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Western Australian Histories & Biographies
For Genealogists and Family Historians


A Collection of writings, paintings, drawings and photographs from the Kimberley, Pilbara and Gascoyne Regions.

Helen Weller (Editor) ( ISBN 0 908112 32 7 )

Indexed by Judy Decker, December 1999.


Articles and Poems
Places and Locations
People Mentioned in the Book  
Shipping Information
Back to the 'Index of Indexes'



  Page No.
A civilian in the War Years 337
A day in the Desert 333
A lonley Grave 365
A Mount Called Nameless 136
A nest of Characters 213
A Nurse in the North 232
A Sacred Place 56
A Woman of the Pilbara 312
Abominable Pilbara Man 318
Aboriginal Legends 171
Aboriginal Legends 175
Aboriginal Legends 182
Aboriginal legends 183
Airbourne Cowboys 47
An era of change 23
And some are still with us 299
Anecdoctes 58
Ant Hills Near Onslow 174
Archdeacon Simpson 365
Australia 74
Barter 114
Beagle Bay and Broome 110
Ben Hartigan 19
Birdie 85
Broome people 87
Bush Medicine 131
Camels, Sharks and gold mines 309
Caravan Park 143
Cattle Trains 360
Clumper 114
Construction Camp 99
Con's Song 151
Cossack 205
County Downs Station 193
C.W.A. in the North 282
District Bred racing 349
Drink of Tea 203
East Kimberley Primatives 346
Engine in the Street 302
Epitah for NX3181 366
Equality or Status Quo 321
Excerpts for the Crockadile Bag 251
Farewell to Wyndham 254
First year at Carnarvon 117
Four Poems 22
Francis Gow Armstrong 231
Freed for the Chain Gang 172
George Miles 215
Great Uncle 295
Hidden Lagoon 166
Hidden Valley 216
Hidden Valley 257
Historical Letter 83
History of the De Grey Station 75
Homeland 238
Jewish Settlement 195
Jung Lan 326
Kalumburu 157
Kimberley Dawn 314
Laughter, Singing and Song 304
Legend of the Poinciana 18
Life at Camballin 99
Lines to a Dinosaur 156
Loyalty Challenged 358
Mary Rose Kirby 109
May 226
Me Mate Fred 329
Memories of Shay Gap 336
Million Years of Pilbara 148
Millstream 236
Millstream 236
Millstream 335
Mt. Welcome 259
Murder at Roebourne 122
My Sister and Me 120
North West Idyll 211
North-West Tour 194
Old Cossack 128
Old Man 360
Old time Taxi 235
Old Tom 303
One Slice Sam 163
Onslow, Little Town Lost 354
Parliamentary Tour 287
Pioneer Graves 83
Pioneers of the De Gray 80
Pioneer 54
Pot Shot and Billabong 273
Prison Tree, Derby 210
Profiles from Broome 221
Quincy 114
Rain 241
Reflections 234
Return Journey 27
Return to Onslow 138
Riders of the North 361
Rossie 271
Round About Tanami 233
Several Stories 191
Shark Bay and Faure Island 231
Ships 139
Short tales 237
Smoko 143
Solitary Man 250
Some early reminiscences of the East Kimberleys 24
Song of Shark Bay 228
Speewah 308
Station owners - 1872 212
Swan Song of Freedom 202
The Boab Tree 248
The Canning Stock Route 136
The Challenging North 143
The Dreamtime Wandjina 168
The far North County 97
The first year in the North West 263
The graves at Mt. Fisher 49
The great North West 239
The green cross 171
The heritage 327
The Kimberleys 48
The last Mob for Argyle 162
The Man 185
The Northern Meet 186
The Northern Times 247
The Old Tool Box 86
The Road North 316
The Shelter 84
The Sleeper awakes 363
The song and the Silence 298
The Sparrow 74
The Spitfire at Exmouth 232
The Truslove's of Cossack 297
The Wallal of yesterday 31
The Way it is 247
The Way West 145
The Yarrie Hills 79
Time Suspended 138
Top Town of the North 220
Travelors Tales 172
Turtles, Exmouth 279
Two Poems 118
Two stories 355
Uncle Bert looks back 255
Vicious Vicky 153
When the world was young 307
Wild Bush Cattle 293
Williambury 101
Winjana Gorge 201
World War II Kimberley Recollections 207
Wriggling Link 250
Wyndham School 219
Xmas in Wyndham 220
Zuytdorp Cliffs 269

main index



  Page No.
Anglican Church, Broome 67
At Anchor 95
Beagle Bay Mission Church 184
Bickerton, Arthur and Marjorie, 1972 23
Bickerton, Marjorie and Waite, Diana 25
Bickerton, Lesleigh and Robert 26
Bishops Palace, Broome 150
Black Boy 144
Captain Harold Matheson 55
Canarvon Pioneers 119
Chinese Junk 190
Denham Hotel 189
Derby Church of England Sunday School, 1934 17
Fisher, Daisy 51, 52
Fisher, Eliza (nee Strange) 50
Fisher, Jack 51
Fringe Dwellers 161
Grandstand at Marble Bar Races, 1956 26
Kimberley Colourstone 280
Lacy family photo's 32-45
Landscapes 18, 29, 96, 100, 105, 137, 167, 173, 174, 200, 214, 218, 282, 305, 315, 336, 362
Lee, Mick at Roebourne 320
Lilla - Yandying Tim. Shaw River, 1956 24
Meares, Mr. and Mrs. Sherly 294
Mundaring Weir 353
Natural Wood Sculpture 319
Old Church 170
Old Custom House, Broome 72
Old Radio Station, Broome, (1) 69
Old Radio Station, Broome, (2) 73
Pilbara 149
Plane in the Kimberleys 359
Pioneers 230
Morgan Camp, Broome 68
Mrs. Thomas Bird (Selina Reynolds) 270
Mt. Fisher Homestead 49
Old Headland Harbour 24
Roebuck Hotel, Broome 71
Shark Bay 130, 152, 229
Shaw River, 1955 23
Snook family 306
Stove, Dave (at his grandfather's grave) 49
Sun Pictures 70
Watson and Tee, Roebourne 258

main index



   Page No.
Andover Station 212, 268, 269
Anjo Peninsula 210
Anna Plains Station 46, 65, 361
Argyle Station (Lake Argyle) 59, 242-246
Ashburton Downs Station 129
Auvergne Station 243, 244
Balla Balla Station 128, 212
Balmoral Station 212
Bamboo Springs 262
Beagle Bay Mission Station 62, 110, 111
Bedford Downs 172
Benedictine Mission 157
Ben Moore Station 53
Bidgimia Station 213
Billabong Station 273-278
Boodarie Station 80
Boodarry Station 212
Borraning Station 259
Boyadine Farm 215
Breaker Inlet 264, 266
Broome 17
Bullita 244
Butcher's Inlet 264
Canarvan Common 310
Cape Lambert 264
Cape Leveque 193
Cape Londonderry 208
Cardabia Station 309
Cawte, John 157, 158, 159
Cavanagh, Senator 159
Chirrita Station 53, 212, 262
Cockatoo Island 153-156, 175
Coongan Hotel 35, 310
Coongan Station 294, 351
Cooya Pooya Station 53, 212
Country Downs Station 193
Croydon Station 212
Cuddingwarra 231
Curunna Downs 342
Dead Fish Mine 231
De Grey Station 75, 80, 212, 294, 350, 351
Derby Native Hospital 232
Dig Down 267
Dirk Hartog Island 262
Diversiorr Dam 17
Doorawarrah Station 309
Dunham Station 59
Edagee Station 310
Etterick Station 214
Exmouth Gulf Station 279
Fantrome Leprosarium 222
Faure Island 232
Flora Valley Station 88, 288
Fossil Downs Station 344
Gabyon Station 31
Gallop House 215
Gibb River Station 172
Gnaraloo Station 310
Gnaweed Station 33
Graham Moore Island 208, 210
Hamelin Pool Station 310, 341
Hamersley Station 212
Hanover Bay 292
Harris' Well 106
Harvey P.O.W. Camp 90
Hillside (Swan River) 262
Inrhanuna Station 212
Ivanhoe Station 242, 342
Jarman Island 264
Jimba Jimbo Station 118
John Flynn Cottage 284
Jubilee Mine 311
Kalumburu 157-160, 207-210
Kalumburu Mission 339
Kambomeri Creek 207
Karratha Station 212, 261-262
Kunmunya Mission Station 175, 177
Kununurra 17, 196
Koolan Island 153, 175, 283
Lake Argyle 246
Lake Ingedarna (Boolu Boolu) 296
Leisure Island 208
Leura Farm 240
Lombardina Mission 88
Longagni Mission 208
Mallina Station 193, 212, 262, 351
Mandora Station 43
Mangrove Harbour (Port Headland) 264
Marble Bar 17, 19
Mardi Station 126, 127, 212, 262, 341, 351
Margaret River Station 62
Marron Station 310
Mary Island 210
Mauds Landing 309
Mia Mia Station 27
Midgengadge Pool 355
Millstream Station 212, 236, 261, 292
Minderoo Station 236, 252, 254, 341
Minilya Station 341
Moola Boola Station 288
Moogoorie Station 309
Mowanjum 177, 182
Mount Bruce 195
Mt. Anderson Station 48, 111
Mt. Fisher Station 49, 53, 212
Mt Florence Station 212, 294
Mt. House 172
Mt. James Station 102
Mt. Sandiman Station 270
Mt. Welcome Station 53, 125, 212, 260-262, 351
Muccan Station 80
Mulga Downs Station 212, 215
Mulyie Station 81, 214
Mulloobulla Station 88
Mundabullangana Station 212, 350
Nanny Goat Hill 128
Nerren Nerren Station 270
New Norcia 207
Newry Station 243
Nguelerengue 209
Ningbing Station 88
Nookenbah Station 342
Nullagine 311
Nulla Nulla Station 59
Obagoma Station 75
Oakabella Station 127
Outward Bound Gold Mine 311
Pago Mission 207, 208
Palm Springs Mission 222
Pardoo Station 75, 341, 351
Parrawagine Station 75
Pilbrara 19
Point Larry 264
Polelle Station 41
Poodinah Hotel 35
Port George the Fourth 175
Port Headland 17
Port Samson 283
Poverty Point 310
Pyramid Station 53, 80, 123, 124, 212, 294, 351, 352
Roebuck Bay 295, 296, 340, 342
Running Waters 355
Shaw Station 75
Shay Gap 365
Sherlock Station 51, 193, 212, 260-262, 351
Snake Creek 243
Springs Station 212
Springwood Mission 222
Sunday Island Mission 176, 182
Tableland Station 172
Tallboys Rock 224
Tambery Station 212
Tangwell Station 212
Telyarup Station 80
Thangoo Station 89, 110
Thursday Island 225
Tianola 224
Tien Tsin Harbour (Cossack) 264, 265, 266, 267
Turkey Creek 291
Uaroo Station 275
Vansittart Bay 210
Victoria River Station 88, 244
Wahroonga Station 309
Wallal Downs Station 31-46, 355, 361
Wandagee Station 83, 341
Wandering Mission 222
Warralong Station 80, 311
Warrambie Station 51, 53, 294, 349, 352
Warrawagine Station 65, 80, 214, 310, 350
Wave Hill 17
Whim Creek 128, 341
White Peak Station 31
Williambury Station 101-108
Windjana Gorge 176
Winning Pool Station 278
Wittenoom 17
Woodbrook Station 49, 212, 261
Woodley Station 270
Wooramel 341
Wyndham School 219
Yallalong Station 274
Yampi Sound 215
Yandyarra Station 212
Yaringa Station 309
Yarraloola Station 341
Yarrie Station 294
Yuin Station 237
Yule Station 75

main index



  Page No.
Adams, Dr. 58
Adams, Long Tom 28
Ahmat, L. 284
Albert, Mr. 269
Anderson, A.W. 75
Anderson, Alexander 81
Anderson, Alexander Edwin (1835-1887) 76, 78, 80, 81, 82, 294, 349
Anderson, Hedley 81
Anderson, Henry 81
Anderson, Keith 309
Anderson, Janet 81
Anderson, May 80
Anderson, Ross 81, 82
Anderson, Thomas 81
Anderson, Thomas 76
Anderson, Thomas Alexander 81
Andrews, Mr. 78
Andriske, Laurie 138, 250
Angelo, Edward 247
Angelo, Mayor Alex 240
Angelo, Colonel 193
Anketell, Mr. 82
Anketell, Thomas(1___-1885) 122, 123, 124, 126
Annie 35
Armstrong, Francis Gow 231
Armstrong, Fred (son of Francis) 231
Armstrong, Lillian (daughter of Francis) 231
Atkins & Wright 191
Atkinson, Sydney 287, 288
Attlee, Clement 199
Baddely, Dr. and Mrs. 155
Baddeleg, Mr. 345
Banks, A.H., Lieut Commander 37
Bardwell, Beresford 221
Bardwell, Bernard 221
Bardwell, G. E. 74
Bardwell, Jane 74
Bardwell, P. 221
Baker, Bob 303, 333
Barker, W.H. 247
Barron-Hay, Mr. 345
Barrett, Irma 285
Barrett, Willie 171
Barrigal 268
Baston, George 83
Bates, Daisy 118
Battye, J.S. 247
Bayer, Con and Mrs. 155
Beasley, Harold 33
Beauvais, John (1846-1___ ) 76, 78
Bennett, General Gordon 279, 340, 344
Bentley, Mollie 122
Berry, Hon G.W. (M.L.C.) 83
Bevan, Ernest 199
Bevan, Frederick 123, 124, 125
Bell, Rev. 17
Bickerton, Arthur 23, 143
Bickerton, Lesleigh 23
Bickerton, Marjorie 23
Bickerton, Robert 23
Billy 268
Binamid, Rosa (nee Roe) 110
Bin Sali, Lockie 93, 94
Bird, Alfred (1863-1896) 106
Bird, Ann May (1909-1___ ) 270
Bird, Barbara (1916-1975) 270
Bird, Della (1916-1984) 270
Bird, Lucille Maud (nee WALKER) (1882-1955) 270
Bird, Louisa Margaret (1907-1988) 270
Bird, Maude (1910-1971) 270
Bird, Percy 310
Bird, Robert (1875-1956) 270
Bird, Samuel (1867-1936) 270
Bird, Selina (nee Reynolds) (1838-1915) 270
Bird, Thomas (1833-1885) 83, 270
Birdy 84-85
Blount, Dr. B. 295
Booty, F.C. 288
Booty, Mr. 62
Bosniak, Jenny 54, 360
Bradley, Eliza Augusta (wife of Christopher Coppin) 365
Bradley, Syd 172
Bradshaw, Mrs. 155
Brand, Sir David 142
Brearley, N. 118
Brennan, Martin 79
Broadhurst, H. 80
Brown, Dan 264, 265, 266
Brown, Sir Harry 337
Brown, Maitland 296
Browning, Agnes 81
Buchanan, Nat 19
Bunbury, Amelia (nee PRIES) 103
Bunbury, Mervyn Corry Richardson (1___-1910) 102, 106, 107, 108
Bunbury, Saint Pierre 102
Burgess, Lockier Clere (1814-1929) 212
Burrup, Henry Thomas Wood (1___-1885) 122, 123, 124, 126
Burrup, Margaret (wife of Henry Thomas) 122
Burrup, John W. 122
Butte family 290
Button, Bob 19
C.W.A. 283 - 286
Cabassi, J. 55
Callwell, Arthur 199
Campbell, Ann May (nee Bird) (1909-1___ ) 270
Campbell, Jack (1895-1970) 270
Campbell, Max 311
Campbell, Mrs. 270
Campbell, Noble 351
Cassidy, C.T. 162, 172, 220, 254
Castledine, Vera 171, 228
Catalan, Right Reverend Anselm 207
Charles, Mrs. (1912-1___ ) 87
Chi, Jimmy (1903-1___ ) 90, 91
Chi, John 90
Chifley, J.B. 199, 288, 338, 345
Choate, Alec 174, 210
Church, J. 230
Churnside, Maggie 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73
Clark, Bert 255
Clark, Tommy 88
Clarke, Ida 284
Clarke, Mr. 83
Clarkson, J. & R. 212
Clifton, Mrs. G. 263
Cochram, E.A. 351
Colebatch, Sir Hal (1872-1953) 118, 269, 279, 287, 287, 290
Cole Family 219
Collier, P. 290
Collins, C. 83
Connor, Mr. 269
Conway, Mr. 266
Cook, Solomon 231
Cooper, Mr. 237, 338
Cooper, Mrs. 284
Coppin, Christopher 294, 365
Coppin, Eliza Augusta (nee BRADLEY) (1___-1870) 365
Coppin, Elsie 294
Coppin, Eleanor 314
Coppin, Shea (daughter of Christopher) 365
Coppin, Miller (daughter of Christopher) 365
Corbett, M. 80
Corbett, Mick 80
Corney, S.A. 80
Cornish, Hamilton 126
Cornish, Richard 66
Cosgrove, Mr. 338, 345
Cowther, C. 83
Crake, Mrs. 119
Crawford, Barbara (nee BIRD) (1916-1975) 270
Crawford, Jim (1914-1___ ) 270
Crawford, Mrs. 284
Crawford, R.M. 236
Cream, Alf 276
Cream, Bill 213
Cresswell, Norah 153
Croaker, Sam 19
Crockett, Robert J. 47, 48
Cross, Mark 224
Cross, Miss 224
Cubero, Father F. 207,208, 210
Curley, Ken 174
Curtin, John (1___-1945) 196, 199, 338, 342
Cusack, H. 212
D'Antoine, Ginger 209
D'Arcy, Mrs 284
Danglow, Rabbi J. 199
Darling, Linda 205
Darling, Mr. 77, 78
Davidson, Douglas 344
Davidson, George 33
Davies, Lloyd 163
Davis, Albert 35
Davis, Lieutenant Beau 343
Davis, Edgar 230
Dean, Mrs. Phillis 345
De Lacy, L. 354
De Marchi, Jenny 307
De Biasi, Sue and Dario 280
Dempster, Rona 283
Diamond, Charles 287
Dixon, Mr. 268
Dodd 150
Doig, Mr. Ralph 343, 345
Dougall (Dugald) 264, 265, 267
Doyle, Harry 27
Du Crane, Lieutenant 262
Duke of Windsor 215
Dunstan, Mr. 338, 345
Durack, Eric (son of Patrick B.) 242
Durack, Family 195, 290
Durack, Kimberley 290, 291, 292
Durack, Michael P. (brother of Patrick) 242, 287, 290, 291
Durack, Patrick B. 242
Durack, Patsy 59
Durack-Miller, Mary (Dame) 19, 64, 151, 156, 295
Durlacher, Emma 127
Dwyer, Bert 244
Dwyer, Mrs. Mollie 156
Eaton, Richard Thomas 125
Edgar, Alexander William 78, 80, 83, 237
Edgar, David 76
Edgar, Felix 223
Edgar, Ian 75
Edgar, John (1846-1___ ) 75, 76, 78, 294
Edgar, James Hunter 80
Edgar, James 80
Edgar, Mary 223
Edney, Harry 128, 129
Egan, G.F. 240
Eggleston, Captain Jack 139, 339, 340
Ellery, Mrs. 285
Ellies, Charles (son of T.B.) 225
Ellies, T.B. 225
Ellies, William (son of T.B.) 225
Elliott, H.G. 337
Elliott, John 76
Elliott, Samuel B.L. 122, 126, 127
Eversen, Lillian (nee Armstrong) 231
Ewin, Rev. G. 233
Fairbairn, Magistrate 104
Falk, Rabbi 199
Farrell, J.J. 339, 343
Farveit, Mr. 118
Father Francis 222
Fenton, Dr. 210
Finnerty, J.H. 83
Fisher, Daisy Victoria (1894-1___ ) 51
Fisher, Eliza (nee Strange) (1857-1___ ) 49, 51
Fisher, Fanny (nee Hancock) (1848-1927) 261
Fisher, George (1836-1879) 49, 212, 261
Fisher, Jack (John Strange) (1880-1___ ) 51
Fisher, James (1842-1899) 49, 51
Fitzgerald, John Bryan 76
Fitzpatrick, Jack 276
Fletcher, Kevin Andrew 359
Flinders, Charles Edward (Justice of the Peace) 58, 59
Flinders, Bill (son of Charles) 61
Fogerty, Mick 276
Fong Fan 219
Foot, C.K.L. 293
Forde, F.B. 199
Forrest, Andrew 358
Forrest, Jane-Marie 241
Forrest, John 82
Foss, C.V.D. (Magistrate) 104, 117
Fraser, Donald 137
Fraser, R. 212
Fraser, Victor 100
French, Charlie 309
Frewer, Bishop (1883-1977) 64
Frost, Charles 287
Fuller, Hector 244
Gable, Glen 282
Gable, Neville 96, 200, 214
Galbraith 31, 35, 37
Gale, C. 83
Gale, Richard 83
Gallop, Sarah 215
Gardiner, Charles A. 195
Gee family 297
Gee, Sarah 297
Geisler, Professor Walter 292
Geyer, H.B. 247
Ghosts of Roebourne 300-302
Gibbons, Pierce 83
Gibbons, Richard 83
Gil, Father Thomas 207, 209
Gilbert, Della (nee BIRD) (1916-1984) 270
Gilbert, Walter (1915-1964) 270
Gilchrist, Archibald 247
Gill, Con (1___-1955) 151
Gillman, Arthur 230
Gillman, Henry 230
Gilray, Mr. 124, 125
Glascow, Nurse (Louisa Mary McGuire GLASCOW) 270
Glaskin, G. 363
Goldwyer, Police Constable 296
Gooch, G. Gordon (1893-1___ ) 83
Gooch, G.J. (George Joseph) (1858-1923) 83, 106
Goode, Mrs. Mabel 283, 286
Goonack, Buru 183
Grant, McKenzie 75, 76, 78, 80, 294
Grant, Mrs. Haxton 283
Gratte, Daphne 49, 212, 237
Gray, Dwyer 338
Gray, Tommy 361
Green, E.S. 247
Green, Harry 268
Gregory, Captain Ancell 221
Gregory, Frank (Francis) T. 76, 259, 263
Grey, Sir George 292
Gullen, Mrs. 284
Hack, Ralph 65
Hall, Anderton 125, 212
Hall, Aubrey 263
Hall, Ernest 51
Hall, H.E. 263
Hall, Mrs. (wife of Anderton) 125
Hall, William Shakespeare (1___-1895) 259, 263, 266, 267, 268, 269
Halse, Joan 285
Hamilton, Charles 17
Hamilton, John 17
Hamilton, Roy A. (b.1925) 17
Hammersley, Louisa 214
Hammersley, Vernon 287
Hammond, Bob 118
Hampton, Governor 231
Hancock, Dick 129
Hancock, Emma Mary (1842-1928) 259
Hancock, Fanny Louisa (1848-1927) 259
Hancock, George Everet (1865-1930) 129, 215
Hancock, John Frederick (1841-1902) 129, 212, 259
Hancock, Lang (son of George) 129, 215
Hancock, Mrs. 128
Hancock, Valston (Sir) 129
Hanlon, Mr. 345
Hardie, Cecil 83
Hardie, Jenny 255, 312
Hardie, Frank 311
Hardie, T.A. (Thomas Anderson) 80
Harding, Mr. 267, 296
Harley, Mrs. 283
Harper, Charles 75, 78
Harper, Julian 125
Harris, Maggie 321, 234
Harrison, Mr. 125
Harrison, Mrs. 208
Hasluck, Sir Paul 263, 269
Hawke, A.R.G. (Bert) 196
Hawley, A.I. 365
Hay, Mr. 59
Haynes, Dr. A.R. (1___-1949) 225
Haynes, Jean 139, 221
Haynes, Mrs. (1___-1927) 225
Haywood, Rona 286
Hedland, Capt. Peter 78, 263, 264, 269
Hensman, A.P. 125
Henty, Francis 75
Henty, S.G. 76
Hershell, Mr. 235
Hickenbotham, James Arthur (1898-1983) 270
Hickenbotham, Louisa (nee BIRD) (1907-1988) 270
Hicks, H. 212
Higgins, Lilian (wife of J.P. Higgins) 283
Higgins, J.P. 283
Hills, Jack (1906-1___ ) 309-310
Hills, Jessie (nee JONES) 311
Hobler, Mr. 287
Hogg, Phil 311
Holt, Harold E. 211
Holt, Zara (wife of Harold E.) 211
Hooley, Mr. 77, 78
Horton, John 66
Hoult, G.B. (Mac) (1894-1___ )(son of William J.) 231
Hoult, Jervis William 231
Hoult, William Jervis (son of Jervis William) 231
Howard, Mrs. Thord 285
Howard, Walter 83
Howard-Wright, Miriam 299
Howe, Alan 136, 335
Howlett, A. 212
Hudson, Nancy 99, 143
Hughes, Billy 240
Hunt, C.C. 78, 264, 265, 266
Hurley, Mrs. 284
Hyams, Fred 230
Indephosus, Brother 209
Inglis, Alexander James 107, 108
Inglis, Clifford 107, 108
Inglis, James 107, 108
Inglis, Mrs. 103
Irvine, Capt. 236
Iverson, Bill 91, 92
Jacky 39, 268
Jacob, Mr. 104
Jager, Mrs. 285
James, Charlie 276
James, Dave 48
Jarman, Capt. 264, 266
Jeffery, Don 171
Johnson, Phil 305
Johnson, W.D. 197, 198
Johnston, P.A. 304
Jones, Dan 239, 240
Jones, Daphne 56, 84, 120, 161, 168, 216, 248
Jones, Jessie 311
Jones, W. 264
Juan, John 232
Kaino 307
Keane, Senator 338
Kennedy, H. 139
Kennedy, H.K. Herbert (1882-1976) 223
Kennedy, Isabell Margaret (1___-1926) 223
Kennedy, Jim 139
Kennedy, Jim (son of H.K.H.) 223
Kennedy, Nellie (1___-1924) 223
Kennedy, T.H. 139
Kevan, Harold 33
Kidd, A.A. 240
King Moolligunn 268, 269
King, Reg 33, 43, 46
King, W.K. 247
Kinniment, Mr. 292
Kirby, Bob 109, 295
Kirby, Mary Rose 109, 110
Kirwan, Mr. 276
Knight, Rupert Leonard Towell 222
Knox, John 88, 89
Koonamurra, Larry 176
Lacy, Annabel 39
Lacy, Arthur 31
Lacy, Edward Frederick 31
Lacy, Edward P.C. 31, 32, 33, 41
Lacy, Grace 31
Lacy, Harley M.P. 31-46, 355, 356, 361
Lacy, Mary 35, 355
Lacy, Wyndham 31
Laing, Mr. 268
Lamond, Henry C. 113
Langley, Dick 329
Larkin, P. 349
Larman, Jessie 144, 170, 353
Laughton, Valerie 18, 336
Law, Mr. 123
Law, Mrs. 125
Lawton, Kevin 87, 145
Lee, Mick 320
Lewer, C.J. 309
Lewis, Essington 337
Lawley, Sir Arthur 287
Lawrence, Sergeant 124, 125
Lee Tong 219
Leete, Jim and Nell 39
Lefty 214
Lewell, Mr. 83
Lewington, Edward (Ted) 263, 267, 268, 269
Lind, Mr. 338
Locke, Arthur 230
Locke, Barbara 193
Locke, Barry 193
Locke, Ray 193
Lockyer, Jean 284
Long, Mr. 247
Male, A. S., O.B.E. (1901-1976) 223
Male, Phyllis (nee QUIGLEY) 223
Mannion, Mrs. 310
Mannix, Dr. (Archbishop of Melbourne) 199
Martin, Reg 118
Matheson, Harold (Captain) 55
MacArthur, General 279, 293
Mackintosh, Mr. 104
MacNeil, Mr. 83
Madigan, Jean 284
Marshall, W. 343
Mason, Gordon 186, 238, 293
Matsdorf, Dr. 195, 196, 198, 199
Maughan, Marjorie 285
Mawson, Sir Douglas 311
Maxsted, R.S. 46
McAdam, Frank 33
McArthur, J. 18, 105, 167, 218, 315, 336
McClean, K. 212
McCloud, David 212
McCloud, Sergeant 210
McCormick, Dorothy 33
McCourt, J. 264, 266, 267, 268, 269
McDaniel, Daniel 221, 308
McDaniel, Mrs P. (nee BARDWELL) 221
McDonald, Pat 143, 172, 308
McDonald, William 344
McEwen, John 196
McFarlane, S.G. 338
McGlew, Aubrey 64
McKay Brothers 212, 350
McKay, Donald 350
McKay, Roderick 350
McKay, Sam 350
McKell, Mr. 338
McKenna, Dick 61
McKenzie, T. 212
McLarty 55
McLarty, Ross 55, 289
McLeod, Mr. 77
McLeod, Agnus 30
McRae, A. 124, 212
McRae, Alex 230
McRae, Duncan 230
McRae, Roderick 123, 124
Mead, R.P. 108
Meares, D. 294
Meares, Dorothy Eleanor (nee ROBINSON) 294
Meares, Emily (nee WITHNELL) 51, 294
Meares, E.G. 351
Meares family 352
Meares, Henry 230
Meares, John Goldsmith 51, 294
Meares, Judith 53
Meares, Sherlock (Sherly) Henty Goldsmith 53, 294, 351
Meares, Richard 294
Melrose, John 107, 108
Millar, Isabell Margaret 223
Millington, Dr. A.J. 295
Miles, Alex (son of George W.) 215
Miles, Captain William Warden 215
Miles, Cyclone (daughter of William) 215
Miles, Don 99
Miles, George (son of George W.) 215, 287, 291
Miles, Hon. George W. (son of William) 215, 339
Miles, Sylvia Cyclone (daughter of George W.) 215
Millar, Les 311
Miller. Lieutenant 209
Miller, Les and Edith 39
Miller, Horrie 43, 64
Millington, Deputy 345
Millington, Dr. John 195
Milner, H. 222
Mitchell, Ernest 237
Mitchell, Major 344
Mitchell, Sir James 195, 290, 343
Molloy, Colonel 102
Monger, J.H. 83
Monks, Geoff 256
Moolarvie, Reggie 29, 173, 362
Moore, Norma 286
Moore, W. D. 232
Morgan Family 290
Morrell, J. 117
Morrissey, Mr. 237
Mosso, Dr. 210
Mother Mary Ignatius (1888-1978) 222
Mount, Mr. 77
Mowaljarlai, Turkai 182
Moynes, Grace (wife of William) 297
Moynes, William 297
Muggleton, Mr. 290
Muramatt, Mr. 172
Mudoch, Colenel J.K. 233
Murdoch, Professor Walter 236, 293
Mullen, Stanley 361
Murphy, Bluey 309
Murphy, Police Sergeant 213
Murray, Mr. 77, 78
Murray, Peter R. 46
Murray, Vin 230
Nairn, Charles (1835-1867) 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269
Nairn, Mr. 78
Nankiville, Blanche Edith 31
Newdegate, Sir Francis 287
Nicholson, John 287
Nixon, Marion 22
Norfolk, Pat 211
Norman, Wing Commander A.P. 233
Norman, H. 223
Norman, Hugh Davis (1857-1___ ) 225
Norman, Margaret (nee Robinson) 225
Norris, Fred 273
Norris, F.T. 273
Nulsen, Mr. 343
O'Connell, David (Sergeant of Police) 124, 125
O'Connell, John (son of David) 125
O'Donnell, Mr. 290
O'Halloran, Police Constable 210
O'Meeham, Dr. 124, 126
Okes, Mr. 291
Onslow, Sir Alexander (Chief Justice) 122, 124
Ovens, Len 302
Overheu, Mr. 59
Owen, T.E. 340
Owen, Warden Lambden 191
Padbury, Walter 75, 76, 80, 263, 264, 265
Paddy the Whistler 273
Padre, A.I.M 17
Panter, Reverend Frederick Downes 295
Panter, Frederick Kennedy (1836-1864) 295, 296
Parker, Edwin Foley (Rev.)(1___-1885) 123
Patmore, R.S. 251
Paton, Mr. 343
Patterson, Fred 230
Patterson, George 126, 290
Patterson, Jess 284
Peart, Mr. 233
Pederick, Mrs. Jessie 284
Pell, Olive 250
Penna, Bob 302
Penna, Ruby 83, 114, 138, 194
Percy, J.B. 108
Percy, Jenny 101
Percy, Rachel 101
Perez, Fr. Eugene 157, 346
Perry, S.W. (O.B.E.) 293
Phillips, Mr. 118
Pidgeon 176
Piesse, Charles 289
Pigott, Ron 297
Pilcher, Bishop 199
Pipe 31, 35, 37
Platt, Charlotte 129
Platt, Fred 129
Platt, Hettie 129
Platt, Mrs. 124, 125
Playford, Mr. 338, 345
Pratt, Rosemary 109
Price, Bill 235
Pries, Amelia 102, 103
Prince of Wales 215
Pollard, Mr. 266
Powell, Mollie 284
Pumphrey, Joe 268
Purser, F.I. 232, 233
Quigley, Phyllis 223
Quilty, Tom 113
Raible, Bishop 62
Ramage, Andrew 131
Redfern, Mr. 104
Reid, Under Treasurer 345
Reynolds, K.J. 339
Reynolds, Selina (1838-1915) (wife of T. Bird) 270
Richardson, A.E. 263
Richardson, Alexander Robert (1846-1___ ) 76, 78
Richardson, Edward 77, 212
Richardson, Harry 66,
Richardson, J.E. (1844-1___ ) 76, 78
Richardson, R. 212
Ridley, S. (Government Surveyor) 264, 265, 266, 269
Riley, Jim 171
Roberts, Mrs. W.A. 236
Roberts, Neroli 85, 202, 247, 257, 298
Robinson, Dorothy Eleanor 53, 294
Robinson, Elsie (nee Coppin) 294
Robinson, J.F.G. (husband of Elsie) 294, 351
Robinson, Margaret 225
Robinson, Mr. 212
Robinson, W. & A. 212
Roche, J.J. 108
Roe, Paddy 92, 93
Roe, Rosa 110
Roe, Septimus (Surveyor General) 262
Ross, Captain 76
Rowan, Fane 83
Rowe, Superintendent 123, 125
Rowell, Robert M. 46
Rowley, Donovan 95, 130, 152, 189, 229
Rubin family 351
Rubins, Mark 78, 80, 221
Rutherford, Mrs. 263
Sadler, Scotty 172
Saffert, Dave 145
Saltmarsh, Mr. 107
Samson, L. 76
Samson, M. 264
San Qui 123-126
Sanz, Fr. S. 207
Scadden, Mrs. 139
Scholl, H. 212
Seabrook, John and Eva 53, 212
Seabrook, John Edward Hugh 53
Selby, Mr. 145
Selsmark, Mary (nee LACY) 355, 361
Shanks, Mrs. 284
Sharman, Mrs. 263
Sharpe, P. 284
Shewell, Mrs. 284
Shiner, Pat 271
Shipley, V. M. 86, 136, 201
Sholl, H. & R. 212
Sholl, R. J. 261
Simpson, D. 212
Simpson, Archdeacon Henry Wood 64, 365
Singh, Kam 28
Sister Debbie 155
Sivert, G. 264, 268
Smirnoff, Ivan 87
Smith, Sir Charles Kingsford 28, 41, 118, 175, 309
Somerset, Charles 31, 33
Sorenson, Jack 28
Spencer, Ida (M.B.E.) 284
Snook, Alderman George (1___-1887) 306
Snook, Charles (son of George and Sarah) 306
Snook, Dora (daughter of George and Sarah) 306
Snook, George (son of Alderman George) 306
Snook, George (1907-1___ ) (son of George & Sarah) 306
Snook, Lily (wife of George Jnr.) 306
Snook, Sarah Ann (nee Zeddi) 306
Stanley, Jack 230
Stansfield, F.C. (1910-1942) 208
Steinberg, Dr. Isaac 195-199, 292
Stevens, Inger 145
Stevens, Mr. 124, 125
Stewart, Mrs. 219
Strand, Mick 118
Stroud, Mrs. 284
Stirling, Ned 33
Strange, Eliza (1857-1___ ) 49, 51
Stevenson, J. 337
Stewart, J.L. 350, 351
Stove, Daisy 230
Stove, Douglas 294
Stove, Judith (nee MEARES) (wife of Douglas) 53, 294, 349
Stove, Kay 294
Stove, Kim 294
Stove, Percy William 53, 230
Stove, Tom 230
Stuart, Donald 203, 316
Stubbs, Sydney 287, 288
Summerville, Jenny 226, 314, 327
Swallish, Bob 107
Tallboys, Captain Harry 223, 224
Tallboys, Douglas 224
Tallboys, Hilda (nee Ulrich) 224
Tallboys, Mrs (nee Cross) 224
Taylor, Professor Griffith 292
Taylor, Judith 262
Taylor, N. 285
Taylor, N.W. 262
Taylor, W. 266
Teesdale, F.W. 239
Temperton, W.D. 166
Thornett, Frank 66
Thomas, Father 207, 208
Thomas, William (Police Constable) 125
Tommy 267
Tonkin, Mr. 343
Thomson, James G. (1896-1961) 270
Thomson, Maude (nee Bird) 270
Thompson, Cecilia 314
Thompson, Frank 351
Thompson, Mike 320
Trigg, A.E. 232
Trower, Bishop 64
Troy, Agnes 284
Troy, Lucy 284
Troy, Paddy 276
Troy, Police Constable 104
Truscott, Squadron Leader K.W. (Bluey) 232, 233
Truslove, Ada Grace (daughter of Henry & Sarah) 297
Truslove, Alice (daughter of Walter & Sarah) 297
Truslove, Arthur (son of Henry & Sarah) 297
Truslove, Henry 297
Truslove, Hilda (daughter of Walter & Sarah) 297
Truslove, Laura (daughter of Walter & Sarah) 297
Truslove, Sarah (nee Gee) 297
Truslove, Walter (brother of Henry) 297
Truslove, Walter (son of Henry & Sarah) 297
Truslove, William (son of Henry & Sarah) 297
Tucker, Mr. 269
Turner, James 264, 265, 266
Turner, Mrs. 285
Ulrich, Hilda 224
Umbagai, Mrs. Elkin 175
Utemorrah, Daisy 177
Valentine, Sylvia Cyclone (nee Miles) 215
Valli, Jack 232
Veen, Mrs. 285
Vickers, Dr. Alan 311
Vickers, Bert (Frosty) 213
Vickers, F.B. 27, 114, 213
Viveash, S. 212
Waite, Diana 25
Wake, Leofric 33
Walcott, R. 102
Waldeck, Joe 276
Walsh, Frank 230
Walsh, Gladys 222
Warburton, Charles 123, 124, 125
Watson, Wilkie 247
Wayne, John 88
Wedge, F. & J. 212
Wellard, John 259, 263, 266, 267, 268
Welsh, F.R. 339
Welsh, Frank 65
Welsh, Mrs. Frank 283
Wheelock, Charles 83
White, Colonel Thomas 196
White, Mrs. Mary 283
Wildman, Mr. 295
Willcock, Mr. John 340, 341, 343, 344, 345
Willcox, J. 290
Willock, J.C. 197, 198, 341
Wilson, Frank 288
Windey 104
Windmark, Richard 145
Wise, Hon. F.J.S. 58, 195, 196, 290, 337, 343, 345
Wise, Frank 61, 340
Wise, Mr. 338, 340
Withnell, Billy 51
Withnell, Emma Mary (J.P.) (nee Hancock) 259, 268, 286, 294, 314
Withnell, Emily 51, 294
Withnell family 351
Withnell, George (1860-1___ ) 259
Withnell, Jim 230
Withnell, Jimmy 193, 351
Withnell, John (1825-1899) 193, 212, 237, 259, 268, 269, 294
Withnell, Mrs. 215
Withnell, Robert (brother of John) 259
Withnell, Robert Harding De Witt (1864-1___ ) 193, 261
Withnell-Taylor, Mrs Nancy 97, 184, 190, 191, 258, 259, 282
Wittenoom, Frank 31, 212
Wongabiddy 104
Woods, Jimmy 43
Wooldridge, Roy 220, 360
Worrumarra, Banjo 185
Wozniak, Alex 148, 149, 318, 319, 326
Wrenn, John 350
Wright, Hon. John Arthur 191
Wyndham, Geoffrey 33
Young, Roy 107
Zeddie, Charles 126
Zeddie, Sarah Ann 306

main index



  Page No.
Aerial 80
Arabella 65
Australind 224
Babmra 64, 139, 236
Beagle 128
Beroona 141
Boogalla 141
Britannia 143
Bullara 255
Caroline 297
Cerberus 295
Charon 221, 236
Chungking 139, 207, 340
Collier 302
Coombah 310
Delamere 139
Denman 141
Dongara 141
Dorrigo 139, 141
Douglas 77, 224
Dulverton 139, 141
Emma 269
Eucla 139, 221
Exmouth 273, 278
Flowerdale 123
Fortuna 224
Gayundah 224
Gladys 224
Harriet 224
Hazel 310
Hilda 222
Jenny 222
Kabbarli 139, 141
Kangaroo 139
Kangaroo II 141
Karrakatta 224
Katalinas 209
Kaylesford 141
Keander Bux 221
Kestral 78
Kimberley 141
Koala 207, 209
Kookarra 139
Koolama I 139, 339, 343
Koolama II 139, 141, 207, 208
Koolinda 17, 139, 141, 142, 207, 244, 310, 311, 339
Koombana 222, 255
Kormoran 142
Kwinana 139
Kybra 139, 141, 143
Macedon 82
Main 32
Maitai 222
Manoora 207
Maria Ross 76
Marra 141
Mary Anne 215
Mary Smith 123
Mavis 224
Mindaroo 27, 309
Mist 225
Moa 207
Mongolia 139
Murtle Olga 207
Mystery 77, 78, 264, 265, 266, 268, 269
Nicol Bay 31, 37, 55
Nyanda 141
Otway 123
Parramatta 221
Paroo 310
Patricia Ca. 207
Rob Roy 82
Rozelle 302
Sanford 141
Sea Ripple 259
Sian 82
Skerne 297
Spinaway 215
Stag 261
Sydney 142
Tien Tsin 76, 264, 265, 266, 267
Thistle 75
Una 139, 143
Wangara 141
Wambiri 141
Watt Legatt 176
Western Australia 139, 221
Worcester 279
Yarra 221

main index

Nov 1, 2001