The 16

main index



[ page numbers in yellow are illustrations ] Page No.
Aitken, Bill 9
Anderson, Mick 20
Bailey, Ailsa 34
Baines, Kath 34
Barrett, Mr 17
Blacker, Mona 34
Boland, Jim 46
Bridges, George 42
Bridges, Jane (nee Renton) 41, 42
Bridges, Mrs 5
Brown, Florence 49
Caisley, Mr 49
Cammilleri, F.W. (Larry) viii, 1, 11
Casley, Clarry 46
Casley, Reg 20, 40
Clarke, Bill 3, 5, 21, 40
Clarke, Myrtle 34
Collick, Canon 41
Cooper, Alec 46
Cressy, Charlie 19
Cressy, Frank 19
Davies, Laura 34
de Rave, Barend 51
Douglas, Beth iii, 5
Douglas, Wilfred iii
Downes, Harry 21
Flynn, Mick 20
Follard, Bertha 45
Follard, Johnny 45
Forrest, Sir John 17
Golding, Snowy 34
Graham, Freda 5, 42, 43, 44, 45, 49
Graham, Mr 42, 43, 45
Graham, Mrs 44
Graham, Ron 43
Green, Neville 51
Halford, Elizabeth 13
Halford, William 13, 15
Hamilton, Mrs 5, 42, 44, 47
Haskell, Captain (Salvation Army) 12, 49
Hayes, Mr 5
Hessler, Hans 3, 5
Hill, Arthur 3
Hoover, Herbert 1
Hunt, Nurse 27
Ingram, Perce 20
Irvine, Mr A.J. 7
Jackson, Walter 19
James, Sydney 29
Johns, Tommy 34
Kelly, Jim 1
Lawn, Dick 9
Lillis, Martin "Doughie" 29
Lord, Cyrus 5
Lyons, Anna 34
McGrath, Ab 13
Mcgrath, Mrs 17
Mercer, Doug 5
Mitchell, Edward 39
Mitchell, Jack 39
Mitchell, John 39
Mitchell, Maud 39
Moore, Amy (nee Weir) 12
Murphy, Mr (Rhodes Scholar) 9
Neve, children 51
Newman, Charles William 45
Newman, Mrs Freda (nee Graham) 5, 42, 43, 44, 45, 49
Norton Family 37
Norton, Sam 37
Parker, Elsie 29
Patterson, Kenny 34
Pearson, Mrs/Nurse 27, 29
Pillage, Mr 19
Pillage, Mr "Cock" 21
Renton, Frances 41
Renton, Jack 41, 42
Renton, Jane 41, 42
Renton, Jim 41
Reynolds, Grandfather 41, 42
Shingler, Ray 29
Shreeves, Mr 25
Simpson, Mr 44
Softley, Herb 34
Softley, Jack 20
Softley, Jack (William John) 40
Sonsee family iii
Sonsee, Arthur 13, 15, 19, 29
Sonsee, Evelyn 7, 39, 49
Sonsee, Jack 7, 9, 15, 23, 39, 49, 51
Sonsee, Mark 19, 39
Sonsee, Maud (nee Mitchell) 39
Sonsee, Mrs 7
Stewart, Envoy 12, 49
Taylor, Johnny 29
Thomas, Isobel 47
Thomas, John 29
Thomas, Mr 47
Thomas, Mrs 47
Thomas, Syd 46
Trotter, Mr 5
Weir, Amy (book's author) 12
Weir, Baby Robert's grave 28
Weir, Beth 43, 44
Weir, Jim 5, 15
Weir, Mabel, Mrs with Amy, Jim vi
Weir, Robert (Bob) vii, 8
Wests, the 25
Whitworth, Captain 47

main index

Nov 1, 2001